Chapter 814 00814 Law Office of Kwon & Moon (1/2)

M E M O R I Z E Ro Yoo Jin 51100K 2022-07-25

Unbelievable things have happened. I lost all news of the 500 soldiers sent to the Chosen One. We've been waiting for ten days, but we haven't heard from him.

What's going on here?

The Secret Library of Atlanta ‘The Doom of the Balkan Kingdom - Jinjoong Journal Journal Journal (― Jongno Publishing Co., Ltd.)’


Even as soon as the eyes met, Han So-young kept poker face. A polite, expressionless face that can't be found even after washing your eyes. However, after a while, Han So-young's face suddenly began to change in time.

Han Soyoung didn't say anything. I just slowly pulled the dodo out of my hand and began to stare terribly at the face of no one. Meanwhile, Han Soyoung's face became red and pale over and over again, and at the same time, an intangible energy burst through the room. The energy was clearly alive.

I definitely felt it. Both eyes glowing profoundly revealed Han So-young's insides. Don't say anything, don't say anything. The moment you open your mouth, you'll kill everyone here and you'll die. T ra n s lated by jp m t l.c o m

“Mercenary Roadheheheheh…. Uh, come on inside. ”

Han So-young suggested that Park Da-yeon go inside instead, even though she couldn't see the motions. I appreciate the offer, but the kid doesn't know. The horse is already smiling because he wants to endure the laughter somehow. My body looks honest, even though my head says no.

Suddenly, Park Da Yeon slapped her cheeks hard enough to make a pair of sounds. Suddenly, he looked solemn and took a long breath to guide me.

“Phew... Mercenary Road. Have a seat over here. ”

“Yes, thank you. ”

Hmm. Calm down now.

When I sat on the couch, Park Da-yeon turned around and looked at Han So-young again. Tran s late d b y jp mt l .com

And then...

“And Sis Neh-heh-heh-heh-heh... ”

I started laughing again.

“Oh, I'm sorry. Excuse me.”

“ ……. ”

“… Clan Road? Today, the Mercenary Road has come up with two agendas: ”

“Two agendas? ”

Finally, Han So-young opened her mouth. He looks calm and calm. However, Park Da-yeon's eyes were already trembling with emotion.

“Neheheheh. Two agendas. ”

My voice trembled. Danger. Danger.


“Keane (one) …. Ooh, it's about a quest that we're preparing to go missing. ”

“ ……. ”

“And the only thing left... As you know... Five percent of the streets at night! Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing! ”

Oh, shit. I wanted to be patient, but it exploded again. I used to close my mouth with my hands, but now I feel like I'm about to choke. Han So-young's complexion will look transparent, not flesh, because the blood will fade away. The situation was escalating to an unsettling degree. T r a n sl a t ed by Jpmt l.c o m

“Park Da-yeon, the user. Guidance is fine, so you can leave now. ”

Bak Da-yeon nodded her head like crazy and left the room with a bustling shoulder dance. At the sound of the door closing, he said, ”Puhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” A smile similar to a horse's cry echoes through the hallway.

After a while, Han So-young stared at me with a mixture of grudge and shame. His eyes, like black crystals, seem to shed tears. A sharp breath is heard in your ears.

It wasn't unfair, but I tried hard not to reveal myself. Dammit Park Da Yeon. If you're not confident in fixing it, go out quietly. What the hell.

... What should I do, anyway?

When I think of a bear, I don't think of any sharp numbers.

Finally, I closed my eyes and lowered my head slightly.

“I'm sorry.”

First of all, let's apologize.

When I opened my eyes again, Han So-young was looking at me with slightly rounded eyes. A little curious. It seemed suspicious.

I slowly started explaining in a way that seemed to require an explanation. Let's start with Han Soyoung's visit to see if Gehenna hypnotized him.

After a while.

“Ah…. ”

After the explanation, Han So-young burst a small sigh. It doesn't matter if I'm telling the truth or not. As long as he had the ability to ‘supersenses’, Han Soyoung would have felt the emotion in the story as well.

“I see. So... ” T r an s lat ed b y jpm

Han So-young nodded three or four times and lifted her chin and showed a better face. For Hansoyoung, I felt that it was a little overly emotional, but I felt that the stiffness gradually subsided.

“So the word of the mercenary road is that what was strange about my behavior at the time was the hypnotic influence of Orloth. You mean this?”

“Yes. I was almost manipulated once. through hypnosis, which creates a powerful implication. It's a terrifying ability. Neither would I, and no one would have resisted. ”

“Hmm. That much... ”

“I'm just sorry. ”

“There's no need for the Mercenary Road to apologize. But that means that the words were hypnotized as well. Then I understand. ”

“Yes? No. Oh, yeah. That's right. I'm sure it is. ”

Han So-young glanced at me and quickly corrected her words, clearing her throat. I folded my arms and looked down at the desk with calm eyes. Seeing my deep thoughts, I felt relieved.

Yes, that's the way Han So-young looks. I don't know what's on my mind, but I can't see it shaking outside. If it were me, I wouldn't have enough blankets. I'd want to die right now. I want to clap my hands as I keep my composure like that.

“I wonder, why would he hypnotize me? ”

Wow. Are you trying to turn the subject over to me and bury me?

I thought it was worth learning, and I slowly walked across my head.

“I don't know about that. ”

“Well, can you ask him? ”

Tr an s lat ed by jp m tl.c om “That might be a little difficult. ”


“Because she's not on this plane right now. A month ago, Suna and I returned to our original dimension. ”

“ ……! ”

The moment he took it out, Han Soyoung stared at me slightly surprised. I saw him clenching his fist at the same time. However, he blinked once and put his hands neatly on the desk. I think I saw it wrong.

“Why...? ”

“Well, there was a lot going on. They're not supposed to be able to stay in this dimension. ”

“… is it possible to be recalled again? ”

“Well, unless there's a combination of luck and miracles... I think it's impossible.”