83 83.00. < 26.00. Flagging (2). > (1/2)

BJ Archmage D-Dart 60100K 2022-07-22


The way to target the wizard class at GOTWORKS was very simple.

'The magician's weakness is close combat.'

Closing a close-up dealer and making an attack.

There were many reasons.

'Because I can't move if you stick.’

However, the most obvious reason for this was Godworth's setting: ”If you are attacked or moved during a magic casting, the casting will be canceled.”

'I'm no different.

Midas didn't mean you could get out of that orbit.

Nevertheless, it was Lucky and Gold that helped Midas play amazingly.

Thanks to their perfect tanking and guard, Midas didn't have to worry about a close game.

But it's a story when you deal with monsters.

”There's no way a guild or game company's paid kids wouldn't want to go after it with just one skill.”’

Players were different.

It was obvious that players would use various means and methods to reach Midas beyond the walls of Lucky and Gold, aiming for that weakness.

And after that?

It's just a mud fight.

A mud fight where there's nothing left even if you win.

If Lucky or Gold dies, it's a headache.’

Worst of all, Lucky and Gold were overrun in the process of such mudslinging.

In the case of Gold, it was possible to summon 100 monsters once again as he was a Guardian.

'Lucky can't be resurrected for 80 hours when he's dead, and he has to do a quest to be resurrected.’

But Lucky, like the players, had to pay 80 hours to be revived.

That's why Midas tried to level up in the giant forest, even risking losses in many ways.

To be honest, that was not a sure way, so there was a lot of anxiety.

The same was true when the Recycling and Mana Shield skills were in hand.

Although the survival time has increased, Midas was just a coveted sandbag, with no magic available, as soon as the conventional tactics allowed for close combat.

There Midas changed his mind.

'I'd rather have a tanking than force a deal.’

You want to be a tanker.

That was why Midas now generously spread his arms wide in front of two close dealers.

”Hey, it's less than half my blood, so can you kill me? Huh?”

He also spared no provocation.

[HP is 50%.]

Of course, much of those provocations were bluffing.

'It's a bargain if you do this or that.’

The amount recovered through the Recycling Skill was not very large compared to the mana consumed.

At 10 percent mana consumption, HP recovered approximately 3 percent.

If Midas could have seen HP and Mana's state in real time, it would have been immediately clear that Midas was bluffing with no laugh. 'Well, there's no way you guys know.

But there was no way or player to see such a thing at GOTWORDS.

Except for one, Midas.

Anyway, why shouldn't you be bluffing under such circumstances?

'But it's the scope of the proposition.

Furthermore, there was no variable in Midas' position, which allows users to see all the basic data from the other person's item setting.

'For you, it's beyond the scope of the proposition. Very far out.'

Indeed, Midas's such bravado has put two players attacking him, Yamato and Yamatsu in trouble.

'With this much delay, we're gonna die, and we're not even halfway through?'

'How the hell do we hold out on the subject of the wizard class? Have you invested all your abilities in physical strength?'

Even though they had a damage deal that they couldn't hold on to, they were constantly stabbed and fell on the floor several times. They were embarrassed against Midas, who stood up but could afford it.

”You're slow in action, aren't you? Aren't you going to attack me? You must be running out of time?”

And the fact that time is not on their side further embarrassed them.

'I don't even have the skills to use anymore.’

'Cool time is coming.’

They used most of the major skills, and when cool time started, all they could do was attack without the skills.

'I don't know why, but the muscular stats aren't short of us.’

'When the skill effect disappears...... a one-sided attack is impossible.’

Furthermore, they have found out that Midas' muscular stats are not as low as their own in the midst of repeated attacks.

I couldn't help feeling nervous about the fact that I was wasting time.

Midas's case was the exact opposite.


”You bastards! This sword will judge for the sin of exposing its teeth to its master!”

Lucky, who had already killed Hiller early on, was now biting the wizard's body violently, and Gold was overwhelmed, let alone guarding the tanker.

”Hurry up and catch me. I haven't even used the electromagnetization and the megalithicization yet.”

Furthermore, Lucky and Gold have not even taken out a lethal card in all these situations.

”Oh, I'm sorry to let you watch the boring broadcast again.”

More than all of this, however, what made Midas' target more miserable was that all of this was broadcast live.

- As expected, BJ Master of the Horse is no fun.

- Too strong, too lame.

Of course, for Yamato and Yamatsu, the BJ daemadosa's live performance was within the sufficient scope of the proposition.

I didn't mean to care about it.

Rather, they intended to steal the reputation of the BJ archbishop through the broadcast.

There was nothing wrong with the broadcast itself.

The problem was this atmosphere that was going on now.

”The Snico Company doesn't pay these kids, does it?”

First of all, I don't know why, but the BJ archbishop knows who they are.

”If you're really paying kids like this and paying them, then Sniko Company must be really rich. That's more than me. I don't think Azmo would do that because it's a waste of money.”

And they're using that fact to destroy their image.

Goddamn it!

”Oh, my God, if this happens...…'

In fact, the defeat itself was nothing to be afraid of.

Even if they lost or overplayed, their company could understand.

That's why we got permission.

But there is a kind of defeat.

If you lose this way, beyond a ridiculous toy, you'll be ridiculed and lost, and the story will be different.

'It's obvious you're in a position.’

That's what Midas was after.

If Midas kills those who attack him in the future, his ransom will rise as he kills them.

If you catch a teenage guild player, the next challenge will be out of control.

Furthermore, the higher the ransom, the easier the challenge.

It was more merit than risk.

'We lost, but we fought well.’

There's nothing to lose if you lose!

For Midas, it was the most avoidable situation, so Midas created the situation now.

'Don't expect such a thing.’

If you want to aim for yourself, you have to be prepared to carry a yoke instead of honor.

[Lucky killed Nakato.]

[Gold has defeated General Dong.]

Then, in Midas' ears and in the ears of the two who were driving Midas, there was a notification that the three players had been game over.


”You bastards!”

Midas now has a numerical advantage.

- Game over.

- Well, the tanker's a good tanker.

As expected, BJ Lucky, if the tanker only tanks, it's definitely a carriage!

Midas spoke to the broadcast audience in the situation where the game was virtually over.

”37 points.”

a sudden remark

- What do you mean?

- What is it?

- 37 points?

Midas explained to the viewers who questioned the expression.

”The score for these guys.

At that moment Lucky and Gold just hit the two.


- It's BJ Grand Master Singing Live!