Chapter 47 - Wine (1/2)
After getting ready, Evan and Marcel set off for the auction. An exquisite carriage with a coachman and two snow-white stallions was already waiting for them at the manor gate.
The coachman opened the door and Marcel and Evan went inside. Everything was as elegant and luxurious here as it was outside. There were two wide armchairs covered with expensive leather with engraved handles, and in the middle was a small round table, on which there was already a bottle of red wine and two crystal glasses.
The coachman closed the door and headed for his seat, a minute later the carriage moved.
”Evan, will you keep me company?” Sweetly said Marcel gracefully taking the bottle of wine.
The young man nodded silently in response.
The next moment, the scarlet liquid poured into Evan's glass and then a third of Marcel's glass was filled, too. The wine was of a rich ruby color, and as soon as Evan put the glass of wine to his face, he felt a light berry flavor. It was clear at once, how expensive and high quality wine Marcel had treated him.
Evan put the glass to his mouth, took a sip of wine and enjoyed the tartness and refinement that only an aged wine had. He sensed top fruity tones and a light berry aftertaste.
It didn't end there, suddenly, instead of the usual warmth Evan felt a strong chill penetrating his bones. It wasn't unpleasant though, on the contrary the cold refreshed him and took the taste to a new level.
”What do you think about it?” Marcel asked, slowly swinging his glass from side to side.
”Amazing, but that chill at the end, I don't quite understand what it is.” Quietly Evan said, trying to understand what he had just experienced.
”This wine is called – ”Ice Glitter”, a special kind of wine that uses an extract from the sap of the ”Frosty Lily”, a rare and valuable plant. That's what gives it a wonderful and incomparable sensation”. Slowly said Marcel.
Evan nodded and took another sip.
<The feeling is indeed unforgettable> Evan enjoyed the taste and reflected his own thoughts.
Of course, such wine was very expensive and only very rich people could afford it.
”By the way, why didn't Fien come with us? Isn't she interested in such events?” Marcel had explained to Evan why taking Zak along wasn't the best decision, but Marcel hadn`t said anything about his daughter.
”She's busy right now. You know, your winning made a big impression on her. Having been defeated in your friendly duel, she has changed her attitude toward training. In fact, I think, she realized that your last attack could have easily killed her. The feeling when death is at hand and soon you together with Charon will be crossing the River Styx is impossible to forget. She`s never experienced anything like it before.”
”Dedicated herself to training, then? That's commendable, but as with anything else, it's important not to overdo it.” Evan said calmly.