Chapter 392 00392 Epilogue 3/4: Please sleep well. (1/2)

M E M O R I Z E Ro Yoo Jin 64950K 2022-07-25

Sleepy Barbara Nights.

Suddenly, the faint red sunset faded away, and the gray ground spiders were replacing the dusk.

The stone yin dug deeper into the city and sprinkled a strange light over time. And as darkness settled everywhere, it changed greatly.

I stared up at the window with a sluggish gaze. There is a bright moon in the sky that you can see out the window. Like a silver tray, the round moon illuminates a silver white moonlight that illuminates a dark room.

The commotion that felt only an hour ago gradually faded to the point where the moon rose. Thus, the honeycomb inn fell into darkness and silence in the night.

“Hmph…. Huh-huh-huh-huh-huh... Heheheh...”

T ranslat e d by jpmtl .com A faint nostril that flows in silence. As I slowly lowered my gaze at the window, I can see my mom smiling with her eyes closed. Whether the radish felt so good, she was singing a pleasant nostril, holding me in her arms.

Soon, I felt the soft hand of caring for my hair, and I closed my eyes gently.

After I broke up with Jung-min, I met him in the square and went straight to the control room. Then I went to the inn she had prepared after work, and she said that she had only one room, unfortunately.

Honestly, I saw the intent of the individual who was very selfish... In fact, I liked it. It wasn't so awkward to use the same bed as her anymore.

I dug between the unravelled collars and buried my head in the moonlight grave. At that moment, I stopped touching my head the whole time. Then my thin breath tickles my head and makes me hug my head harder.

“Hehe…. Cute...”

Even though I choked on my breasts pressing my face hard, it was good. The soft and warm feeling on your face.... At this moment, I was cozy and cozy enough to forget everything.

T rans l a t e d by jpm tl .c om I felt a warm feeling of gradual occupation in my head, but I couldn't help but think I shouldn't sleep. No. Should I say I didn't stop it?

I was about to fall asleep.

Buzz bump... Buzz bump...

At the sound of his feet breaking the static, I felt a flash of mind. Quickly activating the Magic Detection, one young man finally came out and caught a pause in front of Yeon-ju's visit. I took a deep breath.

Knock, knock.

“Excuse me, is Kim Soo-hyun in this room? ”

Unexpectedly, the voice that came from outside the door was the voice of a walking man.

“Oh? What's going on at this hour? ”

“I don't know.”

“Hmph... What's going on? ”

I was interrupted at a good time, and Yeon-ju muttered with a thorny voice. While watching me trim my busy clothes, I quietly got up.

Just before I left, I grabbed the 'Sword' that was leaning against the wall.

It was then.

“Su-hyun? Why is the sword...? ”

“... sleeping. I'll be back soon. ”

I couldn't say it straight away, so I turned my back. Then I opened the visit to the sound of the knock again, and I could see a man standing with sleepy eyes. Trans l ate d b y Jpm t l .c o m

'This person….'

I saw a man today. I remember that I was a temporary caretaker and guard at the entrance.

“I'm Kim Soo-hyun. What's going on?”

“Oh, I'm sorry about the other night. Not only that, but someone else came to see me. ”

“? ”

“They asked me to tell you it's Won Hye-soo... ”

In order to resist the laughter of the moment, I had to ask my lips.

Did you really think I wouldn't show up? '

“I'll be right down. Thank you for the message.”

“Ah…. Yes, of course. ”

The man lowers his head and turns his gaze to the room. And he gave me a envious look, and soon I began walking down the hallway with a sigh.

Before I left, I turned around for a moment. In the bed, I was still staring at me, wearing a slightly torn robe. I made eye contact with her and didn't say anything. I just closed the visit quietly.

Soon as we walked down the hallway, there was no one in the hall. I leaned over and walked out the door of the inn.

Soon, a dark distance appeared in front of my eyes, and I felt the power in my eyes.

Tra n s l ated by jpmtl .com Under the moonlight, shining dark streets, a woman stands tall. She was a user I knew well.

'Holy Queen', Yoohyun.

One of the most famous users of the first time, a woman who came out of Mule in the second time.

I gazed back at Yoohyun for a moment.

Her face was hurt a lot, but her polite, clean and cozy beauty didn't go anywhere.

But if there's one thing different from before, it's that wavy brown hair is shaved with a single cut. Of course, it looked pretty good, but I could see that the cut was forced.

I stopped walking, leaving a little distance behind. And I opened the door first.

