Chapter 293 - Wolf-sitting (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 44870K 2022-07-25

A loud shriek of terror echoed through the quiet halls of the second floor of the palace. Russ shot up out of bed nearly falling onto the floor as he did. ”What in the?!” His eyes searched frantically around the room as, yet another agonized cry sounded.

The bathroom door opened, and Ry hurried out of it, a toothbrush still hanging from his mouth. ”The girls...” He muttered around the brush as he hurried to the door.

Realization dawned causing Russ to leap from the bed and rush after Ry. Their eyes both landed on an open door down the hall. Looking from one to the other they quickly ran toward it. ”Is everyone alright in here?” Ry asked as he pushed the door the rest of the way open..

Jaden glanced over her shoulder toward the door from where she sat on the floor. Her arms were wrapped soothingly around the girl now hunkered in the corner. One brow lifted in curiosity as her eyes roamed over the two large men blocking the door. The smaller, the prince, only had a pair of loose boxers on; and the other much larger man had a towel wrapped around his waist... and it appeared nothing more... She noted the toothbrush in his dangling hand and the bed-ruffled hair of the prince. A sob brought her attention back to the girl. ”Sh... it's alright. It's only the prince and his... friend...” Her attention moved back the Ry and Russ. ”She had a night terror is all... If you truly mean to keep us here, you might as well get accustomed to them. Many of the girls have them...”

Russ nodded as he stepped into the room and moved over toward the girls. As he came closer the girl in the corner tried to back away farther. He held out his hands. ”It's alright. I only want to make sure you're alright.” He tried using the calmest, most soothing tone he could, but the girl's fear was still palpable.

Jaden made an obvious show of looking him over. ”It's your manner of dress, Sire... You must understand that all the girls were forced to perform-”

Russ lifted a hand to stop her. ”I know what you were all forced to do... you don't need to tell me... or relive any of the emotions that go along with talking about such hells.” He lowered into a squat and held his hand out to Jaden. ”Will you take my hand?”

She tilted her head and studied him for several long seconds before finally nodding and reluctantly taking his hand. Her attention moved from where her hand rested gently in his to back up to his face as he spoke.

”See? I mean you all no harm. I only want to help. Your alpha trusts me... I can't ask you to, but will you trust in her judgment and give me a chance to prove myself to you?” He held his other hand out toward the girl and watched patiently as her fearful eyes moved back and forth between him and Jaden.

Jaden let out a heavy sigh as she moved closer to Russ. She settled onto her knees in front of him and bent her head to one side exposing her neck. She stayed like that for several long seconds before finally lifting. ”See, he's not here to harm us. You are safe now.” When the girl moved closer to them, Jaden scooted to the side. She watched as the timid girl held her hand out to Russ, but he didn't budge. She moved her gaze up to him. Her brows raised as she took in the disorientation written on his face. His mouth hung agape as he stared blankly down at her. ”Um... Sire? Are you alright?” She asked still searching his strange expression.

The girl shot back against the wall as Ry bent down beside Russ. He placed his hand on Russ's shoulder and gave him a slight shake. ”Kid, you good?”

Russ shook the strange sensation away as he forced his attention back to the current situation. ”Yeah... I'm good.” He forced his eyes away from Jaden as his focus moved back to the girl in the corner. ”It's fine. You don't have to trust us yet. What do you say, we all get dressed and head down to the dining room for some breakfast?” He smiled down at the girl as she hesitantly nodded in agreement. He pushed up to his feet and held his hand down to Jaden. ”Do you need anything to get ready? I'm not sure what's available right now, but I can try finding anything you might need.”

She took his hand and allowed him to ȧssist her up from the floor, her attention moving back and forth between the two men. ”The girls will need suitable clothes eventually, but for now, what they have will be fine.” Her attention moved down to the hand he was still holding. ”Um...”

”Oh... um sorry...” Russ said as he quickly released her. ”Oh... and by the way. Just call me Russ.”

She tilted her head. ”You know, you will be king soon... you'll have to get used to being addressed as so...”

He shrugged. ”I'll simply decree that everyone call me Russ...”

She arched a brow. ”I don't think it works that way.”

He gave an awkward chuckle as he shot Ry a glance. ”Trust me, the name thing will be the least of anyone's concerns.”

Ry gave his back a playful smack. ”Facts!” When Russ continued staring awkwardly at Jaden, he gripped his shoulder and gave it a squeeze. ”Alright, now that the commotion is over, it's just weird for two nearly nȧkėd men to be in a couple of young ladies' bedroom. What do you say we get dressed as well?” He squeezed Russ's shoulder more forcefully.

”Ouhhhh, yeah. You're right. I'll see you guys downstairs, alright.” He waited for her to nod before turning and following Ry from the room.

Jaden watched as he left, and the door was closed. The other girl who had been watching from the bed slid off and stepped beside Jaden. ”What do you think that was all about?”

Jaden tilted her head still staring at the closed door. ”I'm not entirely sure... but I think the prince is... gay...”

The other girl blushed. ”I mean, he is very attractive... but... do you think they are a couple?”

Jaden nodded. ”The big one's father suggested as much, and they share a room... and come out of it looking like THAT...” She said lifting her hand to the now-closed door.