13 Decisions (1/2)
”Big talk coming from such a weak brat!” Nappa laughed after checking his scouter.
”The brat is funny, I'll give him that.” Turles scoffed, ”Thinking Raditz is strong enough to be anything other than a grunt.”
Reiss was becoming visibly angered by the Saiyans' taunts. Raditz on the other hand appeared more amused than anything. He was eager to see what the three Saiyans were capable of in a fight.
Over the years he had focused on developing his new techniques before he completely forgot all about the other stories he'd read in his past life. The more time past the more distant the memories became.
”Have you decided who is going to fight those guys?” Raditz asked his brother.
”Not yet.” Kakarot answered looking towards the Saiyan prince.
”I'm fighting one. I want to avenge Yamcha.” Krillin declared.
”Me too.” Tien echoed the former monk's sentiment.
Normally, Raditz would not have cared if he personally fought or not, but Bulma and her father should be at the King's castle. They were trying to press him into allying Earth with Raditz's empire. She was going to use information gathered on pirate groups over the years to stress how vulnerable Earth really was. The self-styled emperor had to take a gamble and hope the invaders would be strong enough to pressure the Earth warriors.
”We will sit this out for now, Reiss.” Raditz decided.
”Finally.” the bald Saiyan, Nappa, was ready to fight.
Tien, the three-eyed Earthling, approached Nappa.
Krillin and Kakarot headed towards Turles and Vegeta respectively. Kakarot was eager to face off against another superior opponent. He had become bored attending the martial arts tournaments.
Until the two aliens showed up last year, he had started to believe his strength had reached its peak.
Thankfully, he now knew different.
The three pairs of warriors vanished as their combat began. Once again, the chopper crew were unable to follow the action. Piccolo was gritting his teeth in shock of Kakarot's growth. He had once called the Saiyan a rival; now Kakarot's strength seemed to have, truly, surpassed his own.
”They're way stronger than pirates, father!” Reiss said with sparkles in his eyes.
”I can't tell what's happening Mr. Piccolo.” Gohan stated to his master.
”Don't use your eyes. Use your senses and feel their Ki.” Piccolo answered with an irritated look. Gohan nodded and followed his master's instruction.
When he focused, at first, he could only manage to see after images and blurred forms. Eventually, he could make out what was happening on the battlefield.
”Why is uncle Kakarot's aura red all of a sudden?” Reiss asked. ”He's stronger now, too.”
”Kakarot is using a technique to multiply his strength.” Raditz casually answered.
The Saiyan prince was shocked Kakarot was keeping up with him. If he had never met Turles, he would have never believed a low-level Saiyan would ever keep pace with him. Yet, here Kakarot was doing just that. Vegeta wondered if his foe would make him go all-out.
The top of a plateau turned to rubble from Krillin being smashed into it by a kick from Nappa. It appeared that the hit was hard enough to prevent the former monk from returning to the battle. He had done well; the bald Saiyan's armor was destroyed by Krillin's attacks.
Piccolo rushed forward, engaging the bald Saiyan before he could catch his breath. Nappa was angered by his inability to land a direct hit on the Namekian. He was loathed to admit it, but the human did tire him a bit.
More rubble erupted from the plateau as Krillin powered up. The human had regained consciousness. When he was finished gathering his Ki, he wasted no time in flying back to continue his fight. It was now Nappa's turn to be pressed. He was sure he was stronger than his opponents, but fighting the both at once was a chore.
Turles enjoyed toying with the three-eyed Earthling. No matter how many times he smashed him into the ground Tien always climbed back to his feet. The Earthling's skill made upa little for the strength gap between the two.
”Are you not going?” Reiss asked his cousin. Gohan blinked a few times before noticing Tien's struggle. The bushy pony-tailed young boy gathered his courage and flew towards battle. It would be his first fight that wasn't part of training.
Now that it was two on one, Turles started to feel some pressure. He didn't care how many insects they threw at him. He was confident his plan was going to pay off. He secretly had a set of twins working for him. They completed a sensitive job for him and should be close to reaching Earth.
When that happened, everything would change and he could proceed to take vengeance on Frieza.
”Kaio-ken! Times Three!” Kakarot shouted.
His bright red aura surged higher than before. He moved faster than the Saiyan prince's eyes could follow. He noticed that his allies were not faring any better.
Before he knew it, Kakarot had delivered a devastating uppercut to his gut. Vegeta doubled over, wracked by the pain coursing through his body. His angered had reached an all time high from this insult. He, Prince Vegeta, was the strongest Saiyan alive.
Nappa, enraged by his opponents bashing him back and forth like ball, decided to destroy the area. They had not done any major damage to him, but they tricked him into this position. The bald Saiyan's brute force tactics could not overcome the skill of the two well trained warriors.
When he was sent to the ground, he drove his hands into the hard soil. His fingers formed trenches as he slid to a halt. He smirked as he stood to his full height glaring at the two Earthlings, who regrouped while he was stopping.
”You insects have really pissed me off, with all your buzzing!” he bellowed, ”You asked for this!”
”Nappa! Don't!” Vegeta tried to get Nappa to abandon what he was thinking. The short Saiyan did not want to have to dodge a giant explosion while fighting Kakarot. This distraction allowed his foe to hammer blow him out of the sky and into the dirt.
”You, idiot!” Turles shouted at Vegeta. Normally, the Prince being killed would be a good thing, but in this situation he did not want to fight the Earthlings alone. If they could hold out a bit more, help would soon be here.
Gohan unleashed a rapid flurry of attacks towards his dad's doppelganger. On the ground below them, Tien had his hands held out in front of him making a triangular shape. Between his hands he could see Turles locked in combat with his friend's son. He couldn't help but to admire the boy's power. He was nowhere close to that level of strength at his age.