Chapter 391 00391 Epilogue 2/4: Red Fangs Again (1/2)
As soon as I left the Warp Gate, I noticed a strange view of the city.
“We're in Barbara. ”
As soon as I followed, I nodded once. Then I looked up at the sky.
It was late afternoon, too.
After lunch, the sun went west, and the dark ground spiders were gradually preparing to come down.
“Soo-hyun, should we just go back now? The meeting's been delayed again anyway, but we can come back tomorrow morning. ”
“Hmm.” T r ans l at ed b y jp mtl .c o m
Reasonable words made me think for a moment.
After the battle, three days passed.
In this battle, the most heavily hit Seo Moon troops fell off the battlefield and were given three days' rest under the name of maintenance. And on the fourth day, I decided to come to Barbara for a meeting.
Today was the fourth day.
However, the meeting, which was supposed to have been held this morning, was pushed into the afternoon due to the theoretical situation of the battlefield. So I left again on time, and by the time I got to Warp Gate, I could be contacted again tomorrow morning that the meeting was closed.
The excuses to organize the battlefield were good excuses, but in the end they were not ready.
I was able to rest, at least until today, accordingly, but I chose to come to Barbara without turning my steps. Tra ns lat ed b y jp mt
The small number of clan members did not take long to complete the maintenance and rested long enough.
But more than anything, I was curious. Again and again, the war is over. I wondered what happened to the Golden Lion, how many high-profile people died in the war, and how much damage the battle had done.
That's why I don't have anything better to do.
Anyway, most of what you'll find out at the meeting tomorrow, but it's not a bad thing to know one step ahead.
“Su-hyun? What would you do? ”
I stood at the Warp Gate and looked around, and I was finally able to decide. Instead of killing time like this, I thought it would be better to take a quick look at what came out.
“You may go back. ”
“ ……. ”
“I'll stay in Barbara today. And let's go back after the meeting tomorrow. ”
“… Fuyu. I can't stop it. ”
What does that sigh mean?
I knew the answer right away.
Soon after that, I could feel the sneaking up behind me as I walked through the Warp Gate.
'It really doesn't matter if I go back...'
T r ans l a t ed b y Jpmt l.c o m I practically turned down the rest of the clan, so I didn't mind being alone in Barbara. It's because I'm the only one who can come to the battlefield now and join the meeting.
However, the idea of classicism is not so.
“Soo-hyun. Come with me. ”
I felt a bit awkward as I carefully clamped my arms.
We had a nice walk that didn't go well with the atmosphere of the street, and I took a chill walk around the street.
Middle heard that users originally lived in the western city were also drawn to Barbara. So, even though it was night soon, the streets of the city were noisy and crowded.
As I was walking along the street like that, I suddenly heard Goyeon speaking.
“Su-hyun, why don't you go to the control room first? That should give us some statistics. ”
“That's a good idea, too. I'll look around the city... I'm going to go there before nightfall. ”
She nods once or twice and lets go of her sleepy arms.
“Yes. I'll see you later in the central square. ”
“Yes? What about the high notes? ”
“You said you were staying at Barbara's today. I can't sleep outside, so I need to find a room for the day. ”
With a soft voice, I scratch my head. In fact, it was just a meaningless toss, but it seems that Ko Yong took it quite seriously.
But when I arrived in the city, I thought that wouldn't be so bad either. Thinking of a crowded Warp Gate tomorrow morning, it would be all right to really spend a day here and join right away.
“Yes. I'll look around. I'll see you later in Central Plaza. ” T r an sla te d by
“Yes, it is. What if there's no room? ”
“Don't be so burdened. I'm just saying. If you don't have a room, you can go back to Monica. ”
“Haha. I'm joking. I'm joking. What do you see me as? A room in an inn is ridiculous with my business card. Anyway, I'll be quick. ”
After answering, Yeon-ju left quickly. Looking back at her slowly drifting away, I quietly thought.
Once we have a full look around, it's better to follow the classics to the control room.
'Then we'll have to go through the square.'
Perhaps the Golden Lion's Clan House is the control room, so I set out for the square.
It wasn't until I was left alone that the city landscape started to catch my attention.
Barbara, once a great prosperous city on the North continent, is now so devastated that she cannot be found.
