283 The Girl In The Mask (1/2)

(Scythus' POV)

What is going on? There's no mistake, I can feel the monster souls of the Legendary Bosses we fought before with the Frozen King. How did they get those monster souls?

”Scy, are you ok now? Those... monster souls... We're getting near the shore but... we left them. There's no going back.” Zia asked worriedly.

”I'm ok and yes, those monster souls are the ones from the invasion. They also unlocked their final form which is nearly impossible to do. Using them is hard enough.” I replied. I thought I'm the only first one who mastered the final form of a legendary monster soul. I guess not.

”We will protect you no matter what. Our mission is to get to the island and we'll do our best to help you.” Chara assured me.

”Yes! You got me too!” Osia excitedly said.

I looked back... but our ships... have been demolished already. Most of my guildmates are still alive but I can tell by aura alone... they are being bested. There's no going back... It's either we get ourselves killed or defeat every one of them which is I don't think is possible with our current state now. Scy... Think!

”Relax. Don't think too much. We've been through worse. We are not going to lose today.” Zia...

”Then let's show them the power of our guild.” Sometimes, I ask myself if I deserve to be their leader at all.


We finally reached the shore. It looks like they don't have that much manpower as we expected. They're not into strategy but their officers have the best gears and monster souls.

”MINOTAUR KING'S SMASH!” I sensed a tremendous amount of power coming towards us!


”GIANT IMPREGNABLE SHIELD!” Chara created a giant shield in front of us!

”MASSIVE BULWARK OF DEFENSE!” Zia also created a barrier in front of Chara's shield! Both of them used their weapon and armor souls!

*BOOOOOOM!* Holy crap! The impact of both their attacks and defense swept away the sand and water nearby and cleared the area! Impressive power and defense.

”It looks like there are people who can really stop our raw power from the mainland. I really thought this is an easy fight.” This girl used her knuckles to use that attack. Her hair is short and I can tell that her body is in great shape prolly because of overwhelming strength, both of them look barbaric.

”I can tell. They both use equipment souls giving them power but without their souls, there's no way they can overpower us.” The other one, long hair but also has a good build, said.

”Now, it's your turn.” The short-haired whispered.

Huh?! It's the same fog earlier... the area is getting covered by mist and they started to disappear from our sight... This is bad even if I use my darkness, it won't help.

”CHIIIIIIIIIIIIL!” The mist started to get colder and shattered and disappeared! It was Osia's spell!

”Ahhhh! Not again!” A girl showed up behind them... a girl who's covered in scales... like a snake... it's Lamia Queen!

Her hands are severely injured. If she used the mist then that means my lightning attack earlier affected her after using that attack.

”That guy ruined my beautiful hands! Kill him first ok?” The snake girl said... Jeez...

”Go ahead Scy, we'll handle them,” Zia said... If I remember it correctly, there are only six legendary monsters from the invasion and the only world boss is the Frozen King, which I don't want to see right now.