Chapter 813 00813 Law Office of Kwon & Moon (1/2)
It has been several days since the occupation of the capital city of the Balkans.
It's really cheerful to wake up from the groaning of prisoners in the morning and watch the Balkans plunder at night. I feel like a dream every day, now that I have mastered my ancestor's dream.
However, we can not see that he has had perfect revenge yet. You can scour the capital, but you can't see the wicked Balkans. Looks like he ditched the capital before we got there.
However, tracking is not an issue. Fortunately, last night, a report came in that you found an entrance that looks like a hideout near the foot.
Heading east.
It's about seven days from the capital.
I want to clean up the rest of the garbage perfectly from now on. Tr a ns la t ed by Jp m tl .c o m
The Secret Library of Atlanta ‘The Doom of the Balkan Kingdom - Jinjoong Journal Journal Journal (― Jongno Publishing Co., Ltd.)’
Warm morning sunlight gently presses into the eyes.
I thought I wanted to sleep more, but my eyes opened like a habit. I felt a slight twist and a tingling sensation. Jeongyeon fell asleep in my arms with her head buried in my chest.
She closed her eyes and smiled as if she could see it in her mouth. The white Nazis receive fresh sunlight, and the bright light flows. I was drawn to the light and kissed Jungyeon's belly button lightly and slowly got up.
There were traces of last night on the bed. I caught the duvet secretly, and the smell of a mixture of weak spots and night flowers pierced my nose. The white and clean bed sheets were stained with ginseng incontinence that did not overcome the successive peaks. You can see a vagina with a white scab between her cheeks.
Tr a ns l a te d b y Jpmtl.c om In fact, it is very lovely to see a view that is not clean or to see such a cyst (63 787; 34 249;). A quick sign came from the penis, but it sank close to here. I've fulfilled my demands enough for the morning, but I can't start harassing you in the morning.
I smiled pleasantly and patted the ring on the right ring.
Last night I saw the virtue of the ring. I paid 100,000 GP, but I didn't feel bad about it. In particular, I am satisfied that the performance increases in proportion to the user's health stats. I'd be scared if I had this ring.) none.
Anyway, I have a very warm head and a big body today. I walked out onto the terrace and had a refreshing morning. I feel like something good is going to happen.
At that moment, an idea suddenly hit my mind.
“Oh, there was a record. ”
I thought about it for a moment and packed the pile of records that my brother left behind. Because it was too bad to be in the Oval Office alone. Wouldn't it be nice to work in the garden sometimes?
All right, I'm gonna wake up Jung Yeon, wash up with her, and we'll go downstairs and eat first.
“The Underworld.... ”
After reading the record, I inadvertently muttered. He probably didn't have the right name at the moment, and in the first car he called the ruins written on his record that way.
Death Abyss (28357; 22353; free).
In other words, once inside, it is a maze like a maze that can never come out again. It's a kind of underground maze.
Of course, this is a bit different from the historical and historical evaluation from the perspective of the users.
The folklore involved in this Abyss is quite harsh. About a thousand years ago, two kingdoms went to war, and as a result, one kingdom was defeated. No. We've been taken to the capital, so we're doomed.
T r a n slat e d b y jp mt l .c om The words of the royal families who have been defeated by wars are obvious. Decapitation or slavery. If it weren't for this, I would have had to live my life in humiliation.
The Underground Gang is a kind of underground protection institution built in the event of such a death. I mean, a refuge for refuge. Once inside, the paths are incredibly complex and traps are lurking everywhere. Even if I go the wrong way a little bit, I am the king of paradise. Perhaps only a few of the royal families knew the safe path.
At that time, the victorious Imperial Commander seems to have found his way to the entrance to the hideout. And then, of course, they organized a chase and sent it into the underwater gangs, and the result was extinction. Apparently there's no news, but that's what it is.
Thousands of soldiers went in at that time, and I, along with all the experts, said almost ten thousand humans disappeared from the underwater gangs. What a dreadful ruin.
In fact, the Dead Abyss was almost as infamous as the ‘Dragon Mountains' or ‘Grave of the Barbarian King’. 'It was obvious' means that it was eventually attacked by the users. In a pretty ridiculous way.
However, even if it's a slight number of favors, there won't be any big problems since we know how to target them. However, my brother's insides are still uncertain.
I know what you want. My brother wanted me to raid this ruin. Having read the report that Hamill Clan One wrote, the ruins of the Dead Gang are now in plain sight. It doesn't seem as infamous as the early dragon mountain ranges, but it seems that few people know about it.
Objectively, it's not that bad. You know how to attack. The royal hideout must also be stocked with packages. The distance is too close. Just say it out loud and feel like you're going out.
In fact, I can't think of my brother as trying to trick me in a bad way. Maybe he's just trying to help me. But it's not cool to say... I don't know. Maybe there's a reason it's going to be so secretive.
You can only find out after you go.
“If I have Jegal's seaweed, I think I can do it in seven days.... ”
And the magic elixir of Vivian.
All right, we're set. Take out the horns too...
Tr a n s l at e d b y jpm tl .com “Huh?”
While I was organizing my thoughts for a long time, I suddenly felt a slight pain in my ankles. Looking down, I saw a small creature with wings that tightly bit my ankles. Again, again. This fucking baby Pegasus.
“Let go, man. ”
“Peep 49320; …. ”
... This guy?
Suddenly I was worried. Sometimes I think he doesn't even realize he's Pegasus. Otherwise, you wouldn't sneak up on me and ask me.
I shook my foot a couple of times, but he was a floater. I fought desperately and didn't let go of my ankle. I reached out my arm to try it, and this time I bit my hand as if I was waiting.
“ ……. ”
When I put my hands up, he stared at me with a glance. You ungrateful bastard. If I'd known this, I would've hammered Fry when I was in the egg.
“Clan Lord! ”
Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice while I was in a frenzy. I just turned my eyes while lying down, and I saw Seung Woo approaching with a measuring step. Even if I see it because I feel comfortable, I'm not really worried about it.
“There you are! ”
“What's going on? ”
“This is bad!”
“Oh, this is bad. ”
Tra ns l at e d by Jpmt l .c o m I scrambled my torso. And I empowered my eyes, meaning that I wouldn't let it go unless it was a big deal. Then, Cho Seung Woo stopped stumbling and corrected his speech.
“Oh, it's a big deal for me, but maybe not for Clan Road. ”
“... Yes. What's going on?”
Cho Seung Woo smiled bitterly and immediately brought up the matter.
“The Federation of the Gods Koran has contacted us! ”
East Atlanta.
“You can't just send it back! Without a word with me! ”
“Sis! Are you sure you don't want to answer? What?”
“5%? 5%! ”
“Oh really! ”
In Istanbul Low Clan House, the castle was erupting in succession.
Park Da Yeon desperately shouted with her hands together, and Han So-young sat at her desk, ”You bark. I want to work. 'Sometimes I feel like I'm missing out on staring into the air with my blank eyes.
“Oh, please. Come on, you know that. Our financial situation is really bad these days. Only money going into a month with the recent expedition policy is now…. ”
Now it was Park Da-yeon speaking as she begged for a male offering, but Han So-young couldn't be seen.
Eventually, the impatient Bak Da-yeon opened her axe's eyes, slamming the desk with both hands. Han So-young's eyes flashed, but instead of retreating, she foamed at her mouth.
“Explain! I'm going to keep screaming until I can convince you!” ”
“What? What? What did you say, now? Do you have any idea how much money you just turned down? Can't you figure out what 5% of a night's distance is? ”
“… Da Yeon. ”