Chapter 93 - Silvannus Fort - 3 (1/2)

”Turn down the setting for smell, if you are finding it hard to tolerate,” said Shadow as he was examining the room. There was a door at the far end of the room. It would clearly lead into the fort, but they had no idea what they might find there.

”Keep dynamites and fireworks ready on hand. We might need to use them,” said Shadow as he slowly went to the door without making a sound. It was locked from the outside and from the shadows He couldn't open it from this end of the door.

”I think we are stuck here. We better find some other way out or make a commotion and attract their attention and fight our way out,” said Merlin in the team chat. At such situations when they were in unknown territory, it was always common for most players who played games to use team chats. Speaking directly or making noises would bring them to the notice of the guards.

”Who has pet?” asked Shadow. ”If we make any metallic sounds or something they might be on guard, but if sounds of an animal comes from withing, they would be worried about the food being consumed and rush in a hurry.”

”You think that would work?” asked Tang. She was extremely impressed by the hawk that Rudra bought from the pet store. Once, she saw Rudra's post on the forum, she immediately went to buy a ferret from the pet store. It was not really a pet that would be useful in fight and just to be something to be played with and enjoyed.

”Ya. Probably one of the very few uses of ferrets. Make it squeal when I give the signal,” said Shadow as he placed himself beside the door ready to attack. Tetsujin, Rudra and Merlin also placed themselves beside the door ready for the goblins. Slaine and Quiet Fire went into the dark to attack from a distance in case they failed to restrain the guards outside.

With the preparation done, Shadow signalled for Tang to start it. Once, the ferret started to squeak, the guards outside immediately noticed. They started grunting in their own language and in a couple of seconds, the click of a lock being opened was heard tensing all the players in the room.

As the door opened two goblin guards rushed into the room. Each were about 4 feet, wearing animal skin for armor and a pike made of wood in their hands. When they passed by both Shadow and Tetsujin immediately reacted and held one down each. Shadow as usual went for the neck and slit it open before he continued attacking. He couldn't take a chance. Though the game made the fights and mechanics realistic, it also introduced a certain amount of regeneration to the magical beasts and monsters, so that it wouldn't become boring. Tang and Blinding White joined him in finishing it off.

Tetsujin was also quite efficient in controlling a goblin guard. He had bought a pair of wooden tonfas at the city which had a hook like blade at the end of it handles. He pushed an end of the wooden part into the throat of the goblin shutting it up. Following that he immediately threw it down on the floor after which Rudra and Merlin joined him in the attack.

At the same time, Duck 'n' Roll got out of the room in stealth to check if there were any other sentries close by. With 13 players attacking 2 goblins, it hardly took a minute before the goblins died.

The spectre gave them a location to meet, but it told them to kill all the goblins and trolls before contacting it. So, Shadow had planned on killing all the monsters in the fort first. The rest of the members also wanted to do the same as they wanted to capture the fort and had no idea of Shadow's original intentions.

The storage room that they were in, was inside the fort and quite a distance from the outer wall, where the two towers were. The archers and personnel posted on such towers usually served the warnings. With them past the range of the tower and inside the fort, they escaped a major hurdle.

”We are inside the fort and hold the element of surprise,” said Shadow turning towards the rest of the team. ”Both I and Roll will move out to scout for the goblins and trolls. We need to quickly kill any goblins we come across without letting them alert others to maintain our advantage. We will observe their patterns and attack only groups with less than 5 members each time, so that we can quickly kill them. If you find trolls, avoid them and try to get away from them. Provide the location in team chat so that we can all avoid it. We can kill trolls quickly. They are tough and they shout alerting nearby reinforcements.”

”I also got 4 scopes here. Though you can't mount it without a bow, it can still be used to check for enemies at a distance. Be careful,” said Rudra as he handed them out to Merlin, Quiet Fire, Roll and Harry.

”Yes. That would be helpful. Power take this and spray it at the goblins, in case you can't stun it quickly. It puts them in a daze,” said Shadow as handed him a sprinkler filled with alva's tincture. ”It won't be for longer duration though, but enough for you to injure the monsters.”

”One last thing. Don't use torches and flashy attacks. In this darkness, it is a dead give-away. Goblins tend to live in dark places and a light will attract them,” said Shadow as he went into stealth.

”No flashy attacks? What am I supposed to do? Hit it with my staff?” asked Quiet Fire. His conditions made her next to useless.

”Don't worry and follow me. We will go along with Shadow,” said Merlin as he took hold of them. He had extensive experience and knew how to use magic classes without alerting others. He just needs a few physical classes to pull the targets into a dark corner to attack them. He obviously chose Tetsujin and Shadow for this.

”Stay in the dark. He will give the proper sign for us to attack and we will quickly kill it. Remember stay as close to Shadow and attack using your skills at close range, so that the visual effects would be seen for longer durations,” advised Merlin.

”Dude, I am trying my best, but your orders do make us almost useless. You need to determine if we can use our attack and order us,” said Merlin to Shadow privately in chat.

”Ok. I understand. Just attack when I ask to. I will handle the responsibility. I have the highest perception attribute among us and I am the best for checking this,” replied Shadow in the private chat.

”Roll move out. We will scout out the area before, we get them out of the room,” said Shadow as he went into stealth. The fort inside the hill seemed to be in the shape of a semicircle and the storage room where his team was at one of the ends.

There were a few goblins in the pathway outside the room. Most were in other rooms playing or screeching and arguing with one another. One could consider them to be extremely lively beings. They almost fought on a regular basis and noises were always there. Other goblins would only be alerted on sounding horns.