Chapter 176 - The cache - II (1/2)
With the information about the traps and the map in his hand, Balthazar was very confident in getting control over the entire place quickly. He wasn't concerned much about there being automated defenses that would activate if he failed to use proper passkey or protocols.
Automated defenses that could harm them wouldn't be inside the control room as those would definitely cause damage to the consoles and apparatus there. Any defense automatons and robots would also be restricted entry due to the same reason. There would probably be alarms signalling the place that there is an intrusion, which they didn't need to care about as the entire place is devoid of life except for them.
He was much less concerned of any triggers to collapse the place. Being a pirate cache, they would not put in such an extreme measure. Such measures are usually only used for intelligence hubs where sensitive information or research is done. Such a measure for a cache which has weapons and sh.i.p.s is a complete waste. These could be recovered by them even if someone manages to infiltrate the place. The only thing he needed to do was to make sure that this is indeed such a place and the map he got from the security console convinced him of that.
He shared the map and other details with the rest of them, even Lucius and Richard. He can't have them accidentally triggering a trap or something. Though all the personnel in the place are dead, the traps were already activated. All hidden bases and caches like this one tend to have a periodic timer in which one of the personnel need to put in a password. Without that, the traps in the place have been activated.
”Go through the detail properly,” said Balthazar as he sent them to the others. ”We will move in 10 minutes. Any doubts, you ask me. This is a very risky thing,” continued looking at Robert.
”Why are you looking at me for that?”
”Because you don't have experience with this kind of thing. Also make sure to go through them thoroughly. I also sent you the schematics of the entire place. You can go through it later. It will be useful for you later. You will be asked to supervise all such things,” explained Balthazar.
”I am getting a lot of homework after this trial, right?” asked Robert rolling his eyes at his cousin.
”Ya. You are. I also have some suggested reading for you to go through. You need to know a few things which are necessary for you as an elder. You need a proper training session for all this, apart from the usual fighting training,” said Richard. ”Walter hadn't taught you many things.”
”Yes. You need to know learn quite a few things,” said Richard in a strict tone. ”Walter also suggested that I teach you a few things about security and others. I test you and found that you can maintain security of a place but you still lack basic understanding of different kind of men, which is very essential as it is the men that finally maintain and execute any implementation you have in mind,” added Richard.
”Fine. I already was thinking that it was best to have a few training sessions with him anyway. It is all for the best,” said Robert as he sat down and began to browse through the contents of the information sent to him by his cousin.
”How do you avoid floor sensors and the like. We can't float in the air. It is ridiculous to think of getting through them,” said Robert as he began to browse through the details of the traps. There were pressure sensors on the floor at various points which triggered gunfire and alarms. Apart from that there were sensors on the walls and IR sensors and other traps. Looking at the diagrams on the hud of his suit, he felt that they needed to be an acrobat to avoid triggering these things.
”Calm down. There are only one sensor cl.u.s.ter which is hard. They require a bit of effort from us. The rest can be avoided simply,” said Balthazar as he went to the dead man on the floor and searched him pulling out a key card from his pocket.
”This would help us. The security covering the maintenance entrance would usually have access passes like these. A bit of configuration at the console would allow us to use it to reset the sensors. Using this we will have gap of a few seconds to move through specific areas without any worry,” said Balthazar showing different areas and corresponding spots where the key card could be used on the monitor.
”Keep these points in mind and follow me. I will inform you of the amount of time we have at each point. It is going to be an easy trip except for that one place. It is just before the security centre of the whole cache. I will take lead and move alone to cross that places. This cl.u.s.ter can't be completely disabled and need quick movements while evading laser sensor which keep moving,” continued Balthazar.
”Isn't that risky?” asked Richard instead. ”You might get seriously injured if it triggers some kind of gunfire. You will be considered to fail the trial in that case. We can still consider that you passed if we go back now.”
”Oh! Come on. You already told that it wouldn't be a failure but you take us back to the ship. The Price family wanted us to clear the area and let us play with cache. They didn't even check the area properly and wanted to make use of us. I would like to get a few things from here if possible,” said Balthazar with a scheming glint in his eyes.
”You have something against the Price family?” asked Richard. He was already a bit concerned about this and wanted to make sure that it wouldn't become an issue to Robert if he had Balthazar represent him in the contest for the elder position.
”Nah. I got nothing against them. I only had a decent conversation with two members. One is Marcus Price and the other is Evelyn and among the two of them, I have a clear idea who would have thought of using our trial for this and the authority and power to make it happen,” replied Balthazar. ”It can be considered a test or a lesson. Either way, I am going to make sure that the concerned person is convinced of my capabilities.”
”Fine. I will stay behind with Robert for the last situation. Lucius will follow you,” said Richard shaking his head as he realized that he wouldn't be able to curb Balthazar's spirit or mediate between him and Evelyn.
”That is totally unnecessary. All three of you can join me once I disable the security systems,” said Balthazar smiling. He had plans on getting some profits and find out about the actual affiliation of this place, away from the prying eyes of the Lucius and Richard. The judges also would monitor the feed from their suits. So, he would have preferred if Lucius didn't follow him till, he disabled the security.
”Why? Do you think that this old man wouldn't be able to evade the sensors which you can cross?” asked Lucius in a gnarly tone which indicated his displeasure.
”Nope. Nothing like that. Please, keep an eye on me,” said Balthazar as he made a mental note not to accidentally anger the old people around him. He had already pissed of Evelyn Price which was clearly evident from the present circ.u.mstances and he really didn't want to add more people to that list.