Chapter 467 00467;. (1/2)

M E M O R I Z E Ro Yoo Jin 74830K 2022-07-25

Hall Plane.

Koran, a city of Southern cattle in the North.

Federation of Southern Liberties.

Consistently, unity is the expression of two or more objects joining together to form an organization.

It can be seen that the causes of one union are indeed very diverse. The weak countries unite against the great, or calculate their own room of understanding and work together.

From this point of view, we can see why a union is created in the world called the Hole Plain. For example, the Confederation of Southern Liberties, situated in the Koran, is probably the best example.

T ra ns lat ed by Jp m t l .c o m There is a saying in Hall Plain:

Users come together to form clans, and clans come together to form cities.

The Koran is no different. However, if there is one thing that is different, it is not 'clans come together'.

The Koran is a jointly managed coalition city of eight clans, each named after a number, Artemis, Nambee, Serengeti, Huawei, Merchant Union, Garrison and Moss Clan.

When it first formed, it was just a group of medieval clans that were hard to see as strong by a single force. After receiving the Koran, however, the next generation has been raised, and until now each clan has grown into a union of larger clans that cannot be ignored.

In Sectionals, the Association of Southern Freedoms was able to raise this much power based on proper division of roles among the constituent clans and proper control over each other.

Among these, it is okay to consider proper role sharing, namely dispensing.

The Sue, Artemis, Nambee and Serengeti clans are purely combat clans, the Huawei and Merchant Guild clans are purely top clans, and the Garrisons and Moss clans are the purely informative clans. Tra n s l a t ed b y jp m tl .co m

In short, force, money, and information have created a coexistent structure that will develop into a large clan.

This is as far as I go.

The history of the Confederate Liberties can be thought of as a good example of how several medieval clans have grown into large clans through good faith competition.

But reality is not so beautiful. Rumor has it that the coalition looks intact on the North continent, but inside, there is a fierce battle going on that is hard to see due to good competition.

For example, two years ago, Kim Yong-man, who once led the coalition to the forefront, was a well-established disappearance. Officially, it has been reported as missing during exploration, but rumors are circulating that it has been secretly eliminated by those who hope for a new wave in the Confederacy.

If you look at the fact that the coalition is denying the polar sphere, but both Kim Yong-man and the surrounding vicinity have disappeared at the same time, there's nothing uncomfortable to say just because it's a rumor.

Only you know the truth, of course.


There was a solemn energy in one of the buildings in the Koran, the Conference Room of the Southern Cow.

The conference room was dark. But it's not very dark. Beautiful decorations were rounded around the table, with a small crystal stuck in the mid-pole area giving off a subtle glow.

Anyway, 16 people in the conference room. Eight of them were seated at the round table, spaced apart, and the other eight stood still beside the chair.

When silence flowed for such a long time.

“Well…. Looks like we're all here, so why don't we get started? ”

A man slowly looked around the people in the conference room, raising his words slightly.

Tran sla t e d b y jpm t Then the woman who was burning the candle closed her eyes quietly. Everyone sitting at the table was watching the man who took the horse out.

The man suddenly looked like he was in his late 30s to early 40s. Overall, a delightful beard. And the slight belly appeared to give the impression that he was an ordinary man who could be seen anywhere.

But if you know what a man is, you can't just think of him as an impressive man.

The man's name is Seo Ji-hwan.

A clan lord of the League of Merchants clans within the coalition, a giant user with funds flowing through the Koran in one hand. He has also led the coalition since the days of Kim Yong-man, and has been one of the few founding fathers who have held his place.

Soon, Seo Ji-hwan smiled and nodded his head and picked up a record right in front of him.

“Let's see…. Barbara, there's been a call from the central administration. Within the month, temporary clans who are currently in charge of Halo, Dorothy and Beth will step down and choose a clan to directly represent the city. And... Damn, it's long. ”

Suddenly, there were wrinkles on the forehead of Seo Ji-hwan, who was reading the record straight down. Seo Ji-hyun, who was thrown to the table, searched the surroundings again with a burst of flavor.

“We talked about it at the first meeting anyway, and everyone knows why. So why don't you just skip the small talk and get to the ballot? Huh?”

“Hm. You said so yourself. ”

The man who received the words of Seo Jihwan was Park Tae-jin.

Taejin Park, the central clan of the coalition, is a Clan Road of Su Clan that inherits the place of Kim Yong Bay. The gladiator of the sun used to have a secret class, but he was also a user who had a very slight association with the Machinery Clan.

