22 Old Friends (1/2)
The charcoal from the dead fire covered Mingzhu's features, disguising her true identity. It took a lot of coaxing to be able to enter the hunt, the guards at the gate unwilling to accept 'the boy'. Without the material to hide her face, she had to use the other exit she scouted earlier. Perched like a bird in a Katsura tree, she looked towards her escape. She needed to leave now to be home before curfew. But Joaolong needed protection. She couldn't abandon him in a sickly state. This wasn't her day.
Twigs snapped below. Mingzhu scanned for threats and hid deeper into the leaf foliage. A lanky, young man struggled to carry a boar his back. It was the same one she killed. She smiled. Of course you still scavenge after me.
Years ago, when she followed Juan to the imperial city after the wedding announcement, she met Han Ying. Surviving in the imperial city alone proved challenging; people weren't friendly and generous compared to the countryside. Many tried to steal from her. She found herself constantly in trouble from brawling. However, she didn't have as much hassle as young children. Ying, who began transitioning from child to teen, often left the market poorer than before. He made money through story-telling and art. Mingzhu felt compelled to watch every day, as many other people did. However, scavengers and bandits always pestered him, noticing the popularity of his stall. This left him to scavenge the ground for dropped rings. Eventually, Mingzhu intervened.
The mere thirteen-year-old watched her fight bandits with awe. Even her bruised and bloody face did not lessen his admiration. In return, he offered her a place to sleep and temporary family. He was the ideal brother; kind, protective and determined. This comforted Mingzhu, who struggled to trust anyone. But she knew the peace would never last. A few months later, Juan died and she ran away.
”Well, what do we have here?” Mingzhu clicked her tongue and quietly climbed down to a lower branch. The men jumped at her voice. ”Hand over the boar!”
”Who are you?” Mengyao, the eldest brother, asked. He held a dagger in the air.
Mingzhu jumped off the branch and landed softly on the ground. The movement looked as graceful as a swan. One man squealed and another fell onto his backside, frightened by the surprise attack. It almost made Mingzhu laugh. Almost.
”Your worst nightmare.”
”Mingzhu!” Ying greeted, returning her grin. He looked just as she remembered; sweaty and thin. ”You are too early. The sun is still in the east.”
”What happened to your nose?” Mingzhu asked. Dried blood coloured his top lip and nostrils. His nose bent slightly to one side. ”You look like a misshapen root.”
”Ànshù looks worse.”
Mingzhu froze at the name.
”You fought with Liu Disung?” On closer inspection, all of the men were harmed. Either they were covered in dried blood, bruises or limped. Zhelan looked the worst; his arm hanged limp by his side and blood stained most of his tunic. A furious fire ignited in Mingzhu, her overprotective nature taking control. The next question came out in a growl. ”Did Liu Disung attack all of you?”
”Of course not! Bandits came after Master Wang Joaolong and we agreed to help fight,” explained Ying. ”Mother always said to keep close ties with those in power.”
”So you fought alongside a stranger?”
”He needed our help so we assisted. Do not fret, he assured us we will be compensated for our efforts.”
Mingzhu sighed. No wonder she found Joaolong alone. ”You can tell him to double that price. I found Wang Joaolong poisoned and injured. I expect you want to keep your good relations with Liu Disung and help him. Then, you can ask for nearly anything your heart desires.”
”What can we do?” Ying asked, ignoring the protesting grunts from his brothers.
They never liked Mingzhu, despite only meeting her once. Most of them were soldiers that rarely returned home. Mingzhu disliked the idea that they left their family for glory. Without Ying, their mother and sisters would've died or been sold as slaves.
”He is actually in this cave.” Mingzhu looked at Mengyao, who was the most unwilling to help her. ”You can return to the main arena. A boar is worthy enough. Silver rings have been hidden under a loose tile on your roof. If we don't win the hunt, you can at least have money and fresh meat for the next few days. We now stand on the ground as equals, without debts.”
Mingzhu directed Ying inside the cave, walking up to the narrow space between two boulders and slithering her way inside. Ying entered the cave soon after, grumbling and groaning as he wedged himself between the rocks. He gasped at Joaolong's blood-soaked bandages.
”Are the others following?” Mingzhu asked.
”No. I will carry Master Wang Joalong and Mengyao can carry the boar. My brothers are not enthused or energetic about exerting themselves further today.”
Mingzhu nodded as she moved Joaolong into an upright position. Ying watched her, like a scholar observing the scenary. It made Mingzhu self-conscious but she ignored the urge to scold him for staring. It had been over a year since they saw each other.