44 The City Lord 1 (1/2)
Aaron knew that he was probably going to state something absurd, but he didn't expect this kind of reaction where the two looked at him as if he had gone mad.
More than what any other words could have told him, this made him understand just how powerful that City Lord was.
In fact, he even felt that this entire situation was pretty weird, and that he was either lucky, or very, very unlucky.
True, anyone would automatically think that it was the latter, but Aaron also had reasons to think that it was the former, too.
For example, if he hadn't gotten into this situation, he might not have found out about the power of those above him.
In the jungle, information was always key.
Aaron and Woof would never hunt even the most harmless-looking Red-Ear Rabbit if they didn't know whose turf they were on, and what kind of behavior that Tera usually put on display.
For example, their familiar foe, the Spike-Ridged Bear, was an aggressive Tera who would actively chase out each and every being that entered its region and tries to be more than a simple guest who was passing through.
And if it was the territory of a Giant Python, they could do as they wished if they just left a single species for the Python to eat.
Without all these tidbits that they had found out with great risk to their lives, they might have long perished and turned to dust on some random spot in the forest.
Aaron felt the same about the human world. Yes, the concept of turfs and territories might not be present, but he felt that it was really important to find out at least just how powerful those he should be wary about were.
He had already seen Anissa's power, and to an extent, he could guess how powerful the old man was, too.
Indeed, it was impossible for him to go up against them evenly, but if he had the element of surprise, he was 100% sure that victory would be his.
Could the same be said about the City Lord?
This was exactly what Aaron wanted to find out.
Before Anissa and the old man could say anything in reponse, though, an intense coughing sound could be heard from the bed that was beside the one that Edmond was on.
It was his father, who seemed to have finally awakened from the bloodless that had caused him to fall into a half-awake state before.
While the three of them noticed this and waited for the coughing to subside so that they could talk to him, Anissa turned to Aaron and said, ”The guards had their way with him. Typically, we never employ such kinds of people, but we had no choice as these were guards sent over by the local City…which happens to be the one where the City Lord you want to kill lives. So, about that…”
The old man cut her off.
”Anissa! This is not the right time or place to talk about this. Let us handle the matter at hand, first, and we can speak somewhere safer later.”
Anissa shut her mouth as soon as she heard her father say this. Nodding, she walked out to get a nurse.
Soon, a person wearing white clothes entered the room and checked the status of the holograms floating on top of Edmond's father's body.
They seemed to be in a shade that wasn't as dark as before, but he still looked to be in pretty bad shape- of course, the main reason behind this was that his skin had been peeled off in most cases, and there were multiple injuries which had gone untreated. These had even begun to fester, so it was a miracle that the man was even alive.
In fact, if it weren't for the advanced skills of the Healer who was an expert Energy Manipulator, he would definitely have died the moment he was released from the chains.
Finally, 10 minutes later, Edmond's father looked like he was ready to talk.