Chapter 177 - The cache - III (1/2)

”What did he tell you?” asked Robert a couple of minutes after Balthazar and Lucius went ahead.

”It was nothing. He just asked me to look after you and take you back to the shop if you wanted to. He was a bit concerned about you,” said Richard.

”I guess you are a bit disappointed by me,” said Robert. ”A surgeon who finds it hard to stand a few dead bodies. Most people would laugh at that.”

”Any who laugh at that would be fools or psychopaths. Don't consider your cousin as a standard. He had a different life and perspective from a younger age. In fact, he is a bit abnormal for being able to bear it all with such ease. Even military men at such age would find it hard to be unaffected by such sights, especially men of his age,” said Richard.

”Ya. Bel told the same thing, but I still don't understand why I would be so nauseated by it, when I have seen dead bodies before,” said Robert.

”It is not the dead bodies that affect you as much as the fact that they were killed intentionally. In your work, the dead bodies you see are mostly accidents or natural maladies with rarely such cases. It is probably the number of people that were wantonly killed that your morals find it hard to accept,” guessed Richard. ”It is expected. You have lived most of your life as a civilian and even elders of the council would rarely see such situations.”

”Maybe, I have always only thought of saving people and not hurting them as a doctor. This is definitely hard for me to accept. Is my cousin really cool with killing so many innocents?”

”Innocent?!” asked Richard almost laughing.

”Ok! They are maybe not innocent, but they are still humans. I still find it hard to accept it. They could have probably saved them by knocking them out or other options were available right?”

”You are not thinking right. With the pico tech in your bodies most knock out drugs would be easily expelled in a few minutes and would be temporary. Especially for outfits like these where there is a good chance, they wouldn't use the standard ones provided by the alliance. These guys would probably have a faster recovery. An agent which kills is the best bet that one could have,” said Richard with a smile.

”Ok. So, they technically needed it, but don't you think that it is morally wrong at the very least?” asked Robert.

”Killing is morally wrong. Very much so, in the case where you don't have a personal grievance with the murdered. It haunts many a man and people who kill easy tend to disgust and are hated by quite a few because of that. Forget killing other men, quite a few vegetarians and vegans don't even support killing other animals and beasts and there are definitely a few haters though a very little amount. The numbers are definitely large considering people who kill other people,” said Richard.

”But we still do it. It is necessary for the society. Someone has to curb the anti-social elements. Individual morality kind of takes a back seat sometimes during such times, but it is necessary. You need to understand that. Society takes precedence, else there wouldn't be bounties on people indicating dead or alive, would they?”

”I guess,” said Robert half-heartedly.

”Kid you are worried unnecessarily. These guys are pirates who kill and plunder on the innocent. They are scourge who attack the ones trying to get to new places and unsecured planet. Killing them could be considered the same as using pesticide in a farm. Though it might sound a bit callous, it is the way these people are. I hope you won't think much about it,” said Richard.

”Fine. Give me a few more minutes I will be ready to follow Balthazar,” said Robert.

”And how do you propose to do that without being able to reset the security panel,” said Richard.

”Oh! Then, we wait in this place. Might as well remove the helmet and clean up my vomit,” said Robert.

”I wouldn't recommend it.”

”I have already checked for the air composition at the security station using my suit and had it running since we entered this hall. There are not unknown particles or harmful chemicals that were observed. It is fine,” said Robert.

”Oh. I know that there were no harmful substances. It was pumped out after the attack. They wouldn't leave it inside as it would be harmful for the ones that get into the place, but that gas isn't what I am warning you against doctor,” said Richard with a smile, to which Robert just gave a confused look.

”The rotting bodies smell. They have been here for a week. It might be worse than that of a mortuary. Take my word for it. The smell of the vomit is better than what you would find in the room. You can have some fresh air after this,” said Richard shaking his head. ”I would suggest you go and take a part time job as a medical investigator at a local police precinct or something. Get a hold of forensics and other sciences. Need to get some detective work or at least learn to identify some things. You need to get expand your horizons.”

”Yeah, got a lot of suggestions these past few hours. I will take them into consideration,” said Robert in a tired tone. He had wanted to be an elder of the family council and was preparing to win the position for quite some time now, but never truly realized that being a successful elder entailed a lot more than he expected. He is slowly realizing that it would take a lot of effort and learning from him to do that.

In the meantime, Balthazar had already reached the pass with last cl.u.s.ter of sensors and traps along with Lucius. He could reset the pressure sensors on the floor, but a moving array of laser beam sensors couldn't be reset which was the main problem. These could only be reset by a personnel who was inside the main security centre. Sadly, he was also dead.

”One needs to scan the moving beams and decide how to evade and escape them on the spot,” said Balthazar looking at Lucius. ”So, how do we suggest we do this. Do I go first, or do you want to me to take the first turn cause I am sure it will be much more hard if the both of us attempt it at the same time.”

”We can both do it at the same time. Don't worry about me,” said Lucius.

”You might be confident, but I am not. I might accidentally bump into you and that is not something I would want to risk on. You can go on ahead and just don't reset the security systems,” suggested Balthazar. ”It is not a bad idea, right?”

”Fine,” said Lucius as he put out his hand. ”I need the card for resetting the pressure sensors. Also, can't open the door of the security centre without it. ”

”How would I do it after you cross it?” asked Balthazar. ”I also need the card for resetting the pressure sensors.”