Chapter 486 00486 Once at peace. (1/2)

M E M O R I Z E Ro Yoo Jin 114640K 2022-07-25

“If you're talking about disbanding the alliance.... All right, I'll take it. ”

At that moment, I was a little surprised and stared at Seo Ji-hwan. I could see the starry eyes. Are you sure you want me to do this? 'I can't find a single bluff. Seo Jihwan has been showing serious attitude since he came to me and kneeled down. Don't you want to know your information?

Player Status

1. Name: Seo Ji-hwan (Year 6)

2. Class: General Wizard (Normal, Magician, Master)

3. Nation: Barbara

T ra ns l at ed by jpmtl .c om 4. Affiliation (Clan): The Merchant Union Clan (Clan Rank: A Plus)

5. Jinmyung • Citizenship: Sangdo ( ) • South Korea

6. Sex: Male (42)

7. Height • Weight: 176.7cm • 87.6kg

8. Tendency: opportunity • safety (Chance • Safe)

[Strength 37] [Durability 63] [Agility 48] [HP 51] [Magic Power 77] [Luck 96]

(Remaining Stat Points is 0 points.)

Tr anslat e d by Jp m t m Others were so-so, but true, tendency and luck were remarkable. Tendency in particular. I had never seen opportunity and safety at the same time.

On the other hand, I remember the Koran alliance was grotesquely generous in the first round. However, that Seo Jihwan was only a few users who held their place until the end of the Union. At that time, I just thought that the procedure is good, but I thought that it might be if I had a tendency to do that.

“Are you serious? ”

“Yes, I know what this place is. I don't lie. If that holds us accountable, I will gladly disband the alliance and withdraw from the Koran. ”

“Haha…. I'm a little surprised. The Koran Coalition seemed to be able to solve the first one somehow. ”

“… the terms of each clan's apology and finding the ruins are acceptable. Especially the apology part. However, compensation is a matter of a different dimension than the one before it. ”

Literally, apologies are natural.

But the ruins are mine, too. I was saving it for my brother...

Anyway, I waited for the words that would lead to a new feeling.

“The 20 million gold you asked for as compensation... No, it's not. In fact, I'm in charge of the Merchant Guild, so if I can squeeze out the whole coalition and squeeze out the Koran, I think I can do something about it. ”

“Yes, I thought so. But?”

“But if you do that, the alliance will collapse. We, of course, all the clans, we sit on the streets. Is that it? If the coalition collapses, it's obvious what the Koran economy will be like. I thought it would be better for the users of the coalition to break up the coalition and retreat quietly than to inflict such pain on those who live in the Koran. ”

“… hmm. ”

I touched my chin and tasted the words of Seo Ziwan one by one. That's what I'm talking about.

A moment later, Seo Ji-hwan bowed his head again. This time, it was all the way to the bottom.

T r a n s late d by jpm t m “If the Mercenary Lord adheres to two conditions, we will adhere to a second. But it still rests on the relief of my first true inner condition. The coalition realized and reflected a lot on this. If you could just give me one more chance, I'll show you how things change. ”

“Relax. I don't know how much you want it. ”

“Yes, I don't want you to reduce your compensation. If you can alleviate it with a single payment, I'll put all my money on the line. ”

“Paid…. Hmm.”

Seo Ji-hwan is 42 years old. It shouldn't be easy to do this to a young man in blue, but he's throwing everything away. Apparently, he's also a very responsible person... If you are a good user, you may be a little eager.

I was finally able to decide.

That's it.

The Koran alliance was a situation we had to start from the beginning anyway. Sue, Serengeti, Nambee, Artemis, Garrisoni, Moss. Six of the eight clans that dominated were nearly destroyed or abandoned. He also promised to accept the mediation of the Central Administrative Organization, so suffocating him shouldn't be a bad idea.


It would be a good way to keep the Koran alliance as a cooperative clan.

So, I responded to the expectations of those who were waiting for the word.

“Very well. First, disband the alliance. ”

“………… Yes. ”

An intrusive voice. I can see you closing your eyes to see if this is how it's going to end. While looking at that face for a moment, I tapped the table.

“Seo Ji-hwan from user. Don't think too much of it. By my standards, the coalition is going in a very wrong direction. Though the intention was good.... Now that time has passed, is the water too low? ”

Tran sla ted b y Jp m “… I think I know what you mean. ”

“Good. Then tear down your current alliance and create a new one.” ”

“Yes…. Yes?!”

Seo Ziwan raised his head. I laughed quietly and spoke.

