73 What law ? (1/1)
A smile . No . It wasn't a smile . It wasn't satisfaction either . Erwin had lost all hope ,there was no shine in his eyes. With Saraha his purpose of living was long dead . He probably wanted to be judged for his sins and leave the cruel world as soon as possible but things didn't go as he wanted . His case had to be delayed due to a very important person's arrival . He wasn't happy to live for a few more days nor was he sad to not embrace death sooner . It was a void . A void in his living heart . Emptiness and despair .Every part of his body shouted solitude , atleast that was evident .
Alisha could not understand what went through his brain. The guards escorted him to his cell. She watched silently the sudden change in events. With how the things stood she eventually wanted to have a talk with Erwin so she went to his cell .
”My lady ! Apologies but we can't allow you inside the dungeon . ”
”What ? ! Why ? I mean I just want to talk to him how can you do this ?”
”I'm sorry. The orders are from His Majesty . We can never dream of denying it . ” The guard shaked his head as he stood erect before the gate which opened to prisoners locked up for grave crimes . Not everyone were allowed to see them except for people personally assigned by Zen .
”Hey Listen ! You know who I am right ? You don't have to worry Zen wouldn't mind at all !”
”His Majesty strictly warned us not to allow you Madame . His Grace said you will have to talk to to him and unless you get a letter of acknowledgement we cannot allow you inside no matter what . ”
”Wait ... This is really bad ! How can he do this .. Uhhhh nevermind I'm going in by any means possible ” Alisha pushed him aside but he held her tightly .
”Madame please we don't want to use force on you . Please understand ... ”
”What's going on ? ” Neil questioned walking down the stairs to the underground prison .
”Neil ! ... Good thing you came . This guard won't allow me to see Erwin . I have to talk to him it's very important !”
”My lady what are you doing ? The members of the royal family aren't supposed to do things like these . You can't interact with a criminal it's against the law ”