Chapter 487 00487 Once at peace. (1/2)
“Now, in this time of fortune, I declare the Hamill Clan to be the head of the Halo Clan! ”
At the end of Lee Hyo Eul's words, my brother slowly got up next to me. And I looked at the benefits of walking on the platform, and I walked forward calmly and also went up on the platform. Starting with that, users started clapping, too.
At first, you hear only a few clamors, but soon the conference room is filled with many tentacles and some cheers. I also gave a big applause and gladly stared at the top.
Today is the day to select the leading clans to run the Western City. In fact, a little bit about the selection, the representative clan was already confirmed a few days ago. This is merely an official declaration.
Of course, there is no clan to complain about the reason the Hamill Clan took Halo. The Koran alliance has been disqualified and the Machinery has forfeited itself.
Whatever. It's really over now.
T r a nsl ated by Jp mtl.c o m “Thank you.”
The brother was lowering his waist with a slight smile. A simple thank you without any rhetoric. In a way, I could see that he was the most handsome person.
Splendid! Splendid!
Splendid! Splendid!
The reed was still going on. Lee Hyo Eul sent a signal to stop now, and then the applause slowly began to subside. Nevertheless, there were endlessly few users who cheered, namely Hamill Clan members. It's a good look.
Soon, my brother came down from the top. And again, to the Hamill Clan members... No, wait, what? Why is he coming to me?
“Phew! What should I do?” Tsk! ” T r a n sl a t e d b y jpm
The brother who called my name came near with his arms wide open. I looked around in embarrassment. Suddenly, I heard shouting and cheering like crazy.
At the same time, I felt cold eyes somewhere else.
Looking back, I saw many women staring at me. Gahee, Jinha, Hyerin, etc... Looking at your outfit, you came all dressed up with flowers today with heat and castle, and I think I know why you're staring at me.
I sighed and greeted my brother.
“Congratulations, brother. ”
“Congratulations. I'm sorry to say that. Your clan was originally... ”
“Again, again, again, again. I told you, we gave up on Maggia. And Hamill is a well-qualified clan. So be happy today. ”
“... Haha. Yeah, yeah. Anyway, thank you very much. ”
He smiled beautifully and hugged me once. I laughed awkwardly hoping that this would look like brotherly affection. So why do people with crystal balls see livers? Is that a recording crystal?
“Here we go. Quiet, please. This concludes the election of Halo, Beth and Dorothy's representative clans, but I still have something to tell you. ”
After a while, Lee Hyo, who left for a while, went back to the top. Then the cheer subsided, and the solemn energy of the first time was established in the meeting room. When I looked at him in gratitude, Lee Hyo winked once. He shrugged and looked around.
“There's been a lot going on in the last two years. from the war, which is not here, but which was not long ago in the old Koran Union. … In fact, I think the North has been really hard. Could it be some kind of decline? Maybe it was planned since the Steel Mountains failed.... Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, right now, ”
From now on, there is something suspicious to tell you. I see the benefits of thinking the same to other users with a solemn face. The amplified voice echoes quietly.
“There's a saying called turning point. It's a word for a turning point. I consider today the day that the owners of every city on the North Continent to be the turning point. The long decline is over, and now the turning point is back into the revitalizer. And when this buoy hits its peak, that's when I think it's time to try again in the steel mountains. ”
Turning point. Tr a n s la ted by jpmtl .c o m
“You know what I mean. Anyone here knows what I mean. ”
Lee Hyo Ri's words were simple. In short, he expressed his willingness to challenge the Steel Mountains again using the word Turning Point. In other words, let's not fight for no reason, but conserve our strength. Well, I think I know who they're shooting at.
Anyway, after concluding with a mention of the Steel Mountains, Lee Hyo Eul declared his defeat.
Users woke up in one seat. And it was just divided between the outgoing users and the users celebrating the selection, and the inside became a mess.
