Chapter 38 - Pen Name Haven (1/2)
The caravan cars were stopped shortly after they entered the city walls. Cars carrying the passengers continued slowly for a bit until it reached a loading ledge. With a soft hiss the cars settled into the ports and opened the doors. Lydis slid the door to her room open and was engulfed by the crowd of people getting off. Valfafer tried to follow Lydis but he was confused by the maze of feet and the constant shuffling of the crowd.
Sensing that Valfafer had left her side Lydis looked back and saw glimpses of his fur in between people. She turned around and pushed against the current of people to get closer towards Valfafer. A few angry grunts followed with people clicking their tongues, Lydis paid them no mind. When she was within arms reached Lydis grabbed the scruff of his fur and pulled Valfafer into her arms.
At first Valfafer was unsure of who grabbed him but Lydis's familiar scent calmed him. He nestled in her arms and waited to be let down when they left the crowd.
On the platform people were lining up at check-ins before entering the city. She found the slightly shorter line and waited. With more than ten people in the line it took about twenty minutes before it was Lydis's turn. The worker behind the counter was fast and efficient. Although he looked young the dark bags under his eyes made him look older. Without even looking at Lydis he started to register her.
”Lydis Fawn.”
”Gender?” Lydis found this question skeptical but answered anyways.
”Female.” The worker nodded and continued to type the information into the screen, one hand rested on an orb while the other flew across the keyboard, punching in the characters.
”Your pet also needs to be registered in the system.” Lydis looked down at Valfafer in her arms and nodded. The worker pulled out a small syringe and poked Valfafer's butt with it. Valfafer would've jumped from Lydis's arms except her grip held him in place. The worker drew a bit of blood and squeezed the blood onto a small white pad. After waiting for a moment the machine beeped, it's robotic voice relaying the results.
[Recognizing species: Canis Lupus Familiaris Mixed Breed, a Mutt of Unidentifiable Origins
Age: Two years old
Gender: Male
Attributes: none
Slyphir level: none]
”Alright. Now I just need his name.”
”Valfafer.” The worker typed it in and a small metal plate popped out from the white pad.
”Put this on him somehow. If he's lost without it the guards will just throw him outside the city walls.” Lydis took the small plate and read Valfafer's name carved in it. On the back a dog's paw was designed. The worker moved back to Lydis.
”Reason for visit?”