Chapter 50 - Shes my girlfriend (1/2)

Ever since Yotsuba has transferred. she has shown that she is great at sports. So much that many sports teams want to add her to their roster

She just returned home and found that all of her sisters were out

Suddenly Tenchi appears out of nowhere startling her

Tenchi: bad are you two alright

Chitoge and Kosaki both jumped out of Tenchi embrace

Tenchi: (Damn I smell or something?)

Chitoge: Wh-what happen

Kosaki: Where are we

Tenchi: Sorry I teleported here

Yotsuba who was shocked seeing them suddenly appear picked up on the teleportation

Yotsuba: How did you teleport

Tenchi: When you get good in math. You can teleport too. I used a mathematical formula to teleport to this location

Yotsuba: Where did you come from

Tenchi looks at how she is so excited and decides to play with her.

Tenchi: It's not where but when. I go to a location special to me

Yotsuba/Chitoge/Kosaki: Special

Tenchi: Yeah (Why are they joining in...) I'm from several years in the future

Yotusba was shocked: SEVEN YEARS!

Tenchi: Your futureself told me to tell you that if you study more, what you've been hoping for will come true

Tenchi made up some Bullshit hoping she study more

She believed him too. Tenchi thought she would call him an idiot of something but

Yotsuba: I understand I'll study harder

she fist pumped herself

Yotsuba: As long as you are here, there is no need to worry

Tenchi: I'm always going to support you.

He pats her head

Yotsuba: Oh...who are those two

Tenchi points to them saying they are his girlfriend and girlfriend from his past life

Suddenly Tenchi points to her

Yotsuba: m-me

Before she could ask what Tenchi meant he teleports away


After that, not much had happened. The girls were talking about girl stuff. The date seemed to be over. But Tenchi was just happy Chitoge seemed to be having fun

Tenchi then decides to drive Onadera and Chitoge home.

On the drive back Tenchi had Kosaki in front of him and Chitoge in back. He was holding Kosaki close to him and Chitoge b.o.o.b.s were on his back causing him to get hard...Kosaki was blushing the whole ride she almost passed out

When they arrived at Kosaki house Tenchi walks her to the door and gives her one of his rings. Telling her that if she is ever in trouble just say his name and throw it on the ground

When he was leaving she put the ring on her ring finger...she then couldn't remove it...


Chitoge was walking to her door spinning around