20 Opening Salvo (2/2)


Jeice looked down at his ankles. He felt the bones in his legs breaking. Piccolo had extended his arms and caught his fleeing foe. The Ginyu Force member was slammed into the dirt as Piccolo retracted his arms.

Jeice struggled to stand as he coughed out a mouthful of blood. His legs were definitely broken earlier, during his escape attempt. He thought, ”if the rest of his squad were here, that this would not be happening.”

It turned out that splitting up was a tactical error on their part.

They had become overconfident in their strength.


Piccolo directed his attack to his opponent who was in the process of trying to crawl out of the crater he'd been slammed into. The white haired Ginyu Force member turned around after hearing Piccolo shout the name of the attack. Jeice could only gasp in horror as the corkscrewed beam raced towards him.

Before he could truly process what was happening, the beam pierced his chest, detonating. The Namekian was pleased with the amount of losses the Frieza Force had already suffered. He had to admit, the Prometheus soldiers were effective at their jobs.

Frieza was racing along the planet in his hover chair. The green surface of the water was being disturbed by the speed of the vehicle. His Generals, Zarbon and Dodoria, were flanking behind him as they traveled. The group saw the blasts of energy in the distance from the fight between Piccolo and Jeice.

Even though they saw the lights from the energy, their Scouters still didn't register anything was happening. That being the case, Frieza decided to investigate matters... personally.

Besides, the Ginyu Force had already take too long, in his estimation, to have not accomplished their mission.

Piccolo could sense the massive aura of Frieza rapidly approaching his location. He wasn't sure how his location was discovered, but it was not unexpected. One of Raditz's soldiers flew over to where he was hovering.

”Mr. Piccolo we have detected a power level of 530,000. It is on the way. As per orders we need to evacuate this village and rendezvous in village 03.” the soldier said hastily.

Piccolo nodded in understanding.

There were many Frieza Force soldiers littering the ground of the village Kakarot was guarding. He was bored fight the normal troops. When the short green alien from the Ginyu Force showed up, he thought things were going to get exciting, but after getting a sense of his strength; Kakarot knew the alien wasn't very strong at all.

”Prepare to feel the wrath of the mighty Guldo!” the alien boasted.

Kakarot sighed from his own bad luck. He was hoping Frieza was going to turn up. That way he would have an excuse to try his luck against the person who even his brother was worried about. He thought that if he finished this person quickly, then a stronger person would turn up.

Kakarot vanished from the spot he was standing. Guldo instinctively held his breath as his foe disappeared from sight. Time froze from the activation of Guldo's power. When the alien held his breath, time would freeze for everyone but him.

Guldo almost released his breath from noticing his opponent frozen right beside him. Kakarot was sporting a bored expression with a punch aimed right at the eye on the right side of Guldo's head. The short four eyed alien suppressed his panic and moved as far away as he could. His enemy was much faster than he had anticipated.

Kakarot was shocked to see when he completed his strike his opponent was no longer there. The Earth raised Saiyan was quickly able to relocate the alien's Ki. He flashed around behind one of the village houses to find the alien crouched behind a fence.

Once again, Guldo held his breath just in time to avoid a swift death. Kakarot was standing to his side with an extended hand. He had an orb Ki charged and ready to release into the alien. If Guldo could create enough distance between them he would be comfortable enough to use his telekinetic attacks. The weakest member of the Ginyu Force was forced to flee some distance from the Saiyan. He needed to get out of the possible blast range of the Ki attack Kakarot was about to fire off.


Guldo released his breath and immediately inhaled deeply. Kakarot, this time, was frozen directly in the alien's face about to deliver a kick which would decapitate the lone Ginyu Force member. Guldo didn't know how long he could keep up the cat and mouse game. His opponent looked like he was having fun now. The bored expression Kakarot had earlier was gone. He now had a interested grin like a child that had discovered a new game.

To make matters worse, the Saiyan was getting closer to hitting him each time he froze time. Guldo needed to regroup with the rest of the Ginyu Force. Escape from the Saiyan was his only goal for the time being. Once the others were there to back him up, he would be able to take his time in getting revenge. Kakarot began to vanish and reappear rapidly in different locations.


Guldo used the opportunity to freeze time to make his way out of the village. When he turned to run he bumped into the frozen Kakarot's leg. The alien was knock to the ground and almost had the wind knocked out of him. Once again Kakarot had a Ki blast charged and aimed directly at him.

Guldo quickly picked himself up and ran to edge of the village. He was running out of air as he ran.

The alien knew he was in no shape to make a full escape on one breath of air. He was going to have to take another breath.

When he released the breath he was holding Kakarot's Ki blast fired off. This time instead of exploding against the ground it rotated avoiding the impact. The orb of energy raced towards Guldo, it was locked on to him. All of Guldo's eyes widened in horror as the blast drew closer. He was too stunned to do anything to avoid his fate.


The last member of the Ginyu Force was dead.