“We should probably get going, too. ”
I guess the official selection is over, too. I'm starting to think I need to go back now. But I can't hear the answer. Looking back, you see empty chairs. Obviously, Ko, Remainder and Imhan were there together, and all three of them disappeared suddenly.
But when I turned my eyes to one side, I could immediately find the three missing women.
“Brother, it's been a long time. I'm really happy for you today. ”
“Oh, no, East and West. It's all thanks to you. ”
“Yes. Oops, how is your father? ”
“As you can see, the young master has a clear complexion. ”
... The three missing men were with the Hamill Clan. While celebrating while living and receiving each other, when I heard the conversation, I thought it was very expensive. You look a little dazed, even for a second. I tapped my side.
T ra nsla t ed b y Jpm tl .co m “Bro, I'm going. ”
“Huh? Huh? Going where? ”
“Where? We need to get back to Clan House. I'm busy today. ”
“Yeah? Why don't you join us for dinner? I was going to eat with you today... Talking about stuff like that. ”
Whether he felt disappointed or disappointed, he said, unable to hide the sad aura. Seeing the blurry figure made me a little weak.
It's certainly not a bad offer. Especially on a day like today.
But I couldn't. It's because they were listening to us, just like we were listening to them. Seeing seaweed women radiating laser rays from my eyes, I calmly shook my head.
“I'll be gone for the day. And you'd rather spend it with your clan than me, wouldn't you? ”
“The genies are the ones you can always see. But not you. ”
“I'm sorry. I'm really busy. I'll save you a seat next time. ”
“Yes... Got it.”
After making such a simple goodbye, the brother walks in the direction of the raging Hamill clans. On the contrary, the three mercenary clans approached me in my direction and showed a smiling face. If I feel like I did a really good job, would I be mistaken?
Later, I saw my brother being held by various hands and dragged outside. Only after confirming it could I take a deep breath.
“Su-hyun? Why are you sighing? On a good day like today, run away happy. ”
“I'm just, I'm worried. I'm worried.”
T ra n sla t ed b y Jpmtl .c om “Worried?”
“Yes, my brother. ”
Gu Yong tilted his head and asked, and I coughed my tongue and expressed my anxiety. I had no way to suppress my stubborn heart, and it was also because I was genuinely worried about my brother.
The classician said.
“Why? I rarely find the perfect man like you... ”
“I'm well aware of that. But there's a teapot in the Oval Office, and no one notices. There's no need for that. Take a look a little while ago. There are so many women with hands like that.What if they come to me? ”
“… Well, it could be. Soo-hyun is my sister.”
“Even so. I always want you to meet a nice girl. But I don't want to worry because I don't know him that well... Whew. Either you really don't know or you're pretending not to... ”
“ ……. ”
“In fact, every once in a while, I doubt it. I wonder if I was really born in the same stomach.... Tsk. That's a long story. Let's go.”
I sighed heavily and walked toward the entrance. However, I had to stop again before walking ten steps. It's because I didn't hear the trail.
Soon after, I looked back and saw three women standing still. And the three of them gazed at me with their shivering eyes together.
Why is he looking at me like that?
I tilted my head.
The next morning. It's been a long time since I've had a normal morning.
Get out of bed, wash your face and eat. Then, after coming up to the office with a cup of tea from Ko, Seung Woo followed and started reporting in the morning. Drinking tea with the morning sun shining down through the window is very simple.
Yes, this was a very relaxing moment of happiness.
“Brother, unlock your achievements! Open up! Open up! ”
“Unlock the performance of the Sleeping Mountains! Open up! Open up! ”
... unless it's that voice coming out the door right now.
Maybe it's because I put the teacup down too hard. Cho Seung Woo, who was just sorting out the records, trembled. Then I turned around the door and smiled with joy.
“… I think it's Ahn Sol and Jee Yang. Haha. Clan Road. If we're going to stop that cute agriculture, I think we need to open the doors. ”