“I haven't told you to step away from the Koran yet. ”

“That means...! ”

“Yes, if the water is brittle and rotten, you can take it out and pour it new. ”

“Water…. New pour?”

Seo Ji-hwan seemed to be lost in thought. Then suddenly, I hit the floor and looked up at me with flashing eyes. It seemed like he understood completely what he was saying. In other words, the current alliance was to dismantle and create a new alliance.

“I think a new starting alliance would be better than a changing alliance. Wouldn't that be better for you? ”

Of course, I didn't just say that without thinking. Even though I begged you to create a new coalition, there is no guarantee that the same will not happen in the future. As well as giving up a large pie called the Koran, we must lead this decision in a direction that has an equivalent benefit.

That meant I needed insurance. That insurance that you're smiling at me for.

I thought that, and then silently opened my mouth after staring at Park Hwanhee, smiling in a circle.

“Now let's try to alleviate some of the conditions. a couple of them. ”

“A couple... ”

“First things first. I heard that Sue Lord is currently missing... Anyway, shouldn't someone lead this situation on behalf of Sue Lord while there is no Sue Lord? ” T r a n s lat ed b y Jp m tl.c o m

“That's a fair point. ”

“Here's the deal. Apologizing to each clan would be a hassle, considering. So let's conclude by apologizing to Park Hwan-hee, the user among you, as representative of your new coalition. ”

“… Joy? ”

Seo Jihwan blinked three or four times and looked back at Park Hwanhee with a slightly dazed face. Not only Seo Jihwan, but Min Hwa and Woo Seolhee also stared at Park Hwang-hee. It was awkward for him to be represented.

However, there is no problem if you enter the cause here. The dominant role in the Lost Consortium was played by several clans, while Clan Lord Park Taejin was currently missing. Therefore, Park Hwang-hee, who is the number two, stepped in front of the unity, is not unlikely.

Of course, it was also intended to affect the new coalition in the future to represent Park Hwang Hee. And if Seo Ji-won was a spinning user, he would have just figured out what that meant.

So, these terms are just a deal. Choose Park Hwang-hee as the Union Representative. The kind of deal that would significantly reduce the second condition, the immense amount of compensation.

The silent silence flowed.

Seo Jihwan, who had been staring at Park Hwanhee for a long time, turned his eyes and nodded calmly.

“Yes, yes. Excellent. It's not a bad shape for me to be happy without Tae Jin anyway... There is no problem until Tae Jin returns. ”

“That's what we're going to do within the Union. ”

Seo Ji-hwan called Park Tae-jin. But I was able to talk nicely. because what Seo Ji-hwan added was, all along, under the assumption that Park Tae-jin was born.

“Good. Then the second condition is... I'm thinking about reducing compensation and changing the way I pay. ”

Now that you have accepted the first condition, or the deal, it is time to alleviate the second condition, which is the essence. Looking at the tense faces, I cast my eyes one after the other from the left.

“I originally tried to get the whole coalition to pay the compensation, but now that I think about it, it doesn't seem right. Wouldn't the clans you've seen be less guilty than the clans you've wronged? So, as opposed to the previous apology terms, I'm going to change the way the clans pay the compensation, not the whole coalition. ”

“Well, then. ”

“Yes. Speaking of which, I'll tell you right now. You can pay 3 million gold, 3 million gold for the trade union, and 4 million gold for the coin. What about this condition? ”

“… Yes? Is that true?”

Seo Jihwan opened his eyes and greeted. And I nodded quietly. In fact, 10 million gold coins were never small, but they were reduced by half compared to 20 million gold. This was a reasonable category and the coalition could be overcome somewhat.

“That's enough... Half a year, no, four months. But really... Are you?”

“I hate to say it twice. Ten million gold in all three clans. Let's finish with the second condition. ”

My clan has a lot of money. I barely swallowed a word that went up to the end of my throat, and I gestured lightly. The story was over, and now it was a sign to get up.

“Thank you! Thank you so much! ”

Seo Ji-hwan jumped up with joy. Park Hwang-hee, who knew what was going on anyway, was a subtle face that didn't seem like a smile. And the two remaining women, Woo Seolhee and Min Hwa, jumped to their feet. I think I know why Woo Seolhee did that, and I confronted Minhwhwhwa who looked at me quietly.

“You probably know about Song Hee Seon from Hwa Hwa Road. The reason why the payment is higher than the two previous clans is because of user Song Hee Sun. ”

“… Yes. I thought so. But the Mercenary Road. I just want to say one thing. ”

“Yes, go ahead. ”

“With all due respect.... You know Hee Sun. ”

I said, what are you talking about? Song Hee Seon, of course I know. The person who made Kim Jung Caravan put the quest into the machine by Shinhyeok's direction.

