19 Meeting Nathan Again (1/2)
Making their way back to the village that Leo started his journey in, the four member squad started to feel even closer to each other.
Though, they were all under sixteen years old, they were able to make another squad retreat. Leo felt that their squad would have been defeated, but, due to his potions, they were able to create a situation that was not ideal for Jacob's squad.
”Do not worry about us Leo, as far as Jacob is concerned, him and I are enemies and always will be. His household was not as well off as ours and seeing my family supporting me with gifts like this amazing suit of armor, made him jealous.” Martin started to explain as they made their way deeper into the forest area.
”Usually, I would not blame him for feeling jealous due to his household's situation, but, that is what they deserved. In our city, there has always been internal struggles, but, his household was responsible for openly murdering an elder of the city.”
”When it comes to our city, households would send representatives into the courts and government to create laws and such for the city as a whole. His household wanting a bigger foothold, assassinated an elder from an opposing household. However, though the assassination was successful, the assassin was easily captured.”
”Usually, the whole household would be executed on the spot, but, these past several years for our city has not been very good. The courts decided to bury this problem, however, no other household would forget and so they lost the foothold they have been building over these past several hundred years.”
”If it was not for the fact that their members were strong enough to be supportive to their alliance, even their alliance would cut their relationship with them. Jacob, being one of the successors, always feels the need to hunt those from other alliances down like us. If his household is unable to show their strength, they will end up dying off sooner.” Martin finished explaining as the squad ran into a patrol of goblins.
Now with the assistance of his new allies, Leo and the group were able to finish off this patrol of goblins very easily. However, Leo instead of killing one goblin, sent the goblin out to alert the rest of its tribe.
Originally, Leo was so outnumbered by the tribe, that he had no choice but to avoid them. This time, he had enough backup to slaughter the whole tribe of goblins within this area.
The goblins individually were extremely weak and were only able to kill a child in one on one combat. Therefore, Leo and the rest of the group were not worried since it could be said that there was no chance for a goblin tribe in these parts to exceed one hundred and fifty members.
Several hours went by as Leo and the rest of the group remained vigilant, but started to eat their dinners. With no goblins in sight, they felt that they could relax a bit and enjoy their meals.
”If there are no goblins in the next twenty minutes, I think it would be safe to say that we scared them off at that point.” Jack told the rest of the group as he was slurping down his stew.