Chapter 921 00921 A Poisoned Chalice, Two. (1/2)
My childhood dream was to discover the promise of God.
Of course it still is.
When I was a kid, people around me would just smile and pass it on.
When he became an adult, he used to use evil to cling to his dreams.
Just do it.
Are you still being dragged around by that ridiculous sound?
Tr ans l at ed by Jp m t l.c o m I have to.
No myth, no legend.
It was an untold rumor from somewhere.
It could have blown up pretty good.
I've been looking for you for over a decade.
I never wanted to give up in the middle once or twice.
And yet, in the end, you didn't give up.
Maybe it's because we can't break up with the charm of promising everything in the world that every human being would ever dream of. T ra nslat ed b y Jp m t l.c o m
I heard that the sky will be moved when I get tired of it.
For more than a decade, 15 years and 20 years,
I've finally found one clue.
A missing clue, though it was just a few lines of inscription on a memorial stone.
I was very happy that my efforts were not in vain.
And that clue is not a reward for what you have suffered.
The sky here grieves me.
Until I can conclude that I've been sent a message to give up.
It didn't take that long.
It was amazing.
When I interpreted the words of the monument,
When I read the first words, ”Go back,”
Now that I think about it,
Tran s l at e d by jp m t I can't pronounce it.
It was really, really shocking.
I haven't given up since.
To meet the qualifications.
I invested twice as much as I had until then.
Fifty years after that.
I earned the title and title of the great wizard of the kingdom and the great sage.
However, there was no progress with regard to the 'promise of God’.
No, I realized something.
I have to say I've changed my mind lately.
Maybe I am.
Or maybe he was trying to do something impossible for me.
For decades, I thought God's promise had rejected me.
In a way, it's not wrong.
But I'm sure.
T r ansl ate d by jpm tl .c om 1. The word ”promise of God” is definitely real in this world.
2. It's not an area that humans cannot overcome, but a place that can be reached anytime they want to.
If these two statements are not mistaken.
That promise wasn't mine.
more desperate, more desperate
In the distant future, waiting for someone else who has already been promised.
I'm not saying I can't help it.
I don't know
That promise is all I know.
Isn't it a rejection for a reason...?
Ragnarok Central Library of 'Forgotten Promise Day'
As you hear the sound of a magical surge, the clumsy firstborn quickly sinks. The space beyond the central plaza and white steps rumbles, and soon the sea of light bursts and increases its size round. I took out the half-burnt candle and looked straight ahead.
This morning, I was contacted by my brother about relocating the Warp Gate. I want to move to a more accessible place than for an important reason. It didn't take long anyway, and the Hamill expedition leader was not something I had to brag about as much as my brother.
After all, a new portal was just created, indicating that the transfer to the Warp Gate was completed and that the connection was successful. I look at the portal, almost shaped, and slowly turn around for a moment. T r a n sl a t ed by Jp mtl .com
The square was filled with thousands of users who participated in the expedition without any gaps.
The South City Expedition is the smallest of the four expeditions, 4,500, but it can never be seen as losing power. Needless to say, there are many feuding clans, such as Reverse or the Tower of Magic.
It is the same reason why every place you look is trampled on with confidence.
“You're all set!”
At that time, a user standing on the stairs raised his hand and shouted. At that moment, my heart suddenly fluttered and sank suddenly.
After a while.
I felt frustrated by raising my hand lightly.
“I'll go in.”
Najik said, ”I went up the stairs first.” As has always been the case, this expedition was the forefront of our merchants.
As you climb all the stairs, the blue light, which rolls forward about five meters, floods your vision.
Every step of the way, every horse I came here to need, and the closer I got to the light, the more excited I became. No, not as big as before, but his heart is still beating.
Well, why?
Of course, it's not over yet. We also know everything that will happen in the future, such as the target route or where to do it, and we don't want anything special to happen.
Nevertheless, I even felt a strange feeling when I buried myself in the portal.
In the end, without knowing the identity of this emotion, I closed my eyes because I couldn't overcome the thundering light.