Chapter 162 - Avatar vs Shepard (1/2)

Shepard POV

I've always been weak... unable to do anything.

growing up I'd be beaten up...but I knew I was destined for greatness. Call it naivety or delusion but I felt I was destined to save the world

I trained for a long time...then one day I and my friend found a secret book...This book had many strange things and we weren't able to fully understand everything but one day I was enlighting...the information poured into my head...a way to contact someone...

The man I contacted was a god. He was the son of one of the beings that were around before the creation of the universe... As for my friend...he received one of the books from the true God and gain tons of knowledge

I felt everything he said was right and great...then I learned the truth of it all

The truth of the universe...when I learned that this world was fake...a duplicate world...something in me broke...I ran...I abandon all my years of work...everything! The god told me not to leave or something bad will happen but I didn't listen...

Then she found me...when I was the lowest...

She saved me and I fell in love...then the world changed...I'm not sure if it was the Malak, I'm not sure if it was something I did...Something from the past...but a huge door appeared...the sky went red and...she was taken from me...penance right...

I didn't go back first...I walked around the world and learned more about everything and saw the true hell of this world

Then I asked the god why! Why do we have to suffer...I walked around the world and saw people suffering from war, slavery, oppression. The rich thrive while the poor suffered no...greed, l.u.s.t, envy, wrath, sloth, pride, and gluttony...these plague man... it's like that's all to fact if people didn't have them...they would have opened their doors instead of abandoning her...

I see the Malak...I hate them! I hate the spirits...they are not like humans...they look down on us...they have special powers we don't ...why are they special...f.u.c.k them... its there fault their fault I'll crush them, I'll use them...only humans should survive...they aren't anything...I'll make them into our puppets.

Those kings...what are they they not they not care...they are not doing anything...I guess I have to take control of things...


the shepherd with his bare arms that were blocking Tenchi were pushed back

Shepard: now that you saw the truth

Tenchi: (you know...I feel it is my fault he turned this way... let's not say that)

Shepard: you can't fathom true despair. it is to descend into shadow, darkness red on endless darkness

Tenchi: ( he feels very blighted...): I will purify you! And lift the darkness in the holy land

Shepard squeezes his fist: what insolent

the building starts crumblings

Tenchi puts his A-Ts on in an instant and disappears from his sights by jumping high and fast then swinging down at him

but as he slashes it is repelled and he caught the blade with his own

Tenchi: Think Artious try to remember your humanity. Think of your family. Let me save you before the entire world draws in repose

Shepard: you know nothing of what I suffered. The hell I went through

Suddenly a bunch of arrows were fired at him causing him to release the grip on the sword to block the attack. Tenchi used this instance to jump back

Yona: your right we don't know

she said fused with Kikyo having a huge bow

Alisha: that's why were all here

She said fused with Velvet shooting darkness balls at him

Alisha/Velvet: because no one can survive alone

Rose fused with Edna attack from the back: we need each other

Suddenly Teresa who is now fused with Lailah charges fast with thrust but he uses rose and throws her into Teresa sending them both back

Shepard: but you are all weak

Tenchi in the Tenseiga using the instant they were thrown to attack

While Tenchi was faster his attack wasn't able to fully cut through his defenses

Shepard: its useless

the malevolence was getting stronger

Tenchi sadly says: you truly given up hope...don't lose to him

Tenchi saw his mind slowly growing blanker and he was beginning to lose his sanity

Tenchi knew he had to finish fast so he attacked and attack but for some reason, he wasn't even able to phase him: (if I go yokai...I feel I will empower him...)

Tenchi fires a seal and grabs the others and jumps back

Tenchi: this seal will only work for 5 minutes

As they are gathered Tenchi looks at the other: Ok.. I need your strength...Earth, Wind, Water, Fire, Darkness...If I fuse them into my Master sword...I feel something will happen...I feel its the only way we can purify him...Please I need your strength

They nod and Velvet, Seres, Lailah, Edna, and Kikyo form a circle around Tenchi

Tenchi: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire, Darkness combine all forces into one! I herby recite all of your true names

They fused together...Tenchi looked and felt different...his hair was longer...he had a different outfit but...that's not all...

suddenly blood starts coming out of Tenchi mouth

and he kneels

The others ran to Tenchi but he shakes his head saying this always happens

The Shepard growls at Tenchi... his mind is consumed

Tenchi: you can no longer even are lost. malevolence has you. You only have one hope remaining. Purification*he wipes the blood*: alright let's go

Seraphim: YES

Tenchi forms giant flaming rock hands and launches at the Shepard but it was blocked

Then he fired a wind and water arrow at him but was blocked with his mouth beam