Chapter 320 00320 Reunion % 26 Return (1/2)
“Oh, it's the city! I'm really in the city! ”
“We're alive! We're alive! I'm alive... Ugh... Ugh….”
The moment they entered Eden, users shouted as if they were leaving the city. Some of them sat down and burst into tears, but it was tears of joy of life, not tears of sorrow.
Initially, it took three or four weeks for the schedule to take about three or four days. I never expected it to happen like this, and I also had a new feeling that it was a city I had seen for a really long time. No, as soon as I got here, I secretly summoned the classical.
“So, what happened to that? ”
“Yes? That? ”
T r a ns la t e d b y Jp m tl .c om At first, Yeon-ju opened her eyes wide, but as I looked at her, she smiled deeply.
“Ah. Equipment? Of course I took care of it! ”
“On the way here, it looks like some of the users are wearing them. ”
“Yes, there was so much equipment, it was packed as tight as it could, but there was no room. So once I had all the things that I wanted to be okay with, the rest of the damage was done, but I asked them to put on something that I could use. ”
At the end of the anthem, I glanced at the users celebrating each other with a third eye. Her sledges are good, but it was just in case.
After quickly reviewing the equipment information, I was able to sigh for relief. Fortunately, no good equipment was seen to be extraordinary.
I thought about some rewards I promised users. Most of the equipment was damaged to the point where she said it would be a bit more serious, but it could be quite useful if it could be repaired.
T ran sla t ed by jpm m 'It looks like you're getting it now.... Should I just give you what you're wearing...?'
By the time I thought about it, the high notes carefully spoke to me.
“Soo-hyun. I have an idea if you're thinking about the reward problem... ”
“Yes? Oh, yes. Tell me.”
“Why don't you tell them to take what they're wearing? Wouldn't people be very grateful...? ”
I could see that my eyebrows were slightly raised with the end words, so I thought similar to mine.
The capture of the vagrants, especially the White Seo-yeon, was certainly an epidemic that could wipe out the entire North. I am at the heart of this event, so the name of the mercenary will be known naturally. In addition, the users who rescued the rumor also contributed.
In other words, it was to provide a good awareness as a reward for the equipment that was no longer needed.
I nodded my head at a time because I was familiar with the rippling effects of rumors whispered in my mouth.
“Yes, you did. You said you got gold coins and jewels, right? ”
“Yes, not that many. Less than 500 gold coins and 20 gems? ”
“Leave the jewels and share the Doubloons. Please speak appropriately. ”
“Haha. I will. ”
Yeon-ju smiled beautifully and replied.
Soon, I turned and ran to the users, and I walked back to where the clans had gathered. To be precise, there was a new dragon with the clan. Of course, I didn't forget to look at his information again on the way.
Player Status T ran sl a t ed b y Jpm tl.c o m
1. Name: New Jae Ryong (Year 4)
2. Class: General Priest (Normal, Priest, Expert)
3. Nation: Barbara
4. Organization (CLAN): -
5. Jinmyung · Citizenship: The Effort of Fortitude, Unbendable Will · Korea
6. Sex: Male (42)
7. Height · Weight: 176.2cm · 73.8kg
8. Tendency: Good Passion
[Strength 78] [Durability 82] [Agility 74] [HP 90] [Magic Power 84] [Luck 68]
'The clan seems to have been disbanded.... This should do it.'
It was not user information that was eye-opening, but it could be considered compliance enough. Above all, I liked the tendency. Moreover, the current lack of priests in the Mercenary Clan made me think it would be a good idea to take advantage of this opportunity.
“Shin Jae Ryong.”
“Ah, the Mercenary Road. ”
Through the clans clinging to each other, Shin Jae Ryong replied with a soft middle-aged smile.
Tra nsla te d b y jp mtl.c om “You've been through a lot lately... Thank you so much for joining the rescue team. ”
“Haha! You're welcome. I was just acting on my convictions. And I owe him. ”
“I see. It's a little hard to just part ways anyway. Do you have any next plans...? ”
“Oh, there's nothing here. ”
As if you haven't found the right place yet, Shin Jae Ryong shakes his head calmly and replies. Then I opened my mouth with all my heart because I had nothing to say.
“Then I'd like to invite you to the Mercenary's Clan House. I have something very important to tell you. ”
“Ah…. ”
New Jae Ryong was also an active user in Hall Plain for 4 years. As if he had realized the meaning of my words at once, he made a slightly dazed look on his face and replied with an awkward voice.
“Ah…. Yes, I understand. So when do we start looking? ”
“Haha, you don't have to be so burdened. Speaking of which, you're welcome to stay the night. ”
New Jae Ryong would need time to think, and I didn't even intend to force him to join for free. Whether he had just calmed his panicked mind, he had a relaxed look.
“Soo-hyun! We're done talking. ”
Then, behind my back, I heard the voice of classicism. Let's turn around and see if the story went well. She was staring at me with her confident face.
“Well done.What did he say? ”
“Everyone looks happy. No, it's not actually satisfactory. He even gave me Doubloons. He was about to bow down. ”
T r a nslat e d b y Jp m t l .co m “You're exaggerating. ”
“It's true... ”
A temple. In a situation where almost everything is lost by the raid, my reward will feel like a rain of drought.
I turned my gaze and looked at the users, and I could see them standing there. However, I saw Seung Woo bowing deeply and made peace with him.
This solved the equipment problem and shorted out the recruitment of the new Dragon. All that was left was the return to Clan House.
But before that, there was one last person to say hello.
'Said the tiger would come if I told you.'
When I turned around with a smile, I could see my brother standing tall. My brother approached me and tried to put his hands on my head, but suddenly he turned and put his hands on his shoulders.
“Okay, so what do we do now? ”
“I'm going back to Clan House. It's been empty for too long. ”
“Well, that's good thinking. With a position called Clan Lord, you'll have a lot of things to worry about. ”
“Er... Well, yeah. ”
I stared at him with my whole heart. I thought I'd rush you to Hamill Clan House to protect you, but that was a surprise. I felt sad for some reason.
I don't know if you know my heart. My brother smiles, takes his hands off his shoulders, and looks behind me and opens his mouth.