221 221Us. < 71Us. No business in front of the quantity (2). > (1/2)
Azmo, someone asked him a question when he broke the 100 million mark for the first time in GOTWORDS.
What's the secret to attracting 100 million viewers faster than anyone else?
Azmo answered the question like this.
If the viewer expects one, show two, and then take out three!
What Midas showed now was Azmo's secret, itself.
[Azmo sponsored 10,091 dollars.]
[Azmo: No, what is this? There are two ministry horses, right? What the hell did you prepare this time?]
Even Azmo, who was watching the live broadcast, was surprised.
The chat window was literally in chaos.
Of course, some analyzed the situation coolly.
[Mullin sponsored $10,092]
[Mullin: The number of summonses has increased, so it's highly likely it's a one-more skill, but the weapon doesn't seem to have one-more skill. Then it depends on items other than weapons, I'd like it.]
[구스타프 님이 10,093달러를 후원했습니다.]
[구스타프 : 나도 멀린의 의견에 동의한다.]
일부는 냉철하게 BJ대마도사가 보여준 것을 해석했다.
그러나 그 행위는 아무런 의미도 없었다.
- 저기 라이브에 집중 좀 합시다.
- 지방 방송들은 좀 꺼주시죠?
지금 이 순간 모든 이들이 보고 싶어 하는 건 오로지 하나, BJ대마도사가 앞으로 보여줄 것이었으니까.
”Going to the top.”
Midas was willing to comply with the wishes of such viewers.
The first three, one of which was the ring monkey, was entrusted to Lucky.
”Life and death!”
As soon as the effect was made, the first ring monkey rushed to Lucky.
Two are left.
”Blades Golem.”
Midas attached Blaze Golem to the second of the two.
”Everybody stick together!”
All three.
Three Blaze Golems moved at the same time on the order.
Three golems blocked the target at once, as if a wall were coming in.
”Fire warriors, stick together!”
Midas attached the Spirits to the side of those Golem.
Now there's one left, the third ring monkey.
It was none other than Midas who faced it.
Midas didn't budge a little against the third child of the ring monkey, whose height was high enough to be seen with quite a tilt of his head.
Rather, he set off a counter fire first.
The start of the fight is Inferno!
The third ring monkey gladly responded to Midas's will.
He rushed at Midas.
Crazy Arcade!
The speed of the man, who roared and used his elongated arms like legs, was tremendous.
It's not that weird even if Midas is overrun by just by bumping into each other.
But Midas was not moved by the fact.
- Uh, you'll get it before casting!
Screams floated in the chat window at the sight of a major accident expected by anyone.
At that moment Midas shouted.
Midas' body disappeared immediately during the casting.
The third ring monkey recognized it, but that was all.
The already inert body could not stop properly, and it just passed where Midas was.
I tried to force a stop, but it was counterproductive.
When a speeding car stops by force, it loses its balance.
Eventually, the third of the fallen ring monkey slipped on the floor.
There was no major shock.
The only thing that's consumed is time.
- Casting's over!
But it was a waste that should not be done in the third position of the ring monkey.
Poo hoo hoo-hoo!
Inferno's demon, which appeared in the eyewear, threw out flames at the three ring monkeys.
There was a scream to match the burning flames.
”Your man. Be a manure for the glory of your master!”
Naturally, there was no room to avoid the little thing that approached the third of the ring monkey and the sword that the mini-gold beat.
The sword of Fatou, which was beaten by Minnie Gold, was lodged in the body of the third ring monkey.
[Cursed by Fatou]
The moment when the curse of Fatou invokes following the curse of Inferno.
- Even the curse of Pattu!
- From now on, we're going to get the damage handling creepy.
At the moment when even the beholder was chilling, Midas was preparing something more chilling.
- Huh? The BJ Grand Maestro's street?
Midas, who used a blink and moved behind the third ring monkey's back, was opening up the street.
'70 metres.'
Longtose, where the effect can be maximized.
'Yongmaek is a bonus.’
Moreover, where there is a vein of solubility.
Standing there, Midas shouted the spell.
It starts with a revolver.
”Trident Add One.”
It was Trident who pulled it out of that state.
- Three Trident shots coming out!
The moment when three terrible skills are already prepared at a time with a bob.
”Ann Fire Ball and Fire Spear.”
Midas even prepared for the follow-up attack.
”Legendary Horse Iceball and Ice Spear.”
He casted five skills at once.
- It's Penta casting!
- Isn't it Quintuple casting?
- What does expression matter! You cast five spells!
a scene that astonishes viewers
[Casting is complete.]
Midas finally launched an attack in the sight.
He threw the ice spear and the trident in his hand at the third forehead of the ring monkey without hesitation and without wavering.
The window, which had been blown away, was inserted deep into the third forehead of the ring monkey, the golden target.
[The third ring monkey is freezing.]
In that condition, the third ring monkey froze.
He's become an easy target.
Midas threw another trident at the target.
After that, he threw it in succession.
Three shots!
At the exact moment of everyone's hit, Midas had a hot fireball in his hand.
On the other hand, the third ring monkey is still frozen.
Even Midas had flame gloves on his hands.
A situation in which one can hit with his eyes closed, but Midas didn't throw it.
The Thunderbolt was filled with empty casting items.
It was a wise way.
You don't have to fill up the casting position after you finish your magic.
Especially, if the casting time is long like Thunderbolt, it was right to memorize it early.
Viewers also knew.
- Next up is Thunderbolt? Oh, Tonya.