Chapter 161 - breaking the chain... (1/2)
*God of Repose POV*
He's here. That falling one is here. HAHAHA, Finally I will get him. I will steal his power.
I sense him here. I will use those Therions for my powers.
I will be acknowledged by father
Now to dispose of them...
Suddenly the whole Three kingdoms shook causing a massive tectonic quakes
Lailah looks at the others: I feel that it is a sign an awakening
Tenchi: (So the god of Repose is descended but usually they need a vassal...): the main thing to be concerned about is if the shepherd put the god under his control or was consumed by it
Alisha: whatever was about to face...if it caused must be very powerful
In Pars a large amout of Malvince seemed to gather. People started to lose themselves and give up all emotions...other than Repose
they seemed to be empty...all except the people who were turned into werewolves
The people who gave up everything started turning into Daemons
Silver Mask: You see this. this is thanks to the Sheapard and your king...he is not worthy
As some of his men started turning into Werewolves
Lili looked at them and was spooked
Hak saw some of his friends...were being brainwashed...and he saw the mask for what it was...a mask to of obedience...his friends his family of the wind clan..not just him, Tao, Lili saw it too...
Silver Mask: Stand down... it's better that you don't are strong so you should serve me
Arlsan steps up
Arslan: you aren't worthy to serve...what have you done to these people...
Silver: what..HAHAHA I gave them power. Why are you opposing me? I heard that you were expelled from the kingdom...look at what your father did. He caused so much suffering...he couldn't even protect his family let alone his kingdom. He is a mad King. afraid of everything. became a puppet due to this. Look around, all your people...all our people are turning into monsters...this is a war. With my army we will erase him and save this kingdom and this world
Arslan was silent for a moment and the others were nervous...they needed him. He had the largest amount of warriors and they all were strong...he was silent for a while then he replied: Your father the king has gone mad...the kingdom no the world is in chaos but...
Arslan looks at his friend. the hawk now Therion...
then he could have sworn her heard was Tenchi singing all over the world
Time to break the chain, no pain, don't be afraid
But even if the days are the same old, same as always, the clock continues to revolve, it's okay
A dried-up scene
Continually repeating the same impossible equation every day
A manipulated puppet in a cast
Completely silenced noise
Can you hear my voice?
Back On-chan
Arslan kicks into the ground earth bending a rock then firing it at silver mask mask hitting him in the mask knocking him off the horseā€¯yeah...its time to break the chains even yours...
Hak: Attack
They charge hoping they could put a end to this...
Tenchi and the others ran closer to the spot where the shepherd was an old man was waiting for them...he tried to trap them in an illusion but Tenchi broke it fast and cause recoil injuring him
The old man was an apprentice of Hojo...and Magilou stepfather