Chapter 922 00922 A Poisoned Chalice, Two. (1/2)

M E M O R I Z E Ro Yoo Jin 42430K 2022-07-25

As soon as the Hamill expedition left the target area, the surrounding landscape changed completely. If the boundary had been a forest with a bustling atmosphere, the place we marched in was a valley full of clear, clean air.

Moreover, I wandered around with a bright face throughout the march, whether it was because the body and soul flowed even holy enough to be godly by themselves. If you feel bad, the meek child comes to rest, ‘Father. I really like this place. Can we just run for a second?’ It was natural to ask. (Of course, he did not allow it. Individual actions on these large expeditions were absolutely forbidden.)

When I said no, I suddenly had an idea because I was looking at Mar, turning my ears drooping. Maybe the territory that we've crossed is a partial representation of the territory that exists within the law.

You see, the land of the Dark Blue Steel Light and the Bloody Forest, and the third rite of passage, Blood. And the sacred valley and the sacred ground, the fourth rite of passage. I didn't know it before, but I think it's really connected one by one.

Regardless of virtue, the area was unchanged and so was the area to be targeted in the future. But I made a different choice than when I was working to bring back old memories.

There are two roads through the valley, and if I remember correctly, the main roads would be blocked by a swarming colony of monsters in the deep gutter. In the past, however, as a result of a complete sweep of the area, I was able to find a side road that spins around the colony late.

T r an sl at ed by jpmt l .co m I chose to go on this expedition. The disadvantage is that the path is narrow and needs to be turned around, but the chances of encountering monsters are quite low. It was the best option, since we had to conserve as much power as possible before attacking the Temple of Promise.

Of course, they've been in this valley for a long time, so it was a lot of crowds to hope they don't run into each other. I can't say I've been around much, but the creature appears once in a while if I can forget it. Perhaps as thousands of people move at once, they feel a strange sense of direction and come to scout and approach.

Each time, I summoned Seon Yueun to silently shoot the nearest creature. If successful, I retrieved the body, incinerated it, and quickly left.

You're missing one in the bay? Then it was a manifestation of conditions for the returning man to lead a group in the colony. Later, he took friendly advice and ran a group of ten snipers just in case.

The pilgrimage expedition itself is an elite group of archers who would be frightened if it were a second group of archers. As a result, snipers were able to meet my expectations most of the time, but not without dangerous moments. There was only once.

It was a bit of a rough terrain bypass. Over twenty of them suddenly emerge from the canyon.

Half as soon as they see us! 'I jumped down the street and was able to handle it easily, but the remaining half was a problem. I was quite surprised to see my compassionately egged colleague, and immediately lined up.

T r a nsl a t e d by Jp m t l .com Snipers quickly pursue and eliminate most of them, but unfortunately, they are lost due to the disadvantage. One of them managed to get close by with his ability, but the other one was the problem. The Shadow Queen couldn't help but flee in the opposite direction.

At that time, it was Seon Yueun, who was the solver of the Heavenly Palace. I aimed for a distant creature that was running away to save my life, but I picked up a Borat Longbow, shaking my head to see if I couldn't do it. He sighs and suddenly shoots an arrow into the sky.

At first, I thought it was an act of kicking the ball because the player who failed the penalty kick was angry. However, it did not take five seconds to correct the idea.

The arrow, which you thought had disappeared far into the sky, suddenly appeared through the clouds, then plunged into the crown of the beast, drawing a sharp curve and plunged into the point. Like an eagle feeding on its own flesh, it was a shocking attack. It was a ten-year ordeal for me.

In the small cheer of the expedition, Seon Yoon recovered the corpse and burned it with a bold face. I asked him what his ability was to feel strange, but he didn't just smile. So I looked with my third eye.

After such a dangerous ordeal, we resumed marching. Every moment was still a series of tensions, but at least twice as smooth as the first. ‘Avoid collisions with a group of monsters and get out as fast as you can.’ The goal was coming to reality, not a dream anymore.


After the first day of parking, it was postponed, but the closer the march, the more confident it was. I haven't seen a single monster in four days. It was certainly unusual to think about those who appeared late every morning and evening at the most.

Not only that, the surrounding landscape was slowly changing. It didn't change suddenly, but there was a mist floating underneath my feet, and I felt a soft and damp sensation everywhere I stepped. Though his vision was slightly heavier, it was not much of a distraction to the march.

The atmosphere of the expedition loosens slightly as I gradually relax.

“Wow. Root, root, what is this? Aim Line Alignment Two? Isn't this archery? How could a wizard use this? ”

“ ……. ”

“Huh? This is application magic.... Oh, why are you hiding it? Let me see. Let's see. Huh?”

“ ……. ”

Jegal Hassol sneaked a peek at the source's exploration records, then hid in his ear and breathed in or stabbed him in the side. However, Heo Joon-young said with an angry face, and went back to his place with a tearful face.

The source stared at Heo Joon-young with an unconscious eye, and grabbed a copy of the record. However, Heo Joon-young became whole and sprinkled rude eyes everywhere. Then the sighing and giggling sound disappeared in an instant. T r a ns l at e d b y Jpmt l.c o m

While Johann's silence was flowing, I just walked quietly without saying anything. Sometimes only the sound of Asran in the wind makes my ears tingle. However, as the strange dream continues, I raise my ears and concentrate.

The sound of angry breathing, the sound of short sighs, the sound of boss-lacrosse rock treading, the sound of birds chirping, the sound of running water, and the sound of sniffing somewhere....

How long has it been?

The previous sound disappears quickly and repeats being heard again. However, the hissing was constantly heard as if someone was crying. It became more desolate around me than before.

As I looked around, I felt something strange, the fog that was flowing around my ankle suddenly lifted to my chest. I realized that I had just had a hallucination.

It was strange. The fog may have clouded my vision, but I don't think I'm in the hallucinatory space. I was still walking through the valley, getting a little fuzzy, but I could feel the wits of my colleagues.

”Phew…. Phew….”