“I didn't think you'd actually come. ”

“… indeed. ”

“? ”

“I knew it was you. ”

I can't find my old sweet voice anywhere. In the meantime, Yoohyun's tone was very rested.

I nodded once.

“I heard you had something to say. Yoohyun the user.”

While talking, I took a step forward, and at the same time, Yoohyun took a step back. As I stopped walking, I could see her squeezing her hand.

The static flowed, and Yoohyun stopped walking. T r an sla t e d b y Jpmtl.c om

“… I need to talk to you for a second. ”

“Why don't we do it now? ”

“I want to move. ”

That said, I looked around. Although it was in front of the inn, there were few users seen on the street.


I think I know what that means. I shrug my sheep's shoulders to do as I please. Just a moment ago, a frightening light struck her eyes. Perhaps what happened at ”Silly Lady” remained traumatized.

Soon after, Yoohyun turned around and started walking somewhere, and I looked at her back and stepped forward. Suddenly, my hand was touching the handle of the 'sword'.

In fact, it was purely within the city, and users were wandering around, albeit a small number. I don't have an explanation unless Yoohyun has been clear. Killing her here and now was, frankly, the pursuit of a large mob.

You don't have to work too hard in a place with a lot of eyes. There could be a situation like that.... If I didn't want to feel bad, I had a way of sneaking assassinations at a later date.

Although there is no reason, Yoohyun's relationship with me is like an enemy that has already crossed over. At least I was thinking that.

I also stopped walking when Yoohyun stopped walking. Her movements are near the Warp Gate.

You don't see many users here, as this is a time zone. However, in that it was a space where users would come and go periodically, they could see that their heads were rolling.

Soon, Yoohyun turned around. I gave myself a sense of magic, just in case, and waited quietly for her words.

“ ……. ”

“ ……. ”

However, even after the next five minutes, no words were heard.

By the time I felt a little nervous beyond boredom, Yoohyun opened his mouth.

“Since that day.... ”

“ ……. ”

“Me. I haven't forgotten a single day of that day. ”

The voice that I heard was calm, although I was resting a lot.

“You…. Do you know? How I've been living ever since.... What happened... ”

And with the words that followed, I had to feel a sense of wonder.

It was a video without telling Yoohyun what to think of me. Even if I change my position....

No. What did I do when I met Belpegor, who was actually directly or indirectly involved in Han Soyoung's death?

“Did you know that? What?”

But before I even thought about it, I shrugged my shoulders.

“I don't know. I don't know... I think I know a little bit about it now... ”

“ ……. ”

“Were you still on Mule? Then the vagrants must have gotten pretty rough. ”

“... Yes. Yes, something terrible happened. shameful things that are hard to keep in your mouth as a woman. ”

Yoohyun admitted it gently. Then I gently lifted my head and faced my gaze. Her eyes, which were looking straight at me, were wet with unspeakable sadness.

“I see.”

“… that's it? ”

“So? Should I mourn him? Between you and me? ”

“You…. It's because!”

Yoohyun hung up for a moment and yelled for the first time.

“Don't you know? Or are you just pretending not to know? It's all your fault. It's all your fault that I got hurt. ”

“Why is that my fault? ”

“… What? ”

“Is it my fault the vagrants attacked? ”

I didn't stop there, I said it again.

“The vagrants were ambushed, and you were brutally beaten. Then why is it my fault? ”

“Well, that's... ”

In my words, Yoohyun became speechless. The reaction revealed that he had been stabbed.

I shaken my head with a sigh.

“Still. The transference. ”

Then I could see Yoohyun breaking his lips. Her face was filled with emotion that she was very angry.

But that was it. It was just a reaction to anger, but I couldn't find any evildoers.

When Yoohyun came to visit me, I was not the outbreak that I expected.

Soon, Yoohyun, who was breathing deeply, opened his mouth with a slight voice.

“Okay, fine. Then why did you do it? ”

“Why did you do that? If you mean the situation at the time.... You must have been informed of the outcome. ”

Notice meant an investigation conducted by a golden lion. At that time, I was convicted of innocence because I was admitted to self-defense, and the result would have been sent to Yoohyun.

“I'm not burying the species. ”

“That's all I have to say. ”

“Ha. You really think so? ”

“If so?”

As soon as I took it, Yoohyun made a hollow face.

“Is there no moral compass to you? Do you think everyone would say the same thing if they knew? ”

“Are you threatening me? ”