23 Woman in the Hun (1/2)

Foxes among Wolves Webb19 24250K 2022-07-22

The search continued without luck. Many people visited the valley after the fight, hoping to scavenge forgotten prey and riches. This soiled tracks and any footprints Disung followed belonged to commoners or other bandits. Infuriated, he eventually decided to scan from higher ground.

On a cliff edge, where the shrubbery cleared, he happened upon another fight. Two commoners – distinguished by their clothes – were trying to steal from a young man. The petite boy, covered in filth, had smeared charcoal over their eyes. It looked like a mask from afar. 'Must be a nobleman's son', Disung thought. 'Or someone else who doesn't want to get caught.'

The boy, who looked no older than sixteen, ducked and weaved around the men's attacks. One of the older men lunged forward, using his sword to strike, but the boy dodged by rolling underneath him. As soon as he rolled past the first man, he ran towards the other and attacked the unsuspecting prey. He jabbed multiple points on his enemy's body hard enough to bruise. The second man fell down. Disung's jaw dropped; the recruits in the palace couldn't compare to this measly boy. He continued to watch, fascinated by the fight.

The boy remained wary of the withdrawn sword, ensuring each maneuver avoided the sharp blade. It looked poetic, as if the boy were dancing; each move was graceful and light-footed. Then, without warning, he turned on the offensive. He kicked the man's inner thigh and moved away from the swing of the sword. Quickly, he stepped around to the man's back and kicked behind his knee. The man continuously tried to use his weapon – showing his lack of skill in swordplay – but the boy found more opportunities to kick or jab.

The man had a lucky slice. The boy attempted to bound away using a handstand flip but the tip of sword caught the robe. It cut through his waistband, the garment underneath, and managed to shallowly slice part of the boy's neck. When he boy landed on his feet, his clothes hung open and revealed a small frame and bandaged chest. Both the men and Disung gawked at the two identifiable bumps that weren't masculine traits.

”You are a woman!” The man exclaimed. In an instant, the frustration and exhaustion in his face changed into a lustful expression. ”I do like a feisty woman after a bloody battle. Give up, little lady, and I won't turn you in.”

The lady snarled. She turned as ferocious as a tiger and her next attacks came too quickly to block. The man was hit all over his body, the pain evident with each sharp exhale. To end it, the woman did a roundhouse kick to the side of his face. This rendered the man unconscious. As he fell, the woman, who balanced on one foot, returned to a stable pose.

”Bastard,” she muttered.

What was that?! Disung felt bewildered. The whole technique astounded him. He needed to know more. So, he emerged from the shrubbery. ”Is it safe to come out?”

The woman startled. ”Stay back!”

”I mean no harm. I was sorting out my own problems with thieves and ruffians, and came across you. That fight was impressive. Where did you learn to hit like that?”

”It is none of your concern.”

”Oh,” Disung said and his eyes darted guiltily at the woman's bandaged breasts and bare midriff. He saw the defined muscles in her body contract with each breath. It was rare for a woman to be so fit. Most Shanhe beauties spent their days fussing over embroidery and tea. This girl was different and it captivated Disung. ”Your clothes...You look…”

The woman blushed furiously and turned around, attempting to cover herself. Disung, taking on the role of a gentleman, took off his own large outer tunic and draped it over her. She quickly put it on properly. The excess material made her look small and adorable.