210 Dragoon City (1/2)
”What do you mean falling apart, Son?” Jay asked. It looks like the news is not really in our favor.
”I've heard that if there will be a war, Zia, the one who defeated the Frozen King, and Leion, one of their officers, will join their siblings instead of joining their guild. Both of them are quite the fighters and it would be a huge impact on their force.” Rafrov explained.
”Why are you guys trying to make a big deal about their guild. They might have strong members but their numbers is a joke. We have better equipment and we also have Dragon Cannons. We can do this.” Briam seems to be not fond of asking help from others.
”Do you think that we can defend forever? With our army force, the only thing we can do is defend because we don't have enough people to attack. If this is a real war, we might win if we managed to defend successfully but no, this is a game and they can still respawn after four hours. There's no way we can surpass the Order of Light's wall in just less than four hours. We can't defend and attack at the same time without leaving our guild defenseless.” Jay explained. He's right.
”Hearth Fire's army is composed of mostly tough warriors and defenders. Order of Light has lots of support that can sustain those who charge inside our guild. With our Dragon Cannons, we can deal more damage than how much they can heal. Our supports and spellcasters, on the other hand, can't be compared to other guilds. That's why we need Scy and his friends to help us with what we are lacking. Also, Serpentes' raiding strategy is quite a nuisance too.” Rafrov explained our situation.
”I and my defenders will protect the walls as long as we can. We can make an impenetrable wall against physical attackers but we need help when it comes to defending from spellcasters. But Jay, are you sure you want to do this? If we lose, we might lose not only our guild but mostly everything.” I asked him seriously.
”Don't worry. We won't lose. Just believe me. Also, if we can figure out who is responsible for the Soul stone, then we might stop or avoid the fight.” Jay still believes that. I hope so too.
”So how about your research, Son? Any new inventions we might use to pulverize them? Haha!” Then he laughed wholeheartedly.
”Of course. It's our time to shine! Haha!” Rafrov? You too? I'm starting to think that I chose the wrong side.
So yeah, days have passed and we prepared everything we needed. Order of Light Guild hasn't made a move yet according to our spies but I'm positive that this is what they call the calm before the storm.
So far, we haven't heard anything from Life Guild but there's a news that few of their members left the guild due to Leion and Zia leaving. Yup, they really left the guild as we thought.
We also harvested all of our nearby settlement's farm so most of our villagers can be safe inside our guild. We are starting to feel the pressure. We also found some spies trying to sneak up inside our guild but our trackers are well trained for that kind of situations.
Then I heard light footsteps nearby getting closer to my room.
*Knock Knock*
”Miss Ba... Chara. Captain Jay is looking for you. He said it's really important. Also, he said that you should bring your travel things.” One of the guards reported.
”Ok. Let me just prepare.” I replied and then he moved away.
Are we going somewhere? Is it a really good time...
So I did and headed to meet him at the guild hall.
-Other Side Guild Hall-
”Hey, Chara. It looks like you are ready.” Jay welcomed me but he doesn't look like he's going somewhere.
”I have an important mission for you. You're the only one who can do it.” I don't like where this is going.
”I have to disagree with you. You haven't told it yet so I can't tell if I'm the right person to do the job.”
”I know you know that I always tell you guys that we can win this, right? But, we all know it's not going to be good for us. Storm Seekers finally joined the war and decided to help Order of Light against us. Why? I don't know.” This is the first time I saw Jay getting so worked up. Being a leader means you control over the lives of your people, not like we'd die or something.
”I know what you want to say next but do you think we can get past the way without meeting any problems? The roads, the villages, and even the forest are guarded that we can't get past. That is why we can't get any word from Scy and his guild.” trying to make a sense out of him.