Chapter 352 – Got something against you! (1/2)
After sending Luo Haiting off, Dong Xuebing sat in his room and smoked a cigarette. This is not the end. Since Lui Dafa and the people behind him had made the first move, that means they will not let Dong Xuebing and Xie Huilan off. Dong Xuebing will not hold back anymore. He needs to do something, or else he will not achieve any Investment Promotion Agency results. To prevent affecting Xie Huilan’s influence, Lui Dafa must be eliminated. He had wanted to wait for a while, but Lui Dafa had acted fast. Dong Xuebing cannot afford to wait any longer!
You want to create trouble for me?!
Then I will make you suffer too!
Dong Xuebing had just settled the foot soldiers, and it’s time to settle the score with the person behind them!
Dong Xuebing must act before his enemy makes the second move. He immediately leaves the hotel and drove out. He called a former subordinate in the Public Security Bureau to ask for Lui Dafa’s address. After getting the address, he drove straight to an estate built around the 1990s. Dong Xuebing parked his car at a corner and walked towards the estate.
The Investment Promotion Agency does not have their own quarters and only has a small building. This estate is shared with other Government agencies. The red building on the left is the Investment Promotion Agency and the Cultural Department’s quarters. The buildings at the back are the County’s Political Consultative quarters, Industrial department, Tax revenue, etc. quarters. This is a large estate, and many top leaders are staying here.
Dong Xuebing entered the estate’s compound.
The guards at the entrance do not know Dong Xuebing, but they did not stop him.
After entering the estate, Dong Xuebing went straight to the red building.
Lui Dafa is staying on the sixth floor, 601. Dong Xuebing looks at the building. Other than a low railing on the first floor, there is no railing from the second floor. After all, very few burglars will choose to steal from government employees’ quarters. That’s why no one from the second floor onwards built railing. But despite this, it’s too hard to climb up from outside of the building. Dong Xuebing thought for a while and entered the building. He walked up to the sixth floor and pressed the doorbell of apartment 601.
Ding Dong… Ding Dong…
Dong Xuebing pressed the doorbell and quickly walks down the stairs to the fifth floor.
One second…
Two seconds…
Three seconds…
Click… the door opened. Lui Dafa’s wife, Li Hong, sticks her head out. “Who is it?! Who pressed our doorbell?”
Before Li Hong looks down the stairwell, Dong Xuebing shouted. STOP!
Time stopped!
Everything in this world stopped!
Two men are sitting in the living room. They are Lui Dafa and the man which Dong Xuebing met outside the hotel.
Lui Dacai’s expression seems to be complaining to his brother.
Lui Dafa had a cigarette hanging on his lips and is looking gloomy. The cigarette smoke is currently paused in mid-air.
Dong Xuebing narrowed his eyes and walked to the first room. He used a lot of strength to push the door open. This should be Lui Dafa’s son, Lui Xiaolei, room. That brat is not around.
Dong Xuebing continued his way to the other room. It’s Lui Dafa and his wife’s room!
After closing the door, Dong Xuebing snapped his finger. Stop!
Dong Xuebing can hear outside from the room.
“Xiao Hong, who is it?” Lui Dafa asked.
“I don’t know. There is no one outside.” Li Hong closed the door and grumbled. “I wonder which idiot is playing with our doorbell.”
Lui Dacai replied. “Sister-in-law, maybe it’s the kids from other apartments.”
Lui Dafa said. “Alright. Just let them be. Dacai, let’s continue. Tell me what happened earlier. How can Dong Xuebing disappear from the hotel? Also, the Officers who I sent to raid the hotel room are all arrested by the Detectives. I was told that they are arrested for impersonating Police Officers. They had only entered the hotel, and all their identification cards went missing! What is going on?! Ah?!”
Lui Dacai sighed. “I also don’t know when Dong Xuebing had left the hotel…”
Dong Xuebing did not continue to listen to their conversation and started looking around the room.
Dong Xuebing’s purpose for sneaking into Lui Dafa’s apartment is very simple. He wants to look for evidence that can be used against Lui Dafa. When Dong Xuebing was still with Beijing State Security, he had found several bank books with a large amount of cash. If anyone wants to hide something, they will most likely be hidden at home. Dong Xuebing needs to get something that can be used against Lui Dafa. It might not be evidence of him accepting bribes or corruption. He just wants to have something that can lower his influence and affect his reputation.
I don’t believe you are so clean that you don’t have any secrets!