37 Unknowingly Meeting 2 (1/2)

Fan MeiLi was at her desk when she heard the elevator ding, seeing a young lady coming out she found it shocking because she couldn't remember that Li Wei had an appointment. Standing she greeted her with a smile, ”Hi, how can I help you?”

Li Na stopped in front of her desk and looked at Fan MeiLi, she always saw Mo Han sitting at this desk so she wonders who this beautiful lady was occupying his seat. Fan MeiLi felt a little awkward with the mystery lady just staring at her without answering, ”Miss? Are you here to meet CEO Li?”

”CEO Li? Who are you?” Li Na asked with a raised brow.

”I'm Fan MeiLi, a recent hire, and CEO Li's new personal assistant.”

”Really? What happened to Mo Han?”

”He still helps CEO Li but he was promoted to a bigger position.” Fan MeiLi answered with a calm smile.

Li Na was intrigued by her brother's new personal assistant but couldn't put her finger on why, so she pushed the thought in the back of her mind. Looking at the office door, ”Is Li Wei in?”

”CEO Li is in the office but may I know who you are first?” Fan MeiLi asked hoping it wasn't another one of Li Wei's crazy admires.

Li Na smiled, it wasn't every day when someone asked who she was after seeing her face, it made Fan MeiLi even more interesting.

Li Na giggled, ”Sorry, it's not every day someone needs me to identify myself. I'm Li Na, your boss's younger sister.” Li Na said with a smile.

Fan MeiLi eyes went wide, she never expected to meet Li Wei's sister, or at least so soon. Once again she felt that agreeing to work together with Li Wei is becoming a huge pain. Putting on her professional smile, ”Miss Li, it's nice to meet you but I will still need you to wait here just so I can ensure your identity with CEO Li.”

Li Na wasn't upset with Fan MeiLi and only felt respect, usually, girls who work around her brother are all the same, jealous and crazy or fake and mean. Nodding her head she sat on the waiting area sofa and smiled at Fan MeiLi. Seeing her be so patience, Fan MeiLi went to talk to Li Wei so she wouldn't keep Li Na waiting long.

Entering, she saw that Li Wei was still absorbed in his paperwork, clearing her throat she got his attention. Giving Fan MeiLi a cold stare, ”What do you want?” Li Wei asked cooly.

”Sir, you have a visitor.”

”I told you before that I don't take visitors. Send them away.”

”She said that she was your sister, her name is Li Na.” Fan MeiLi said calmly.