Chapter 319 00319 Reunion % 26 Return (1/2)
After sharing a very uneasy aftermath with the clan members (some clan members had to sweat to soothe their tears.), I could barely hear from my brother before and after.
At first, he tried to leave on his own at the risk of extreme opposition to the Hamill clan members. But at that moment, the members of the mercenary clan who were chasing my trail visited me, and I learned that I was alive in the contract of Vivian. And they were willing to unite and organize a rescue party to take me back.
However, even though everything was fine, I was thankful for organizing the rescue team. After all, the users in front of me were the only ones who stood up naked in the yard who might lose their lives.
“I made sure he was alive.... It's right in front of me.... My heart is still pounding. ”
She placed her hands on her chest and said with a loving voice.
“Knng. Me too. Do you have any idea how surprised I am? ”
“Yu, Yu Yang. Enough with the tears. The leader will be in trouble. Haha. ” Tr a n s lat e d by jpm t l .co m
When Shin Yong showed a good smile, Yijeong looked around the blemish and wiped the eye area with the back of his hand.
Looking at that, Ahn Hyun smiled maliciously and whispered to me quietly.
“Huh-huh, brother. Do you want a brother?”
“Huh? What? ”
“As soon as I heard my brother was missing, I wasn't in a frenzy. Especially because Ha-yeon's sister and the well, and the three Im Han-na, have become a sea of tears... I envy you! ”
“ ……? ”
Hearing Ahn Hyun's words, I tilted my head. Even though Jeongyeon and the reason were the same, I did not understand that I was crying until the end of time. As you turn to look at her, you see her standing quietly behind her with her hands bent. Tr a ns l a t e d b y jp m tl .com
Then she looked me in the eye and shook her head with a smile. Since he is an archer, he heard An-hyun's whisper because his ears were bright. Suddenly, I was curious about her mind.
'I'll have to find out when I get a chance later.'
I opened my mouth so calmly.
“Anyway, thank you all so much for coming. And I'm sorry if any clan members were surprised by me. ”
“No, brother. I didn't doubt that my brother would come back. And no one would have expected an ambush. I want you to come back in one piece. Wouldn't you say, ladies? Aah!”
Ahn Hyun was hit by Jeongyeon Jeong and Yi Jeong. Later, I looked back at the man who was groaning on the floor. Behind him was the awkward face of the inspiration and Kim Han-suh.
Ko Yeon-ju and An-sol rushed to meet the clans a long time ago, but unfortunately, Gimhanbyol was staring at the ground with his eyes lowered.
“Anyway, as An-hyun said, I and my clan have returned safely, so I guess you can stop worrying... Oh, by the way, introductions are late. New recruit from Mule this time.... Hm. User Identity. Gimhanbyol. This way.”
At last, I thought I was free of the barley sack, but the old man approached me with a bright face and greeted me.
“Nice to meet you, I'm Lee Man-sung, who just joined us. ”
“Hello, I'm Jeongyeon. Congratulations on your participation. ”
“Haha, thank you. Since the beginning, you have been unwittingly disruptive to Clan Lord, but I ask you to take care of it. ”
“We're the ones who ask for it. Oh, and I think you're a little old, so you can speak freely. ”
Among the clan members, Jeongyeon greets as the representative. The old man smiled and shrugged his head to see if her first impression was good.
Tran s la t ed by jpm t l .co m Later, I could barely sigh as I watched the passage into the natural introduction time.
It was then.
““ Mercenary Road. ” ”
At the same time, when I heard a voice calling to me, I turned around, and I found an unexpected person. Behind me, two men stood with a slight smile. One was Sung-hyun, whom I saw earlier. And the only one left is...
“It's been a long time. ”
It was a new dragon.
“One load…. And you, New Yorker? ”
“You remember. It's good to see you alive. ”
“Oh, yes. But why are you two here...? And you didn't see him earlier. ”
“I was a little preoccupied with the idea of sharing the afterlife with the clan members. Haha. And... ”
Seong-hyun and Shin Jae-ryong looked at each other for a while, and then Shin Jae-ryong opened his mouth first.
“Actually, I joined the rescue party by chance. ”
“Coincidence? ”
When I asked him again, he replied with a handsome expression.
“Yes. After I came back from exploration, I had some things to sort out. For a while I was running around in a frenzy, and I was just finishing cleaning up, and I remembered the Mercenary Road. I was going to say hello to you for some help... We've received word that you've gone missing. ”
“Then…. You joined the rescue party to save me? ” Tr a n sl at e d b y Jp m
As soon as I heard the words of Shin Jae Ryong, I thought, 'What kind of person is this?' I thought. He smiled and said.
“You saved my life. When I heard that there were no priests in the Mercenary Clan, I joined to be helpful. If I didn't know better, I thought it would be more difficult to pretend that I didn't know when I found out that my husband was in trouble. ”
“… I see. ”
I straightened my chest and barely nodded my head as I began to feel frustrated.
Maybe.... I thought I was just looking at the world too much. However, I soon lost my mind with a long sigh, and this time I turned my gaze to Sung-hyun.
Seong-hyun looked at me with a slightly embarrassed face and opened his mouth with a shy voice.
“Ah…. Actually, I was asked by someone I know. ”
“Yes, I'm more like a savior than an acquaintance... Anyway, I've always had a close relationship with Hamill Lord. So just in case.... Haha. I'm sorry. I didn't realize Mercenary Road was Hamill Lord's brother. ”
“I think I know what you mean. No need to be sorry. No, thank you. ”
Sung-hyun said that my structure was not the main purpose, but in the worst case, I participated to persuade Yoo-hyun Kim. Rather than the strange behavior of the new dragon, I nodded without any awkwardness because of this reaction in Hall Plain.
Seong-hyun wanted to take a quick look at my eyes, then began to stare at one side. The direction of his gaze was where the vagrants were being held.
“Mercenary Road. Now, I have a lot of respect for being here. May I ask you a question? ”
“Yes. Is this about the wanderers in captivity? ”
The moment I said that I was a vagrant, I felt a veil in Sung-hyun's eyes for a moment. T r a n s l at ed by Jp m tl.c o m
“I knew it…. These were vagrants.I saw a few familiar faces, so I thought I'd see them. But how did you catch it? ”
“I made a bit of a splash on my way out of Mule, and they followed me. So, reverse intercept, kill most of them, catch some of them. ”
It was a very simple and clear answer, but the weight of the answer was not at all light. While I heard the tremendous elasticity of Seong-hyun and the new Jae-ryong, I carefully observed the White Book story of the shivering vagabonds. She stares at the ground without raising her head at all the noise around her.
“Do you know a vagrant named Baek Seo-yeon? ”
“Seo-yeon Baek...? Is that evil girl here now? ”
In case you were wondering, Seong-hyun had a surprising reaction. The polite person's face became stiff at one moment, so I thought I was mistaken.
”No, I don't think so. '
Notoriety is a well-known Baek Seoin among vagrants, so it must have been heard of a person like Sung-hyun.
“Do you know White Seo-yeon? ”
“Everyone knows. Damn, because of that evil girl... Oh, I'm sorry. ”
“No, thanks. On the way here, a vagrant named White Seo-yeon seemed to have quite a name. ”
“It's not even named. Is it really the White Paper, by the way? I can't see my face well... ”
While saying this, I felt like there was something solid going on. Anyway, it wasn't bad for me to say the enemy is my friend.