The connection is that there was once a competition for Monica's imminent flower, which she confessed at the love house and then got dumped. Of course, it was only known to those who knew, but at least it was a public story in the conference room.

There was such a joke, but in fact, Taejin's position was almost as powerful as arguing in 1st and 2nd places within the coalition. It was originally hidden from Kim Yong-man and his lateral muscles, but he was a user who took control of the several clans by striking their disappearances with fear.

However, he continued to pay attention to subsequent management, and his ambitious and authentic personality led many users to support Park Tae-jin.

Tr a n sl at e d by jp m Park Tae-jin handed the burnt lotus plant over to the man standing next to him, and opened his mouth calmly, raising his gaze to the other side.

“Yes, Shinhyuk. What do you think? You don't mind if I start right away? ”

The name Shinhyuk came out of Tae Jin's mouth. Then, the man, Shinhyuk, who was tapping the table with his face, lifted his head and looked at Taejin Park. Suddenly, the mouth of Shinhyeok was painted with a soft hose.

Shinhyuk was also a clan lord of the Nambeul clan, one of the clans forming the coalition. As a potential competitive relationship with Taejin Park, he had a strong position in the coalition.

It was not a good thing because of its ugly and clumsy nature, but its ability to complete or create work was very good, but it was recognized around it.

Soon, Shinhyuk said.

“Huh? Ah. It's none of my business, or should I be asking you? Tae-jin Park, are you sure you're okay right now? ”

“... What are you talking about? ”

Park Tae-jin slightly raised one eye and asked again. Shinhyuk was still playing the table piano with his fingers. The faster the sound, the harder Park Tae-jin's face became.

Tada-dak, tada-dak, Tak!

And when his hands stopped, Shinhyuk opened his mouth.

“No, I'm just curious. Seeing how confident you are... Huh. Did you get us tickets for something good? Huh?”

“What? Hyuki! You're not saying too much! ”

At the end of Shinhyuk's words, the voice of walking next to Taejin Park burst out. However, when Park Tae-jin immediately raised his hand and calmed down, he sneezed.

The man's name was Baekdusan, a user who usually shared a thick relationship with Taejin Park. He was also a prominent combat user responsible for the clan road of the Serengeti clan.

Tran s l a t ed b y jpm tl .co m “Doosan, calm down.... Shinhyuk, what did you mean just now? ”

“Oh, right. Let's not get ahead of ourselves, let's just talk about it. We all know that, don't we? What's the situation? ”

“... are you trying to implicate the mercenary case? ”

“Yes. The Machinery. Dorothy will take care of it in the West, and Beth will be eaten by greedy Eastern bastards. But since you ate Barbara, you have a conscience. You won't touch Halo. But I don't care about the Blue Wolf, and Istantelle Low can't afford it. Well, where else would it be? Is it the Confederacy or the Mercenary Clan? ”

Park Tae-jin stared at the generously speaking Shinhyeok with his tired eyes. Then he calmly slits his throat and opens his mouth.

“So, it's only fair that you take Halo because you turned your back on the competition's mercenary?” ”

“Yes, very clever. And they knew that, too? That's right, I was the lead on the Mercenary case. But you knew that, didn't you? And by” nothing, ”you mean you closed your eyes, too? You're not? ”

“I don't think so. I don't think this is the only way to turn the machine down. You think you're the only one who's been framed for this? Maybe we should wait a little longer? ”

“Until when? Like this? It's been two months since the Mercenary entered the mountains, not a week, not even this week. But there's no call that he's coming back, let alone having a baby. Isn't this enough? Isn't that right, everybody? ”

As Shinhyuk turned to seek agreement, some nodded their heads to empathize and some avoided. Soon when Shinhyeok's eyes reached Seo, Seo Ji-hwan sighed deeply.

“Hoo. In fact, we can't say that Hyuk is very wrong. Actually, I think Halo was more likely to take it. Recovery support, even if we add a little bit more, given the war and the North Continent stabilization records, we're significantly outnumbered. If you think so, this case has certainly helped us. If you disappear like this, it will be a good thing.... However, since the clan that used to live on the quest failed the quest, it's no wonder their reputation will be ruined. It left quite a big scratch on the famous machinery, and gave some of the knights who slandered the machinery room to be empowered... Well, it's a mercenary who failed the quest, but it's been one or two people who've been sick to their tracks. That's why this is the issue. ”

“I…. I'm sorry... ”