Chapter 142 - Probing each other (1/2)
As he was messaging Rudra, his suggestion and instructions to successfully have monopoly over the mithril mine at Jarko Town, Grenadier walked in along with Sultan, sat down and began to drink.
”I was expecting some one else to come along side you,” said Shadow as he finished his discussion with Rudra.
”Ya. He is coming in a couple of minutes. He apparently was working on something and told that he would come once he is done with it,” said Grenadier. ”I hope you don't want to try out something like wanting him to become the head engineer of Crimson Realm. He is as unreliable as you.”
”Whoa. You angry at me or something?” asked Shadow surprised and caught off guard when Grenadier called him unreliable.
”Don't worry, he always becomes like that when you bring up Earthly,” said Merlin. ”Another round?”
”I want a mead. I got bored of Whitewater,” said Shadow.
”Dude! Were you drinking all night?” asked Sultan surprised when he heard that Shadow had already been bored of the specialty of the place. Though he was a royalty even he couldn't think of spending enough on Whitewater that he would be bored of it.
”Not really my drink. With such a good taste, I would like to get high soon and slowly enjoy it. With Whitewater, I can't have that enjoyment,” said Shadow.
”Huh, whatever dude,” said Merlin ordering another round for them. Though Whitewaters effects tend to go down quickly, they have programmed it to have a lingering effect of inebriety after having a few continuously and it would persist longer than other drinks. They did this so that players wont continuously throw their money at the drink. If that happened, sooner or later, accusations would soon come up that the virtual drink was made just to addict players and steal their coins. That wouldn't be good for the game and might even have detrimental effect on sales of the drink.
So, a couple more rounds later, Merlin had over six and had started to sing some folk songs. The other two also soon joined him. Sometimes, they hummed and sang along with the musical troupe and other times they sang gibberish. He soon notices that it wasn't only them but players and even a few NPCs from other tables started to do the same.
”Never knew that this would also happen in these places,” thought Balthazar as he had never had much time to do this. He was always come to a bar to discuss something or gather information as a vice guild leader. ”I guess adventurer teams have a lot more free time which allows them to really enjoy this,” he thought.
As they were singing a person approached their table and Grenadier suddenly stopped singing as he noticed this player. Merlin simply bounced off to another table and began to sing with them as he noticed the player.
”Well, I guess at least one of my little brother's friends don't lose control completely,” said Earthly Researcher as he looked at Shadow.
”Well, I am not always like this. I do enjoy getting wild occasionally,” said Shadow. Earthly researcher's words clearly put him on a level higher than the others and could be a way of using it to sow discontent among them. As he was unaware of the players intentions, Balthazar denied his words albeit only partly as a flat-out denial might be detrimental to his talk with the new player.
”Hmm. At least you know when to keep control,” said Earthly as he looked at Grenadier with a disappointed expression.
”Wait a minute. You are his elder brother?” asked Shadow pointing to Grenadier as he repeated the man's introduction in his mind.
”I guess you're just a bit better than those,” said Earthly shaking his head as he realized that Shadow was also slightly tipsy and slow on uptake.
”Want a drink?” asked Shadow as he signaled the barmaid to come.
”No, I dont partake.”
”So? Why did you want to meet me?” asked Earthly Researcher.
”I just wanted to know why you don't want to do any jobs suggested by the guild?” asked Shadow.
”That's easy. I am a researcher and quite a famous one at that. I own an entire moon. I am good at building stuff. I enjoy the simplicity of the tools and repeated simple movements is somewhat relaxing, but I don't enjoy doing repeated actions too much. If I make about 30 dynamites, I will get bored,” said Earthly.
”But it is hard for me to let you use the guild resources without anything in return. Don't you think it is a bit unfair on your part to ask it of me?” asked Shadow.
”It is not like I don't bring anything to the table. I am capable of acquiring quite a few designs,” said Earthly.
”Hahaha. You know that I and Crimson Power were the ones who first managed to come to a city and got hold of the engineering designs within that hour, right?” asked Shadow. ”I don't have any issue in finding new designs either. A guild will always have more chances of getting designs than a single person when one comes to know of a tool. It is not like we don't have designs which we keep secret from the others too.”
”Hmm,” said Earthly Researcher and it was clear that he was a bit angry. He had hoped that with a new guild they would be a bit liberal after he told them that he owned a moon. Most starting guilds would be that way in the hopes that he might be a sponsor.
”I own a moon and can be a sponsor,” he said openly flaunting his wealth.
”I have control over more than one,” said Shadow in reply. ”I am not talking to you as a potential sponsor. I already have enough of those. I am asking you what potential you have that you would be given special consideration.”
”I am a good engineer. I have skills that most don't and would be able to easily identify defects and even repair equipment that I haven't previously worked on,” he said. He decided to use similarity of the game to real-life and his familiarity to engineering in real-life to gain an advantage.
”I constantly work with engineers and have expertise in creating in field. I am sure that I have the same experience if not more with most of the tools and items in the game. Only reason, I am not head engineer is because I have job that I can't neglect for the game,” said Shadow. ”I graduated as an engineer. I have made name as a fighter, but I am good at engineering too. You can check with Merlin if you find it hard to believe.”
”I can provide you good code to employ somnium tech for training players with the use of samsara framework,” said Earthly researcher unable to find anything to beat him. This was his trump card that he decided to use.
”Hahahaha,” laughed Shadow loudly. ”Totally useless. I have already made arrangements for it and am also making plans to train my players with the help of experts in combat.”
Earthly researcher's look became increasing glum after each of Shadow's replies. It was clear that he was thinking of an appropriate answer. From his first interaction with Earthly, Balthazar managed to deduce that he was an intellectual and a proud one at that. So, losing a battle of wits or even failing to come to terms favorable to him were options he would hate to choose in front of the little brother that he looked down on.
”What do you want from me? Please be frank,” said Earthly Researcher finally conceding to Balthazar. He understood that he couldn't get an upper hand at their argument. So, he decided to check what the offer is? ”At worst, if his conditions are not at all suitable, my idiot brother will make a few jokes about this,” thought Earthly.