However, assuming he was captured without bloodshed, he was in better shape than I expected. Of course, it was' more 'than I expected, but with the exception of the completely collapsed western wall, it had its own urban niche.
‘Cause they would have needed a place to stay. ’
Soon after, I stepped back into the square, fixing my gaze.
In a large vacant area, thirty other users sat here and there with a quiet atmosphere.
“ ……. ”
Tr a n slat ed b y Jpm t l .c om “ ……. ”
Even though there were more than twenty, they didn't say anything. Do I have to say that everyone seems to be exhausted?
It wasn't just Silk Plaza, in fact. Everything I've been through has been similar. Of course, even though there were priests who were busy running around, most people were as motivated as the users.
'In view of this... I can't tell who lost.'
I had a taste for a moment, but I remembered the first time and I remembered my head. It was really a losing battle, and the situation was worse than it is now. I didn't know it very well at the time because I was in the '0s, but I remember the atmosphere was much worse than it is now.
Anyway, it's much better than that. Time will be a medicine, as always. And it was no longer my concern...
So, I was busy walking through the square.
Boom, boom, boom.
The sound of the quiet plaza's footsteps annoys me.
Some of the users sitting around the broken fountain looked up at me. I was also going to glance at them and pass them by.
The moment I laid eyes on a man, I stopped walking without knowing it.
It was the same for the man. Suddenly, I felt this in my dead eyes. I felt an awkward expression, but I looked closely at the face of the man who was unfamiliar to me.
His face was slim, but he definitely looked like a man. Her long hair touched her waist and her body was exquisite.
One thought that hit my head at that moment.
“Ooh…. ”
“Soo-hyun Kim?”
I almost said my name instantly, but I could hardly bear it.
”Oh, does it matter? '
But I didn't think it would matter anymore. After all, they left the same user academy.
He met me once at a rite of passage and was a friend of Clan Lord of the Red Fang clan. I didn't expect to see you here...
“Friends. ”
When he called out his name, the man clearly reacted. I took a step back to pass through the square and approached Friends.
Then, seeing me approaching, she woke up a little bit, and she also woke up slowly.
Soon, we routinely shared a light handshake.
“It's been a long time, user Kim Soo-hyun. ”
“It's been a while.”
The voice of the friendship I heard was very rested. He blinked at my face. Then I went through my whole body and tilted my head.
“You look good. ”
“I was part of the Preface Force. I'm on my way in from Monica after maintenance. ”
“Preliminary unit? ”
She tilted her head once and said, ”Oh.” You nod your head.
“Yes, yes. The Mercenary Clan... I heard rumors.It must have been hard for the West Gate troops. ”
“I feel better now. But you.... ”
“Me...? ”
At that moment, Friend's gaze turned down and a lump of water on his face was young.
Looking at it, I could sense that something bad had happened to my friend. It's because I sensed a slight tremor on my face, and on the hand I was still holding.
“You were part of this war, too? ”
Jung-min nodded without answering.
“The Year 0 wasn't a compulsory entry. You volunteered.”
Then she sighed deeply and opened her mouth.
“Well. Should I say I participated.... Well, I did. I was living in Hailo. ”
At that moment, I could understand the situation a little bit. Friends were attacked in the west, not in the east.
The hand you're holding falls off. Whether it was blocking his sight or not, he shook his head and spoke in a trembling voice.
“Blind. Shit. I should have run. ”
“Run? Oh. No way...”
I was silent for a moment. Then she smiled and said, dazed.
“Yes. I came to Barbara two days ago. He's been in captivity ever since Halo was taken. To them.”
Friend's words echo through the quiet square. Some people crouch in the middle, perhaps some in a similar position.
“... You must have been through a lot. ”
“Hard? It wasn't that hard. Hell itself. I wanted to die so badly. They're demons, Devil. ”
“ ……. ”
“No more than livestock. I had no idea that I would be treated like that all my life. As time went by, even the colleagues who had worked together couldn't stand each other anymore. Do you know what happened? In the end, Hye-su was crazy, and Seung Hyun killed himself. ”
Jung-min now mutters as if talking to himself. The figure of speaking with an empty eye seemed to be shattered quickly.
Suddenly, I was wondering about the one I was with. Users who will be 1 in 10 classes later. Name….
“What happened to the other colleagues besides the two? I thought there was one more.... ”
“Every day was a living hell. It will never end.... Who?”