Chapter 37 - The Border City Caratas (1/2)

As Lydis was having dinner with Valfafer alone in the caravan's cafeteria Marlov appeared at the far side. He saw Lydis and waved his hand at her.

”Hey Lydis!” He walked over to her briskly. She was in mid chew so all Lydis could do was wave back awkwardly. Valfafer raised his head and, after judging Marlov to be friendly, went back to eating his food.

”I see you're eating well.” Lydis had to suppress the urge to hide her face from embarrassment. She had waited until there was no one else at the cafeteria to take two whole tray loads of food. They were piled high with things like chicken legs, bread, bowls of soup, sweetened ribs, and a variety of other foods.

”Mhhm…” Since her mouth was full she responded as well as she could.

”Ha ha! It's good that you're eating. I thought you looked too skinny to begin with!” Marlov slapped Lydis's back in a friendly manner. She coughed a little and managed to swallow the half-chewed food.

”Did you need something Marlov?” She reached for a glass of water and gulped it down in mouthfuls.

”Ah, it's actually about the final distance to Caratas.”

”What about it?”

”I just wanted to warn you about the dangers of when we get close to a city. The others all know the routine but this is your first time so I'm here to give you a heads up.”

”Okay…” Lydis reached for another rib while dropping one for Valfafer too.

”You know that the caravan travels at incredible speeds right?”


”Well, we need to slow down the caravan's speed considerably tomorrow. Right from the very start. We'll only be moving at about sixty miles per hour instead of our usual one hundred fifty miles per hour pace we've been keeping until now.” He waited for Lydis to say something, but she just continued to eat.

*sigh* ”Anyways, at that speed we could get attacked by monsters or bandits near the city so I just wanted to warn you if anything were to happen. If we do get attacked under each bed is a small safe zone. It blocks smell, heat signs, sound, and slyphir leakage to a degree. Once you're in it locks itself and can only be opened from within. Stay there until a small green bulb lights up inside. That'll mean it's safe to come out. If a red light flashes then the caravan train will detach all the capsules but that's only in case of a dire emergency.” Lydis licked the bone clean and tossed it in a pile with others.

”What kind of dire situation?”

”In a hypothetical situation, the caravan has been attacked by a hoard of monsters. They outnumber us and there's a rank five leader among them with a handful of rank four monsters as well. In that situation where me and all the other guards and staff have been killed the train will change course and launch the pods away from it. They can't be opened by anyone but a guard from the nearest city.” Lydis nodded and continued to eat her food.

”Alright, that's all I came to talk about. I was actually about to head to your room when I saw you in the cafeteria.” Marlov stood up and walked away, waving to Lydis as she ate. With a sticky hand covered in brown sweet sauce Lydis waved back and watched as Marlov turned around and disappeared into the darkness. Seeing as he was gone Lydis swallowed and bent down to Valfafer.

”Hey dog…” Valfafer stopped eating and raised his head, small chunks of meat littering his muzzle. While licking his nose he looked up at Lydis.

”Yes master?”

”You better go pee or poop tonight, there's no time tomorrow, got it?” Valfafer nodded and went back to scarfing down his food.

An hour later and Lydis was stuffed. She picked up the tray with bones stacked high and the other that held empty bowls and cups. Valfafer dragged his tray with his mouth and tried to follow Lydis to the trash area. After cleaning up Lydis picked up Valfafer and they walked back to her room quickly.

Valfafer flopped onto the bed, stuffed and satisfied. Lydis sat on a chair she had asked Marlov for earlier that day.

”Hey master.”


”Do you think we'll be attacked tomorrow?”

”I dunno, probably.” Valfafer rolled upwards.

”What? Why?” Lydis used her left hand to read over her right shoulder and pressed a small button near the base of her neck. A slight fwssh noise hissed out of Lydis's right arm.

”Just think about it you dumb dog. Winter just ended and most monsters are probably waking up from their hibernation. Waking up hungry. Why wouldn't they attack a slower moving caravan filled with people and food?”