270 270Us. < 86Us. Hide-and-seek (3). > (1/2)

BJ Archmage D-Dart 63310K 2022-07-25



Unlike conventional monster hunting methods, this method, which requires a given number of hits, was one of the players' favorites.

- Isn't tag a dog benefit?

Right, tagging is the easiest, right?

Yes, boss. I'm not worried about being beaten by monsters.

I'm telling you to catch him running away, but I'd rather be grateful if he was attacked.

In other words, there was no threat of being attacked by the monster that would be targeted.

Therefore, the tagging method was easier than any other hunting if only one condition was met.

- Yeah, it's easy. If you just make sure the surroundings are clear.

Remove threats from the perimeter.

In other words, there was no more troublesome way when there was a threat on the stage where they would play tag.

Goddamn it!

'Oh, damn it. . . ..'

That's why everyone in the midfield guild and explorer guild sighed in their hearts the moment the boss monster at the meteorite crash site learned how to play tag.

The monsters here didn't even clean up properly.….'

The stage they're on now has a more powerful threat than any other hunting ground.

”Furthermore, playing tag while fighting with BJ archipelago......That's terrible.'

It's not just one. It's a lot.

Of course, that didn't mean to let go.

Theo and Yehwa adapted quickly to the situation once.

”Getting up the chase!”

”I'll set up a regular team to catch the target.”

First, we called up a tagger team to catch the hidden boss monster.

- The explorer Guild is going to the unit that Theo brought him?

- Is the central guild side a combination of Inazuma and Killer Dog?

- He's focused on mobility. Well, mobility is more important than anything else in tag.

The team was centered on the best players of each team and those with excellent mobility in the group.

”We also organize a blocking team.”

Afterwards, a blocking team was formed to prevent monsters at important moments so that the tagger team could chase after the prey at any time.


At this point, the two heads of state were forced to hesitate.

'What do we do?’

As mentioned earlier, most of the hunting of boss monsters or certain monsters by tag was carried out with cleanliness around them.

We didn't have to build a blocking team, so we didn't have any experience building one.

There is no way he could have kept this situation in mind.

As such, concerns were bound to proceed in the composition of the members.

Meanwhile, time went on and on, and news came.

”The BJ archipelago has made a second attack!”

While they are worried, the BJ archbishop is playing tag at a fast pace.

Immediately after the news came new news.

”The support team has explained the features of the Boss Monster.”

”Really? What are your abilities?”

While I was listening, the information was delivered to everyone who was pleased with the good news.

”We use chamoflage for shooting.”

”It won't be easy.”

”And at the same time, they use blinks.”

”Blink? Really? Wow, that's the worst combination.”

”After that, it also changes its appearance to polymorph. It's a wolf form now.”

”Huh? What? Polymorph?”

”Lastly, he's also using the Hearst. The speed of movement has gotten faster.”

Of course, no one was more than happy when they accepted the information.

'The moment you're attacked, you're moving from a camouflage state to a blink, and then you change your appearance? Even the Heist?'

You just don't want me to catch you, do you?’

I'm just laughing at this horrible reality.

”BJ Grand Master doesn't seem to be easy either.

In such a situation, there was only one comfort.

”Yes, no matter how BJ archangel you are, you won't be able to play with this nonsense.”

”It's a good thing he suffered with you.”

”Right. By now, BJ Grandmaster will also be swearing.”

In the face of this far-fetched level of difficulty, even the BJ archangel has no choice but to despair.


”Oh, I'm going crazy.”

Midas, who spat out irritated grunts, shook his head from side to side and then spat again.

”Bring it on, you'll have to see something.”

Such Midas' words made viewers express their feelings as if they had been waiting.

- It's really hard. What do you mean, chamoflage?

- Blink combo in capoplage. He even wore a capo flower and had a BLINK on.

- I can't see it. How do you know where it went if you use a blink?

- Polimov and Heist also score goals. You can't even adjust to your eyes because the shape changes, right?

All the viewers who said so were reacting dumbfounded.

The level of difficulty in hunting the boss monster and Shin Woon-seok was enormous.

Most of all, it was unbearable to spend time meaninglessly.

”I don't know who made the game, but it's awesome. Lucky, what do you think? What do you think this game is?”


”It's like the banana peel in the food bin?”


”Lucky knows something, as expected.”

That's why Midas was playing a funny skit in a non-promising wait.

- Poor BJ Master. I'm finally going crazy.

- Frankly enough to lose your mind.

- Shouldn't we sue Godworth at this rate?

Viewers looked sad at Midas.

[We support litigation costs] has sponsored ten dollars.]

[We support the charges. sponsored by 10,000 won.]

We're funding terrorism. has sponsored 100100.]

There was also a flurry of sympathy and support.

In the wave of such cheering Midas looked to his left side with a side glance.

Then it appeared.

A black wild boar, spouting golden pillars and loitering around.

Midas smiled bitterly at the sight.

”Oh, I'm getting guilty of lying.’

It was because of the apologies for getting donations in return, lying about what seemed so obvious.

”Now I want to see the end of it. Okay, I'll catch you today. Do not log out until you catch it. Lucky, Gold! Move in that direction!”


”Yes, Master!”

Immediately upon such Midas' orders, Lucky and Gold moved in the direction pointed by Midas.


Flames rose along the steps of the two of the two.

The moment the effect of the fire step is activated.

It was the moment.

As Lucky and Gold approached the flames, Shin Woon-seok, who had been in a camo-flage state, began to move.


The motion was so faint that it was hard to see with the naked eye because of the state of chamoplage.

There was no sound.

- I don't think they're over there?

- You need to see something.

- If you touch the Fire Step, the Chamoflage will be temporarily released, but if you see something invisible, you don't think it's here?

In fact, viewers who were looking for Shin Woon-seok as a tagger are talking about it.

'You can see it well.'

Of course it was seen in Midas' eyes.

To where Shin Woon-seok is, what shape he is, and how he is now.

If you hit it with a fireball right away, you can hit it.

Still Midas did not.

While pretending to stare at the front without saying a word, he soon threw his finger at him with a look as if he had found something.

[Shockwave is on.]

Soon after the shockwave was activated, Shin Un-seok's camo flage condition, which was exposed there, was temporarily released, revealing his appearance.

[Shin Woon-seok has been shot.]

[New meteorite uses chamoplage.]

[New Meteorite uses blinks.]

At the same time, Shin Woon-seok, who was seen in front of his eyes with an audible notification, immediately disappeared from Midas' view.

”From the beginning again.”

Midas smiling bitterly at the fact.