29 Garden (1/2)

Travel from Planet Garden was restricted while the upgrade project was taking place. Raditz was extremely busy implementing his plans. Much to the surprise of the older Saiyans their Emperor constructed three academies.

One of the schools was devoted to general studies, such as proper food preparation and farming techniques. This was done to give the Saiyans without high interests or combat capabilities to find an alternative craft. Raditz hoped the population would increase once there was better resources, Big Gete's data reinforced that hope.

The Academy of Science was as the name implied was created to nurture the population interested in more technical knowledge. Most of the more scientifically minded Saiyans worked in the nurseries attending the child rearing capsules. Their knowledge base was out of date and desperately in need of updating, just one of the downsides of being dead. Although he didn't know for sure Raditz guessed their wouldn't be too many Saiyan scientists.

Any Saiyan wanting to leave the planet to fight would need to attend the Combat Academy. There they would learn the laws of the Prometheus Empire and how to behave as a part of its military. During the course of their training they would learn from experienced warriors. Joining the school would also allow Saiyans the opportunity to climb Kami's tower.

When Raditz managed to gain some free time he chose to spend it with Bulma. She mentioned that they had been so busy lately that they had no time for their dates. In the past, they would take a shuttle out and just try to stumble across a planet. It wasn't very likely that they would ever find one that way. The only time it happened was when they discovered the Gren'dir people on their first date.

After a week alone together the couple traveled back to Garden. As they suspected they didn't find a new planet, but it was an enjoyable time, nonetheless.

After dropping Raditz back off, Bulma left Garden to visit her father on Earth and to see her son. Gohan invited Reiss to come to Earth for a visit which extended into a three week visit. Bulma was happy her son got along with his cousin because he doesn't have any friends other than crew members. She just wished he was a little more interested in science.

Raditz and Kakarot found a secluded area to train. Kakarot was overly eager to spar because he want to test his strength against his brother's. He really wanted to have an all out fight like when they were younger during the World Tournament. Being a battle manic himself Bardock wanted observe his sons in action. No matter how hard he tried he was unable to to follow the movements of his children their strength could only be envied.

”I think we've sparred enough.” Raditz said.

There was destroyed landscape around the out of breath Saiyans.

”Sure you gave me a lot to think about.” Kakarot responded. He felt he was closing the gap with his brother.

”You're going to have to teach me the Instant Transmission.” Raditz did want to learn the very useful skill.

”You would be better off learning it from the Yardratians. Gohan as told me my explanations are terrible.” Kakarot didn't try to pretend to be a teacher. He was brilliant when it came to learning techniques, but it was do more to instinct.

”By the way your aura when you were using Kaio-ken was very chaotic.” Raditz was commenting on his brother use of Kaio-ken during their spar.

”After I became a Super Saiyan I knew my power was still weaker than yours. I tried to use the Kaio-ken to give me a boost, but it almost killed me. After talking to King Kai he explained the emotional somethings of a Super Saiyan counter somethings... basically it wouldn't work. But, that's what he said about use high than Kaio-ken times two, hehe.” Kakarot bragged, ”I just had to try and adjust how I use it to fit better with Super Saiyan.”

”I see.” Raditz nodded. ”So like a devil king fist?”

”Devil king sounds like a good name! I wanted to master it so i could power up my Super Saiyan form since you have Ape power.” Kakarot added, ”So far it is crippling to use more than times two as a Super Saiyan.”

After the Saiyans returned to the city, now known as Harvest City, Raditz returned to the palace. Kakarot had promised his mother he would teleport Bardock and herself to Earth to meet her grandchildren. Bardock almost passed on the opportunity because he was more interested in the gravity gyms Raditz was constructing in the Combat Academy. Gine convinced him to change his mind when she asked Kakarot if their was training opportunities on Earth.

Raditz's time was so occupied, nine months flew by in the blink of any eye. Most of the staff training was completed with any lacking positions being filled by off planet personnel. Control of the planet was much easier than Raditz thought, because the Saiyans really respected strength. When his power was proven against Cold and Cooler most of the population was willing to go along with his commands. The more skeptical Saiyans changed their minds after seeing the benefits that their new ruler brought.

The children growing up now would have a better chance at survival learning on planet instead of being sent out to dangerous planets. The citizens happiness increased to new levels once food imports from Earth arrived. Many new eating establishments were opened to sell the never before tasted delicacies.

The science staff was blown away by the Big Gete enhancements to the child rearing capsule fluid formula. The nutrients provided would give double to triple the boost the original formula would give the children. Raditz talked about implementing the capsules on Earth, but most of the humans polled seemed less inclined to keep their infants suspended in fluid for the first two to three years of their lives. He assumed they would get over it once they saw how much healthier their children would be.

Bardock's former squadmates standing in one of the Menagerie's training rooms covered in sweat. Their emperor, Raditz, was standing before them with his cross crossed in front of his chest. He looked down at the Saiyans as they struggled in the gravity of the gym.

”This is just double Planet Garden's normal gravity.” Raditz sounded disappointed.

”Don't worry we'll adjust.” Celipa boasted, ”I'm ready to spar!”

The gravity was clearly uncomfortable, but Raditz appreciated her bravado.

”I'm with Celipa!” Toma mirrored the female Saiyan's sentiments.

”Mhm!” the plump bowl cut Panbukin nodded in agreement.


Raditz's punches were hit the fighters so quick it was as though they were all hit at the same time. All three Saiyans flew back impacting the wall of the gym. It was just one punch each, but all of them were left barely conscious. Raditz waited to see what the response from the Saiyans would be. They were shocked by the strength exerted against them.