Chapter 141 - Trade routes (1/2)
Balthazar was confused a bit regarding the sudden change in Winston but he knew that the being the Patriarch he had to deal with many things. As Winston had already managed to inform him that Arthur was going help and that their trial was still going to happen, he was sure that it wouldn't be related to him in any way.
”If it was related to the knights or Nirbaadh pirates, he would most probably ask me to stay indoors and put me in house arrest,” thought Balthazar as he made way to the dining hall. He had already asked Robert to meet him there. Robert was also at his room wearing the helmet.
He was actually training with Lucius using the somnium headgear. Lucius gave them the evening off, so that they could rest and be ready for the trial the next day. But knowing that Balthazar gifted both Salazar and Lucius somnium headgear, he had already asked them to help him practice with use of somnium technology. Seeing that it is a good way to spend more time on the techniques of fighting for Robert, Lucius also agreed to it.
Robert replied that he would be coming down in a few minutes and he had also request that Lucius join them. Balthazar was taken a few eggs, bacon with some vegetables and bread and found himself an empty table with place for Robert. A few minutes later, Robert arrived with Lucius and Richard and joined him at the table.
”You could have also joined the practice with Robert, right?” asked Lucius as soon as he sat down.
”Oh! I thought that we were all having a break and rest. You know that one needs to rest our minds too,” said Balthazar. It was a clumsy excuse that none of the others believed as they knew that Balthazar had been playing the game vita-nove. Robert specifically told Lucius and Richard, that Balthazar could be considered a minor celebrity in the gaming world too and that he had defeated a star player.
”Yes, I heard how well you were resting in the game,” said Lucius grinning.
”It is quite relaxing to stay there killing those monsters. The weather and the trees, it all feels so good as if we are at a natural place,” said Balthazar as he didn't want to give up. If he agreed, he was sure that Lucius would try to increase his training with use of somnium technology. Balthazar sent the headgear for his own considerations and didn't want Lucius to have an upper hand.
”You should definitely try it. You will enjoy it,” he continued as he bit into the bacon.
”Though he is just making an excuse. He is right. It is really relaxing and feels good,” added Robert. He felt a bit bad that his wishes caused trouble for his cousin who had actually bought the headgear for his mentors and suggested training in the first place.
”What excuse? I was the one who sent them the headgear for training purposes. I need no excuses,” said Balthazar making use of the Robert's words.
”Fine. Fine. It is all right, but I want you to join me in the V.R. after the trial. I think you will have faster progress in V.R. with your skills,” said Lucius. ”But mornings are going to be physical. No tech can change that.”
”Of course, not. We need to get our body used to the skills too. No use just practicing in V.R. without being able to check it physically,” said Balthazar agreeing with Lucius.
”I heard from Elias, that they could also make not of your physique and simulate your stamina, perspiration, etc. So, you might not necessarily be sure that you need physical training,” added in Richard.
”You can't have it simulate everything perfectly. At the end, it is a code based on a few assumptions. It is best we always practice physically too and it is good to have physical exercise,” said Balthazar.
”Took the words from my mouth,” compliment Lucius. ”By the way, Richard and I are accompanying you to the planet. We might have a few others on the plane,” he added.
”Ahem, ahem,” coughed Balthazar as he almost choked on his food when he heard this. ”Are you going to train us on the plane,” asked Balthazar. He was afraid that if Lucius would try and train him on V.R. but he needed to talk to Arthur during the ride.
”No such intentions. We are coming to provide security, just in case of an attack. After the incident with Max, we are just a bit more careful,” said Lucius.
”Oh. Did anything happen?” asked Balthazar as doubts began to creep in his mind. Winston had abruptly sent him off his office which fount to be somewhat odd. With the sudden addition of Lucius and Richard, he felt that something might have happened.
”Nothing happened. What do you mean?” Lucius asked Balthazar.
”I thought we were going to be taken to the planet by some unknown personal and didn't expect you two for security,” said Balthazar trying to pry out more.
”Ah! Well, since Robert almost died, Richard and I were assigned to have look out for anyone around the place. We didn't tell you before this as there were some people concerned that you might bribe us. Still we need to wear a camera and keep sending live feed to the others,” said Lucius. ”So, we obviously can't help you unless another human or ape is seen on the planet.”
”Maybe they are just protective of Robert. He had plans to attempt trial for some time and Richard was definitely his bodyguard and Lucius was asked to specifically train him. It is a reasonable assumption. It is better, if I don't wast much time on this,” thought Balthazar.
After that their conversation went on. Lucius mostly talked about training and that they better learn using weapons well, if they plan to compete for an elder position. Richard also seemed to have the same idea. Most of their conversation went around training Robert as he was the one with the intention to compete for the post of an elder and they both were adamant on one thing - Robert needs to learn to defend himself by hook or crook, if he becomes an elder. It was true. Once, an elder, he would have more responsibilities and would need to venture out of the safety of Asklepian.
Finishing their meal, the others returned to their rooms and suggested that they get to the hall by 10 p.m sharp. Lucius offered to check and get their equipment to the ship in time and Richard was going to accompany Robert and Balthazar from their rooms to the ship. Richard clearly didn't want to take any chances.
Balthazar went back to his room and began to unpack the headgear that he had received from the mail. He put a chair beside the pod, connected the headgear to internet and power and put it on. The system check up immediately started the usual scans and logged into his account. He checked if the bank details and other features are all proper and working before logging on to the game.
He immediately logged into the game to check that too. He was appeared in the teleportation point of the White Heart City. He had about one hour or real-life time which translated to three hours. He didn't really need to pack anything for the trial other than the somnium headgear which he planned to use on the plane.
He didn't want to get out of the city and try out killing monsters to see if there were any differences that he could feel. The difference is mainly due to the consumption of energy and electrolytes by the players. If the player is well hydrated and fed, the headgear and pod wouldn't have much difference. He had a better way to check it out. Forging and other secondary occupations also needed fine control of actions by players. So, it was also a good way to check the control that he had with it.
He first decided to meet up with Merlin and talk about the engineer, Earthly Researcher that Rudra had found. Merlin invited him to the Whitewater tavern in the White Heart City to talk about it with Grenadier Mage.
This tavern in the city was more or less the same as the other one they had been in. The main difference that one could notice was that there was a musical troupe of NPCs and even a dance floor. It was much more entertaining than the other tavern and Shadow had remembered this much better. Merlin was already occupying a table and waiting for him and Grenadier to come.