Chapter 294 - Rooted to You (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 59850K 2022-07-25

CHAPTER 79: Rooted to you

”Sooo, pancakes then?” Jos giggled as Arei wrapped his arms tighter around her and placed a teasing kiss to the back of her neck.

They'd shared a bath as soon as they had gotten inside the house, then slept most of the day. Once fully rested, they had made tender, passionate love. Afterward, Arei had proclaimed himself starved. ”Which of my wonderful specialties would you like this morning... afternoon...?” He'd asked sweetly.

Jos laughed.. ”There are only so many ways you can cook eggs and bacon... why don't you let me cook for you?” It hadn't taken any convincing for him to relinquish the kitchen to her.

”How can I help you? I can either prep some of the food... or...” His hand slipped under the long, thin tee shirt she wore and teased the lace of her pȧntɨės. ”I could ȧssist you in other ways.”

Jos turned in his arms, sliding her hands over the apron he wore. ”One of these days you're going to have to give me the full story behind you and Ry and these ridiculous aprons. There has to be more to it than ongoing practical jokes, you both use them way too often.” She traced the hard muscles of his bȧrė ċhėst as she ran her fingertips along the edge of the ruffled apron. ”Don't get me wrong, it's insanely hot... I'm just saying there has to be more behind it.”

A wide smile curved Arei's lips as he took one of her hands and guided it below the apron. His smile widened to expose white teeth when her eyes bugged as her hand found its destination. ”Who says there has to be anything 'behind' the apron?”

”Not what I meant... but... ammm.” A mȯȧn escaped her parted lips as she felt him grow harder in her hand making her want to stroke its length even more. He was nȧkėd under the apron!

”But what, kitten?” He whispered huskily as he slid his hand between her thɨġhs. ”I've wanted nothing more than this for a very long time... to share a home, my life... with you...” He bent and placed teasing kisses on her lips.

”I think we came at a bad time...” Raven said backing toward the front door she'd just stepped through.

Isha slapped her arm. ”I told you we should have called first!”

”I mean you could have knocked... that would have worked too...” Jos mumbled as she turned and pressed her back against Arei's ċhėst. She could feel the heat in her cheeks increase at the feel of his erection pressed into her back.

Raven shrugged in an over-exaggerated jester as she walked through the door. ”Well, too late now...” She pulled out one of the bar stools and flopped down. ”Did you get the message? Apparently, Russ brought all the wolf girls that were released from the hospital into the palace. He's asking for help teaching some of them to human.” Raven said with a laugh.

Isha pulled out a barstool beside Raven. ”I thought you'd want to help... but that it would be hard for you to do so, then Raven reminded me that you could shift forms... sooo... here we are...”

Jos sent Arei an apologetic glance over her shoulder. ”Sorry.” She mouthed.

With a heavy huff of breath, he bent and gave her a light kiss on the temple. ”It's fine. I'll be back down to help with the pancakes in a minute.” He sent Raven a mischievous glare. ”Though I'm not sure why I'm bothering to get dressed, after all, you've already seen most of what I have.”

”But I haven't... and I'd like to keep it that way...” Rin said as he stepped through the open door. The baby was cradled in one arm and Shelly gripped the other. ”Sorry, we didn't call first...” He said glancing away awkwardly. ”Are you sure?” He whispered to Shelly.

”Yes, of course!” Shelly giggled as she ran over to give Raven and Isha a hug. ”Thanks, for the gifts guys! It was all sooo cute!”

Isha smiled back warmly. ”I'm glad you liked it. The blanket was made with the finest fae silk there is!”

”Oh, I loved it and so does Cam!” Her attention moved to Jos and Arei. ”I'm also sorry we didn't call first, but I figured since we'd be living here...” She sent Jos an excited smile and before she could say anything else Jos was already making her way around the bar.

”Really?!” Jos asked in nervous excitement. Her gaze moved to Rin for confirmation as she pulled Shelly into a tight hug.

Rin shot a glance to Arei. ”I mean... if the invitation is still on the table... If we wouldn't be a bother...”

Arei chuckled. ”No, no bother.” He sent Jos an amused smile. ”We've waited over 500 years, what's a bit longer.” He sent her a wink as he turned his gaze to Rin. ”Though, I do suggest turning around if you don't want to see my better side.”

Rin's dark skin brightened as he quickly turned back toward the door. ”Sorry!”

Isha quickly shifted in her seat as she tugged your phone out of her pocket and began tapping the lock screen in a hurry. ”Look away all you guys want; I'm filming that majestic ȧss as he leaves!”

Rin nearly choked as his shocked eyes shifted to the fae queen the darted to Jos. When she and Shelly both only shrugged with their arms still around each other in a loose hug, he sent Arei a 'for real' stare.

Arei shrugged. ”Peg's still finding shit they snuck and posted online when we were staying Maine. I stopped fighting it some time ago... I suggest you just roll with it as well.”

Rin's eyes widened more. ”They what?! You guys posted his pics?!”

Isha shrugged innocently. ”Hot guy pictures get a lot of hits and endorsements. It's easy money...”

Shelly's smile faded. ”Really? How much money? Like enough to help ten wolf girls get on their feet?”

”Not quite that much but it would be a good start... what do you have in mind?” Isha asked with intrigue.

Shelly's eyes moved back and forth between Rin and Arei. ”What if we did a photoshoot? You know sale the pictures, make merch... that kind of thing.”

Isha rubbed her chin. ”It could be profitable for sure, and I bet Chary would be more than glad to hop on board.”

Shelly clapped her hands in excitement ”I'll let Russ know as soon as he's done with his address.”

”Address?” Jos asked.

Shelly nodded. ”Yeah, he called earlier. He's addressing his people today for the first time as 'the alpha'. I guess some of the council will be there as well. He asked us to be there... didn't he call you?”

Jos frowned. ”I don't think so... but my phone has been upstairs most of the day.”

”I'll bring it down with me.” Arei said as he turned to leave the room.

”Oh, yeah! That ȧss will definitely sell!” Isha said as she lifted her phone and began snapping pictures.
