Chapter 92 - Silvannus Fort - 2 (2/2)
”This Silvannus must be some kind of guardian. Must be some famous character of the lore, if his follower became a spectre to follow his orders even after death,” thought Balthazar as he heard the spectre.
”Is that all? It seems like you don't know anything of it. I would definitely attempt to get to the shrine along with my team,” said Shadow. He realized that if he wanted any more information, he would have to make the spectre talk about it.
”I have already warned you. If you are bent on attempting to go to that place, I already know I can't stop you,” said the spectre. ”But if you promise that you would kill all the goblins and trolls, I promise that I would lead you to the core region.”
”Why should I trust you? You wanted to kill me,” asked Shadow.
”You told you wanted to attempt with your team. Those not fated with the shrine will lose their lives anyway. But the goblins and trolls should be killed and taken care of. One can never risk one of these creatures to even accidentally get a hold of the power inside. These were the words of Lord Silvannus and I exist to adhere to his orders,” said the spectre.
”There are more than 10 people in my team. Can you lead us all through the fort to the core area?” asked Shadow.
”The number is of no consequence. I have been a member of the guard for a long tiime. I know of ways that you couldn't imagine. Lord Silvannus had great foresight and he created lots of obstacles to the core area. He also created short and hidden ways to enter the fort. It was his foresight that saved the army,” said the spectre.
”So, you know a hidden way into the fort?”
”Of course!” replied the spectre tipping its helmet in pride. ”Here, this will help you get inside the fort. Meet me inside. I will be waiting for you and show you the way to the shrine once clear the fort of the filth,” said Rozarius handing Shadow a map. It showed a detailed path from the side of the hill into the fort.
New Quest: [Clear out the Silvannus Fort] (Difficulty: Hard)
Description: Kill all the goblins and trolls in the Silvannus Fort and meet up with Rozarius in the fort.
Progress: Enter the Silvannus fort.
”I better get the Rudra and the other to this place,” he thought as he checked his friends list. It would also show their levels. Rudra had already reached level 11 by crafting all the dynamites. Now, he already was at level 12 due to killing white horn deer which were level 12 monsters. The others also managed to reach level 11 in the past hour and would soon reach level 12.
”It is enough. The forum had no indication of the goblins occupying the fort. Killing them would elevate their level to 12,” thought Balthazar. ”I guess this is a one-time mission to clear the fort. No one found it after the post in the forums either.”
He quickly made his way to the rest of the team. He had already contacted Rudra and told him about the quest that he received. When Rudra heard about a fort, he thought it could be used as a small base of operations outside the city and was very excited. Rudra immediately went ahead and started helping the rest of the group to increase their level. He believed that the more the number of players at higher level, the easier it would be to capture the fort.
In about 30 minutes, he managed to get back to the place where Rudra and the rest were hunting the white horn deer. He joined them in hunting the deer. Once, he joined them, he took Rudra and the rest into the forest towards the location.
They soon reached the Silvannus fort and a majority of them were surprised to see such a large camp of goblins in the forest.
”F.u.c.k! How do you find these things? First the cave of wargs and then the goblin camp, now a fort. You know someone who designed the game?” asked Merlin unable to contain his excitement.
”Haha, I am just good at exploring places, I guess,” shrugged off Shadow as he led them to the secret passage that Rozarius' map had indicated. The map indicated the passage to be left of the goblin camp halfway to the opposite side of the goblin camp. It was small cave in the hill.
The cave was small and had an area of about 20 square meters. The map showed a path from the cave. They had to keep searching it for a while before Quiet Fire managed to find a small lever in the cave. It was just a small grip for one's hand in the stone wall of the cave. On pulling it, a grating sound filled the cave as a piece of the wall cut in shape of a rectangle was pushed out of the wall. Rudra, Shadow and four others had to push it to the side together so that there would be enough space for them to get inside.
They slowly moved into the passage, which was about 8 feet in high, allowing at most tthree players to move through side-by-side and completely dark. They could hardly watch see a thing in the passage.
”Merlin get the torches out. We can't get anywhere without them,” shouted Tetsujin.
”You guys have torches on hand?” asked Shadow surprised. He didn't expect them to keep torches with them. Later, in the game players would always keep torches or light stones with them, but at that stage players would have a decent amount of bag space. So, it wasn't that much of an issue.
”After the cave of wargs, I just decided that it would be prudent to have a couple of torches with me and Quiet Fire,” answered Merlin as he pulled out a torch and lit it.
Merlin led the rest of them through the passage into the fort. At the end of the passage there was a wooden door which the opened into a dark stinking room in the fort. It was clear that they were deep in the hill. The room was filled with meat. They clearly stepped into a food warehouse of the goblins. They would have looted the meat if it didn't stink like it was spoiled. The wooden door when closed merged smoothly into the wall like there was nothing there. They couldn't even find a way back into the passage as they couldn't open the door.