74 Salvation (1/1)

”What law ? This is just insane! Why can't I talk to him ? I have to know what he is upto I have to discuss with him . I understand what he did was wrong but I can see he has realised his mistake , he is very guilty . He feels responsible ”

”Even so what proof do you have My lady ! Strict orders coming from His Majesty I'm afraid I can't help you. ”

”Neil . Please . Don't you believe me ? I just want to talk to him that's all . Just give me one chance . ” Neil sighed looking at her pleading face .

”Fine . Please make it quick . No more than 5 mins . You very well know excuses don't work with him No matter what ”

”Yes . I'm aware . I promise I won't take much time ” Neil nodded and gestured the guard to allow her in . She took a lamp with her and walked through the tunnel like path . There in the creepy darkness behind bars Erwin sat with his head down . Stroking the rough ground with his shaky fingers . She couldn't understand what he was doing nor she could find a meaning . He looked pale , perhaps he wasn't eating well or probably the food provided didn't meet his nutrition demands . His beard had grown and the flashy red hair just like Alisha's .

”Er... Erwin ... ” She first hesitated and then called his name . He didn't make a significant move . It was as though her presence didn't concern him .

”I... I don't have much time . I just want to talk to you . Listen Erwin ... I know what you did was wrong and you do realise it well. You do feel guilty too since you helped me out when I was sick . There are a lot of things I don't know about you but still I have a feeling that you have changed . I want to help you Erwin . ”

”Why are you here ..? Why did you barge into the meeting to intervene with the judgement ? Why are you so bothered ? I just want to die . Why are you so determined ? You don't know a thing about me so why don't you just stay silent and keep your nose out of this ” He raised his head a little and faced her

”I don't know . I feel like I share a bond with you . I think I understand how you feel and how you felt . I want you to find salvation . Your parents risked their life to lengthen your life . They wanted you to remain happy and safe . In tranquillity and peace but what happened was a catastrophe. Still there is hope , there is still a way for you to live a normal life in your own land . You founded Edolas didn't you ? I'm sure you share a lot of memories with it don't you ? Why are you just forcing yourself to be ignorant of everything Erwin ?”