20 Dire Situation Revealed (1/2)
Having Nathan personally escorting them, the squad made their way into the guest area of the village's barracks. The barracks was not very big at all, and the guest area only had enough room for the four of them to be comfortable.
”You all can rest here tonight before you all head back to the city. However, I would like to ask my little cousin to accompany me for some time. I hope that you can understand?” Nathan asked as the group started to unpack their belongings.
Seeing that Nathan was not quite looking for a response, the squad just nodded their heads in approval as Martin and Nathan left the guest quarters.
”So uncle, what do you need to discuss with me? You seem a little nervous and out of place.” Martin told Nathan once they were out of the barracks and in a secluded area.
”Martin, I do not wish for you to leave this village tomorrow to head towards the city. I might even go as far as using force if need be.” turning towards Martin, Nathan replied with a stern expression on his face.
Feeling confused by Nathan's words, Martin tried to think about why he would have such an expression. Unable to come up with an answer, Martin began to ask Nathan some questions.
”Uncle, you have never treated me in this way as to even prevent me from traveling back to the safety of our household. What is going on where you do not want me even in the city?” asked Martin as he still remained rather relaxed.
Though they were technically cousins, Nathan had helped Martin while he was growing up. Because of this, Martin and Nathan felt closer to each other when compared to even others in their households.
Seeing Nathan being so stern towards him, Martin felt a level of fear. Nathan, though had a noble and righteous aura, would be more carefree and relaxed towards Martin. For Nathan to change his attitude without any warning, Martin couldn't help but to feel that something was seriously wrong.
”Not just our household, but the whole city is in danger of being annihilated very soon. The orcs in the mountains, have finally merged into a single entity. Usually, we wouldn't be paying much attention to the orc tribes since they would always be fighting among themselves.”
”This had all changed once a powerful leader of an orc tribe showed itself. Since last year, each of the orc tribes would individually fall to its hands and would declare their loyalty towards it as their one true leader. Right now, they have not shown much interest in attacking the city, but, it seems as if one of the alliances within the city might be colliding with them.”
”You should understand by now that the reason monster waves have appeared more frequently over these past few years, has been due to the orc tribes pushing them out of their homes. If it was not for those damnable orcs, warriors like me, wouldn't have to travel so far away in order to protect villages like this one. Instead, villages such as the one we are in, would be able to prosper over time!”