Chapter 94 - Troll (1/2)

Suddenly, the goblins ceased their advance as a loud grating sound was heard outside the weapons vault. It was as if something was dragging a metal object along the floor. This was accompanied by heavy footsteps. It was clear to them that some new monster probably a boss level one came up as they killed a majority of the goblins. It put them all on edge as they heard the sound.

”I am out of the battle state,” said Harry in the team chat putting a stop to the tension. He was continuously checking his panel for his status. He was ready to get out of the palace. As the mission was only Shadow's any of them could escape by channelling their hearthstones.

”Great! There is troll coming. Channel the hearthstone now. Go and deposit them in the shop. Don't sell any of these and get Lizzie along with you,” replied Shadow. ”We will try to clear out as many as possible in the meantime.”

”Yes. Also tell her to stop selling the dynamites and get them with you two. We will probably need them to secure this fort,” said Rudra as Harry was channelling his hearthstone. Rudra was extremely determined to get a hold of this fort and use it as a base. Though it was quite close to the White Heart City, it was bound to be useful sooner or later. At least, he would be able to sell it to the city in the worst-case scenario that he couldn't use it well.

”Get away from the door,” said Shadow peeking out from the gap filled with burnt and cut up goblin corpses to confirm his guess about the troll. ”It is more than 8 feet tall and holding a club that is 5 feet long. It probably would be able to push open the door,” said Shadow as he moved away.

”Get the cannon and dynamite ready. We will throw them all on it as soon as it enters,” said Shadow. Blinding White and Little White Feet were near the hand cannon aimed perfectly at the entrance. The rest were also waiting for the troll to enter and bombard it.

There was a loud bang as the door which Shadow and others managed to close partially with great difficulty slammed open. There was a spiked club made of metal stuck in the door. The size of the club itself was extremely intimidating. The force of the door being opened raised dust all over the room and a bunch of weapons and ammunition which they didn't take for lack of space in their bags crashed onto the ground due to the vibrations.

A horde of goblins about 30 in number came running into the room followed by a large silhouette of a troll. It was bald with red eyes and long ears, had four long fangs coming out of its mouth with an inch-long claws and had a dark green color. Despite looking ferocious and hungry like a beast, it was slow as it had a very large torso and legs giving it a disproportionate shape. It had one of its legs on the door and was trying to pull out the club which was stuck on the door.

[Forest Troll] (Boss Monster)

Level 13:

HP: 8000/8000;

They could have immediately attacked if not for the horde of goblins which were attacking them. ”Aim for the Troll, I will clear the goblins,” said Merlin as he used the skill chaos wave. As soon as he used it a grey mist almost indistinguishable from the dust spread onto the goblins putting them in a stunned state.

”Dynamites at the troll,” shouted Shadow as they all threw dynamites at the troll putting it in a state of stun as well as causing damage to it. The dynamites also cause fire damage and had a blow back effect on the troll and goblins. The goblins which were in a stunned state all fell down due to the blowback effect, but the troll hardly moved due to the dynamite.

”Did you prepare for the chaos wave skill when you heard it approaching?” asked Shadow surprised at the speed and effectiveness of Merlin's skill. Chaos wave was a skill that required certain time to chant and use it. If it was disturbed during the chant, he would have to start again. So, it wasn't a skill that could be used instantaneously.

”The sounds indicated that it was huge and if it entered, it would definitely create enough space for a horde to support it,” replied Merlin as he continued attacking with other skills.

The hand cannon was also fired during this time and hit the troll in the middle of its chest. The troll which was already stunned and due to the mass use of the dynamite staggered backwards as it was hit by the cannon ball. A huge red value of 1500 HP immediately showed on its head indicated its loss of HP due to the cannon

”Reload the cannon. Aim at its head,” said Rudra to Blinding White as he went ahead to attack the horde. Apart from Merlin, he was the only one who managed to get a few strong AOE skills. He quickly used Harpoon Tackle forcing the goblins away to the sides as he managed to reach the troll and continued with Earth Shattering strike. The aftereffects of these skills provided enough time for Little White Feet who was being protected by Blinding White to reload the hand cannon and fire it.

This time they made sure that it would hit the troll on its head. The hit reduced its health by an amount of 3000 HP. With the dynamites, the two cannon balls and the various attacks of the players, the troll had already lost a large amount of its health and had less than 2000 HP. Moreover, the attack from the cannon had smashed its nose and mouth causing it to fall back in a dazed state. Its head was also in a tilted state as if it had broken due to the cannon.

”Continue with the dynamites and spam your skills,” said Rudra as he used Whirlwind Slash on the goblins which were close by putting them down again.

”Hold on to the hand cannon load but don't use it,” said Shadow as he and they rest continued attacking the troll and the mobs. The troll seeming already passed out and even let go of its club after it was hit by the second cannon shot. Shadow quickly went to the troll and used his clone skill to deal damage. But the best part was done by Rudra. He had already changed his weapon to a broadsword he found in the vault and swung at the troll's neck to behead it, effectively killing the troll. After that they continued to attack the remaining goblins of the horde. Though they managed to finally kill the horde, it wasn't without casualties.

”How many are dead?” asked Rudra as he began looting the goblins. He had already looted the troll, but he got only a small piece of armor from it.

”Tang, Rick and Tetsujin are dead,” reported Slaine. Even though they had a cannon and dynamites, the horde that followed goblins was overwhelming. Tang was a guardian and Tetsujin had the highest agility after Shadow and Duck 'n' Roll, but they still couldn't escape when a number of goblins ran towards them.

”That is bad. We depended on Tetsujin quite a bit. He always made sure that he held back one of the goblins in the rooms,” said Duck 'n' Roll.

”Let us first move the door back, loot the goblins and the remaining armaments in the room first. We can make a plan after we scout again. Quite a number of goblins have come after the alarm. We might have a simpler situation than we expected,” said Shadow as he came to the door and with the help of others again moved the door and left only space enough for one player to get through at a time.