211 Drowned Trident City (1/2)
-Dragoons City, South Gate-
”Wow. Such a warm welcome. Aren't you guys overreacting a bit?” I just smiled but I'm so scared right now!
”Why are you disguised as a beginner? Everyone knows here that monsters around our guild are not friendly enough to let someone pass that easily. It's either you're trying to hide something or those monsters are blind. Who are you exactly?” Drake is really suspicious of me. I should have thought of that... now I'm screwed if they checked what I am carrying...
”I'll just be honest with you guys. But first, can you please pull your weapons back? One girl can't possibly do anything against all of you, right?” I asked politely and show a bit of my cute smile...
”Tell that to Aurora. We can't just trust your appearance because you show weakness. We have to be careful. I don't want my guild to be in this war for crappy reasons.” He's just trying to protect his people. I understand but we still need their assistance. If we can get help from both Dragoons and Drowned Trident, we might actually win.
”Ok, I will tell you the truth but I need to talk to you in private, sir. This is a really important matter. At least, you can defend yourself from me if something happens, right? You're a Guild Leader after all.” If politeness won't help me then I guess I have to do what I have to do.
”Don't play tricks with me, young lady. I can shout really loud if you did something to me. Anyway, let her go, guys.” He replied and I just smiled. Thank God...
They pulled their spears back and still, I can feel how they glare at me. Why are they so hostile? Do they hate women?
Drake accompanied me to their Guild Hall and so far, there's this one guy and it seems like he is his right hand or something. Their guild is smaller than ours but still, they have the fastest reinforcement army.
”So here we are, unlike Order of Light guild, we have the smallest army size that's why we compensate it with our loyal mounts. I know who you are and I know why you're here so let's get down to business.”
”Uhmmm... But how?” I asked curiously.
”Oh, Jay sent a messenger to us a couple of days ago but we already told him that we won't join him... and then he sent a messenger again saying that he will send someone to change my mind. Can you really change my mind?” Jay, you jerk! At least, give me a head start... I tried lying my way in!
”To tell you honestly, I just said I will try but I don't think that I can change your mind. It's too risky for you guys to even join the fight. You won't gain anything from us and maybe Order of Light would offer you lots of gold. As you said earlier, the reason why Order of Light is trying to start a war is that they've lost something that isn't rightfully their's, right? It's not about them trying to investigate inside our guild, Jay doesn't want them to enter because as you all know, we are not also allowed to enter their guild. We even tried to help them with the Frozen King but yeah, we were too late. So, my point is. Is it really necessary to start a war?” I asked. I hope I get their attention at least.
”I know that the Order of Light Guild leader's decision is a bit unreasonable. I am just trying to think that they just want to find the Soulstone back but securing it by themselves once again is not a good idea. They've lost it once so I don't think that they are the right guild for the job. I would rather be happy if that soul stone would be destroyed and be gone forever too. But we all know that they have the power to do what they want. I know that your guild grew so fast and is now bigger than ours but Order of Light is really out of your league. They have the money, they have the power. This is suicide.” He's right but we can't give up now, can we?
”I already know that. Everyone knows that. But this isn't the time to lose hope. Jay decided to stand up against them. I don't like the idea but we won't get this far without him. We need your help. And if someday, you will need our help. We will be there for you.” I only have one shot at this. I need to do my best.
”I don't know. We're not in a good spot to help you. With one bad decision, we might start all over again. We really want to help you but like I said, my Guild is at a great disadvantage here.” I'm losing him... This is not looking good. Oh, wait... if he's worried about his spot then...
”How about this, what if I can get Drowned Trident's approval to join us? If that happens, they can guard your back, not to mention I heard that they hate Storm Seekers for some reason. I might be able to get their approval.” I proposed.
”I can trust their guild and we will join you guys if you can succeed but good luck with that. If you remember, Scythus defeated Shella at the tournament and she really takes grudges seriously. Life Guild is your ally, right?” Uhmmm... so many problems...
”I'll figure something out in the way. For now, I guess I'll be leaving your guild and get Miss Shella's approval. I trust your words, Mr. Drake.” I stood up and got ready to leave.
”I suggest you stay here for the night. It's getting dark outside and it's really not a good time to travel alone. The night is the best time for assassins to ambush you.” He suggested.
”I'll keep that in mind but I have to keep moving. I don't have much time to sit around for now but thank you. I will I will see you later on.” I said my goodbye.
”I hope it's not too late.” He said and I just smiled at him and walked away.
-North East Forest of Dragon City-
Yup, I should have listened to him! What is happening? Well, a band of assassins is currently chasing me! They started showing up after I entered the forest Northeast of Dragoons City.
*SWOOOOOOSH! SWOOOOOSH!* Countless daggers are flying towards my direction hitting everything nearby.