Minhwa said.

“Right now, she's missing. Of course, he's not missing, but I think he's been disconnected and dived. ”

“Yes, that's what I heard. ”

Although I said this, I was aware of Song Hee Seon's situation. Minhwa probably assumed that he was quiet because he didn't know the situation. Since I didn't have any intention of leaving Song Hee Seon alone, I decided to make the right choice.

“Of course. I'm afraid I'll be punished if I'm found guilty. That's the kind of psychology. Anyway, so? ”

“... I'm working hard on my flower right now. But if you do, can you ask for mercy? ”

“I don't know. In fact, my current feelings about Song Hee Sun, I don't have much to worry about. Anyway, that's what I'm going to find out. ”

“If you find him, I'll tell him myself. Please remember today's request. ”

I scrunched my head to do whatever I wanted. And he slapped his hand while making a big butt.

“Anyway, that's all I have to say. I know you just had a deal, and you're free to go. ”

“Yes, yes. Mercenary Road! Thanks again! We'll have good news for you soon. ”

“I won't go far. I still have a story to tell. ”

“Oh, I see. ”

Seo Ji-hwan greeted him with a much better face than the first time. Then, after looking at the stiff one, he quickly left the room with the other two. He quickly stepped aside.

Soon after confirming the visit was closed, I turned my eyes to the other woman.

Woo Seolhee.

If this woman is different from other users, she is directly involved in the plan. He couldn't even look me in the eye to see if he knew his sin.

Suddenly, I saw the shadow move on the floor, and I opened my mouth.

“Artemis Road. ”

“Yes... Mercenary… .Load…. ”

“You know why I left you alone. ”

“That's …. ”

“No, I won't say it for long. Artemis is 10 million gold. ”

“… Yes? ”

10 million gold coins. At that moment, Woolhee stared at me with a new scream. It's a ridiculous face.

“No, you can't! Why, why just me! ”

“You said you didn't want to say it twice. ”

“Ha, but…. It's not enough! Artemis is not a Merchant Clan, or even a Merchant Clan! It's too much for 10 million gold coins! ”

“Really? Then you can just go back. And you know the consequences, of course. ”

Just when I cut it off, Yoo Seol-hee's body trembled. I felt settling down, not missing a single small gesture. Then, when I saw his lips snap, I could see snowflakes coming quickly without any notice.

“Mercenary Road! ”

The ground is thumping, and there is a huge sound. He barely got up and knelt back down. It was not enough, and Yoo Seolhee said with a face that seemed to cry soon.

“Just once! Just one look at me! Please forgive me! What happened then...! Shi, I did what Shinhyuk told me to do! Yeah, I'm a victim, too! ”

“Let's not do this the hard way. Yes Or No. Just tell me one thing, is it that hard? ”

“Why are you only doing this to me? Please, have mercy! I'll do as you say! If you're a dog, you're a dog. If you're a dog, I'll take you! So please!”

“As I say? ”

I don't care what you say when you say it. This was beyond hanging. It was just a fantasy. So, I stupidly rebelled against him. It was then.

“Yes! As I say! If I can handle it, I can do anything! ”

Do you think I feel tempted? Yoo Seolhee, who was holding onto her like a crazy bitch, suddenly smiled puzzledly. And then he jumps up and starts breathing like he's trying to catch his breath.

“Me, me. It's actually more useful than I thought. In a lot of ways. You'll be happy to try the Mercenary Road. ”

“Use? I have no idea what you're talking about. ”

“… so. ”

“ ……? ”

Woo Seolhee hesitated for a long time. By the time the collar clicked and the face was ripe like a river of dusk.

Woo Seolhee suddenly, suddenly, and slowly pulled down her leather pants. Immediately, I saw thighs that exposed smooth skin and white underwear covering a chunky ridge. When the trousers that had gone down stopped at the calf, I felt faint.

“Artemis Lord! What are you trying to do? ”

Then he opened his mouth with a trembling voice.

“No, I told you. I'll do as I'm told. I'm really, really good. I can dance. I can imitate. Again….”

“Dance or imitate? Stop, stop, stop! ”

I think I finally understood what that meant. I was furious with a shout. And I stared at him, feeling pathetic. It's been a long time since I felt very dirty.

“Oh, Mercenary Road. ”

“Oh, my God. I just thought... So what are you gonna do with it? ”

I felt that way, and in the end snow, a single tear flowed from my eyes. I felt ashamed and frustrated when I begged for it and it didn't work. I shake my head excitedly. Suddenly, I felt unexplained disgust.