Chapter 468 00468;. (1/2)

M E M O R I Z E Ro Yoo Jin 67850K 2022-07-25

I've finally returned to the Mercenary Clan House.

The clans have welcomed us unexpectedly.

I knew you'd welcome me, of course. But it was so much that I had to feel embarrassed.

The first cheer and applause were fine, but there was no sign of an end. He barely sinks it, and now he looks at me with a big smile. Looking at them quietly, I thought, maybe I'm crazy as a group.

I was a little worried, but I'm still embarrassed. After I told the clans that I had suffered, I went straight to HaYeon. It was because Ha-yeon was the most normal face.

“Did everything go well? ”

“Yes. I just stayed quiet.... Ah.” Tr an s lated by Jpm t l.c o m

It was then. Hayeon smiled softly and suddenly stared at my shoulder. Soon after Ha-yeon stepped back, I quickly turned around. Then I saw Seon Yoon and Ansol who looked tired.

Seon Yoon opened his mouth first.

“Clan Road. Some of the rescued users want to meet Clan Road once. ”

“Yes? Why? Didn't you get all their gear? ”

“I'm not talking about equipment, I'm thankful you saved my life.... He wants to repay the favor. I think we're talking about joining a clan. ”

“Don't talk nonsense, just tell them to go back. Oh, and tell your clients to bring Gimjeong to visit soon. Now that you've completed the quest, you need to get the rest. ”

I didn't hesitate to cut it in half. It was because they said they would repay the favor on the outside, but it was obvious. If there was another user worth scouting, I looked at one of them on the way, and they were all worth it. T rans l a ted by jpmtl .c o m

Later, I looked at Seon Yu, bowing my head and turning around, and I turned my gaze to Ansol. Anzor's eyes looked at me, eager to know something.


“Brother. I... What are you doing today? ”

And it wasn't until I heard the following that I could understand Ansol's feelings. This expedition took more than two months to build. Therefore, I will miss warm rice and soft beds even if I am tired.

“No. I've had a rough day, so I think it's better to take the day off. Rest well today. Go tell him that. ”


I nodded slowly because I had to go to the gymnasium with Ahn Hyun anyway. I smiled bitterly as I saw Ansol running like a fly. It seems like he's been a little distracted.

After a while, I looked back at her.

“I'm a little tired myself today. ”

“Well done, Clan Lord. I told you to prepare a meal or clean the room on the way out, so you should go right in. ”

At Hayeon's words, I calmly walked toward the door. Next to her, I felt a precaution following carefully. Then, I looked up at the sky and saw the sun floating in the sky. It was still shining a bright light, but I think it will fall soon.

As I looked down, I suddenly felt empty.

Then I don't see Yumi. Yumi has a special ability, and if I go out somewhere, I know when I'll come back like a ghost. Why can't I see it today when I see it at the front door?

“But where is Yumi? ”

Tra n s la ted by Jpm “Oh, Yumi? Are you really busy right now? ”

“Yes? Busy? ”

“Haha…. You might be surprised. ”

Huh? Surprised to see you?

I tilted my head to what Hayeon said, but I didn't ask her about it anymore. Then I slowly opened the door and turned to the restaurant first. In fact, it was the same for me that I wanted a warm and delicious meal. This place is better than eating out here.

The meal was definitely fine. No, it was made by a skilled chef, not by the flowers of the night, so I could eat it very well.

After my meal, I left the restaurant and sat down in a chair in the lobby on the first floor. In front of the fireplace, there was a flashing flame burning vigorously. I felt a warm glow all over my body, and I closed my eyes and fell into thought.

Over the past two years, the Machinery has received numerous quests and excavated numerous ruins. Then, of course, the results will follow, but in the meantime, they have not simply been kept in storage. It is because the ruins, which are the main income sources, are limited and cannot be relied upon for exploration.

He bought shops, inns, taverns, etc. externally, or built branches in other cities, and funded the welfare of clans such as the Machinery Academy, building renovations, and forges internally.

Particularly the most important part was the restaurant. Meals are a major part of life, as they correspond to ceremonial beverages, because, in fact, the cooking skills of the flowers at night were very poor. (If it is musty, it should refresh the beginning of the day, and I feel like my body is sagging when I eat a meal cooked by flowers at night.)

After returning the flowers of the night to the house management, the restaurant was renovated largely. As a result, the users who are currently managing the restaurant were relatively skilled couples who also have experience running the restaurant in modern times.

I met this couple... Well, it's a coincidence.

I had a business trip to Eden one day, and I stopped by a small restaurant after I finished my business. At that time, I met the couple, and the one thing that was unusual was that they were not non-combat users. A skilled combat user who once had quite a reputation.

At first, I wondered why I was living like a non-combat user, but I could understand why. It's because my wife became pregnant while active, and my husband no longer refused my wife to fight violent battles.

Eventually, they stopped all activities at the time of childbirth, and they opened a restaurant with their savings.

T r ans lat ed by jpm Anyway, the food was very good, so after talking a little bit, I scouted the couple with the takeover of the restaurant. It was an ancestor because couples can raise children in good conditions and safer environments, and we can also eat good food every meal.

“Mmm-hmm. My brother. ”

Maybe it's because I've been eating good food for a long time. As I turned my gaze to the soft voice, I saw Ansol sitting on the chair next to me. His face is filled with satiety and his left hand gently strokes his stomach. It was a happy face.


“Me…. I'm so full right now... ”

“Yes. You think you can live now? ”

“Yes. To be able to drink in front of a warm fireplace like this... I'm so happy... ”

Ansol smiles and takes a big cup in his right hand. I stared at Ansol as he poured his drink into my stomach without rest for a while. How the hell did he get into that white, stingy neck? The cup was almost flat.

“Cough, cough, cough, cough! ”

Soon, Ansol put the cup down and spit out a weak cough.

At that moment, I felt the quiet surroundings become noisy with the feeling of falling out of the fire.

I looked around Salmoney and I saw some clans from the restaurant gathering to talk. I can hear him digging around with his excited face. He seems to be caught by those who are curious about exploration.

After listening to the surrounding stories for a while, I looked back at Ansol. When I was full, I could see the anvil turning my head to sleep. I waved Ansol's shoulder.

“Ansol. Let's go back to sleep. ”

“Hmmm... Huh?”

T r a n s lat ed b y jpm tl.c o m Ansol shrugs for a moment. Soon, however, I looked up at me with sleepy eyes. In front of the fireplace, his face was flared, and a faint light was flashing in his eyes. Then suddenly, Ansol's lips opened.

“Brother... ”


“You know my brother... ”


Ansol's lips ache if he wants to say something. I waited for the words to continue calmly.

But in the end, whether he gave up, Ansol raised his body with a weak smile.

“… No. Nothing, nothing. ”

“… Is that so? ”

I took out a lotus candle and stared at the anvil stumbling. It's my brother, An-hyun. I wondered what I wanted to say, but soon I erased it from my mind. The disposal of Ahn Hyun was already decided and there was no time for consideration.