Chapter 51 - The tale of Eros and Psyche (1/2)
As Tenchi enters the studio. There seems to be chaos
Writer: I don't want her to be the actress of my story. She has no acting history. How do you know she doesn't suck.
Director: We already said that she has potential. I think she is going to be the next big star
Writer: Really? Can you be 100% sure
Director: well
Writer: Girl can you act! have you ever done any acting before this?
Ichika: N-no but I am confident in this
The dirctor squeezed his fist
Writer: His last movie was a flop and this is his last chance...
He looks indecently at her body
Writer: Oh I understand. You used your body to get the main part right. Alright how about this if you give me some special. I will make you an...
He was then punched in the face and all his teeth were gone
He was slamed into the wall
Everyone was shocked
Tenchi: Don't talk to my girl like that you piece of trash
Tenchi looks at Ichika who was full of tears he wiped her tears with his handkerchief
Tenchi: Don't cry alright...Your the big sister your suppose to be the strongest right
She nods wiping off her tears then froze at the sight of him
Ichika: Nura! is that you
Tenchi: Call my Tenchi but yeah. My injuries healed...didn't Isuki tell you
Ichika: No...(No wonder she was acting so strange...)
Tenchi: Director I'm sorry I had to punch him but I couldn't let him talk to her like that. I wouldn't be able to stand next to her if I did
Ichika: Wow quite a manly thing to say
Director: No...I understand...he deserved that...but he was right. I was using his name and story to reclaim my what am I going to do...I guess I'm going to have to cancel this project...I'm sorry Ichika
Tenchi: just need a writer right. I'm a writer too
They were shocked
Director:...but your a kid. There is no way your work can surpass an experienced writer
Tenchi: No...I can...did you remember the book that came out recently the hobbit. That was written by me
Director: Wait no...that was written by
Tenchi: Yeah Ryota Kise is my stage name...
After a bit the Director became excited
Director: So you want to make the hobbit into a live action
Tenchi: F.u.c.k that! I hate adaptations! besides what role can Ichika star in that?
Director: But we need a script
Ichika: Let him finish boss
Tenchi: *thumbs up* Good now I have a movie idea... It would star two people. I need Ichika to star the main female lead...and I'll star the Male lead
Director: ...Alright (if its good. I think he would be a great fit)
Ichika: (Tenchi! please make sure you wrote a good script )
Tenchi: This is just a rough draft so.
Director: come on don't lead us like this...
Tenchi takes out two scripts
Ichika: Tale of Eros and Psyche?
Director: Hmm, an interesting story concept...who are they
Tenchi: Well Eros is the Greek god of love
Director/ Ichika: Greek god of love?
Tenchi: You know like cupid!
They both were confused
Tenchi: (is there no cupid...but there is a valentines day...the same was for Earth Prime...) I hope you enjoy it
The tale of Eros and Psyche
The legendary beauty of Psyche Once upon a time, there was a king who had three wonderful daughters. The youngest, Psyche, was much more beautiful than her two sisters and looked like a goddess among mere mortals. The fame of its beauty had been spread throughout the whole kingdom and men kept coming to her palace to admire and worship her.
When people would see her, they used to say that not even Aphrodite herself could compete Psyche. The more people were getting to know Psyche, the less would remember the goddess of love and beauty. The temples of Aphrodite were abandoned, her altars covered with cold ashes and the sculptors would no more make statues for her. All the honors reserved to her were then attributed to a simple, mortal girl.
The goddess could not accept such a situation and required help from his son, Eros. He told him in distress, Use your power and make this little shameless girl fall in love with the vilest and the most despicable creature who has ever walked on Earth. Eros agreed to do so but the moment he saw her, he himself felt his heart pierced by one of his own arrows. He couldn't make that charming maiden fall in love with a horrible creature but also decided not to tell his mother.