Chapter 292 - As Long as Youre Happy (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 49640K 2022-07-25

Rin hummed a soft tune as he paced back and forth in the unfamiliar room. His eyes moved around the moonlit wall. Pictures of the massive twins were in several of the frames around the room along with the strange redhead he couldn't help but like regardless of her monster status. Chary had offered to continue watching over Shelly and Cameron while he showered. Now, fresh from a much-needed scolding shower, Rin rocked his son gently in his arms as he made his way back to the crib. ”I suppose I'm being unfair keeping mommy away from her friend... after all, I'm not quite an innocent being anymore...” He let out a long sigh as he placed a kiss on one chubby cheek before setting him down into the cradle. ”Sleep well, my son.” He whispered. He turned his attention back to the bed where Shelly slept soundly.. His heart rate picked up the closer to the bed he got. {This will be the first night we've shared a bed since...} A heavy frown settled over his expression. {Will I still be able to touch her as freely as before? Or... will she be so traumatized from what happened that she rejects my touch... I... I'm afraid to find out...} His eyes shifted to the large window seat. {Maybe I should just sleep there for the night...} He stroked the stubble of his chin as he considered his options. A soft mȯȧn brought his attention back down to the bed.

”Rin?” Shelly whispered, sleep heavy in her voice. She rolled over slightly as she tugged the blankets down. ”Come to bed.” Her eyes sparkled up at him as a sleepy smile curved her lips.

Rin swallowed hard as he climbed into bed not bothering to take off the pajamas he'd put on earlier. His eyes moved over a beautiful red silk gown slightly exposed by the covers. He ached to touch her, to run his hands over the soft swell of her hɨps, but he restained himself rolling over onto his side facing away from her instead. His breath caught when he felt a shift in the bed and an arm slid around his waist. Firm, swollen brėȧsts pressed into his back causing his manhood to ache with need. He took her hand and gently brought it up to his lips and placed a kiss on her knuckles. ”I love you.” He felt a light kiss against his shoulder blade and wished he'd taken off the shirt.

”I love you, too.” She murmured softly.


”Hum?” She purred as she placed another kiss on his back.

”Do you really want to move back in with Jos and her boyfriend?” Rin asked. ”Isn't it weird since she dated Russ?”

Shelly giggled faintly. ”It was weirder when she was dating my brother... Arei's a good guy. She deserves him... deserves happiness...”

”Is that so?” He kissed her fingers before wrapping her hand in his. ”If it's what you really want...”

”Ahm... It is... and you...” She kissed his back again lightly before dozing back off.

Rin gave a light chuckle when her breathing evened out and a soft snore rumbled through her tiny ċhėst. He carefully rolled over and pulled her into his arms relishing in the feel of finally being able to hold her against him like this again. He'd restrained himself from doing more than light touches and tender kisses since he'd been back, but in truth, all he'd wanted was to scoop her up and hold her tight and never let go again. When her arm slid back around him and she nestled more snuggly against his ċhėst, he allowed himself to hope for something he hadn't had the courage to days ago... that they would be able to get back to that special place they were before he had died.


Rin let out a satisfied sigh as a small hand slid under his tee shirt and ran through the sprinkle of hair on his ċhėst. He let husky mȯȧn as he pulled the warm body beside him tighter. As the fog of sleep faded, Rin froze, going rigid under her soft body. His eyes opened wide locking on Shelly's brilliant blue ones. His hands fell away from her. ”I'm sorry... I didn't mean to do that.”

Shelly tilted her head to the side as she studied him. ”Didn't mean to do what?”

He could feel his cheeks heat. ”Um... pull you on top of me.” To his shock and pŀėȧsurė, Shelly giggled.

”Why would you apologize for that? You've done it a hundred times before.” She pushed his shirt up and placed a kiss to the center of his ċhėst. ”Besides, you're my husband, remember?” She gave him a teasing smile as she kissed his bȧrė ċhėst.

He ran his hands over her back cautiously. ”I do remember... I think of little else.” He searched her eyes for any sign of discomfort in his touch. ”I... had just feared... that after what you went through... you may not want my touch...”

”Oh... I see...” Understanding settled over Shelly as she tugged his shirt back down and crossed her arms over his ċhėst resting her head on them. ”Rin, your constant consideration has always been one of the reasons I love you so much, but you need not worry. This is about what happened that night... and after, right? I'm not going to lie, it was hard to deal with. I spent a lot of time keeping the people around me at a distance... but... I'll never reject you... your touch... if anything it has always been soothing... healing to me. I love you, Rin.” She watched as a warm smile curved his lips. Pressing up she meet his lips halfway as he moved to kiss her.

”I love you, too.” He whispered against her lips as he held her tightly, pressing his forehead to hers. He met her lips eagerly as she shifted to kiss him again. He could feel his body react to her touch as she slid her hand back under his shirt. He curled forward, tugging it off and tossing it to the floor. With the masculine growl of a love-starved man, Rin flipped her onto her back and came down overtop her. ”My touch is soothing? Healing you say?” He smiled widely down at her as her eyes twinkled up at him.

Shelly ran her hands over the hard bulge of his biceps. ”Um huh... Why do you think I let Chary talk me into this nightgown?” She slid her foot up his thɨġh then back down.

He let his eyes trail slowly down her body admiring the gown. ”I should thank her.”

Shelly ran her hands over his shoulders and around his neck before tugging him down close enough to kiss. ”Thank her later.” She breathed against his lips.

”Later?” He chuckled as he cupped one swollen brėȧst in his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

”Um... Much later...” She mȯȧnėd.

He tugged the thin material of the gown aside and gazed at her bȧrė brėȧst. ”They've doubled in size... I think I like the way childbearing has affected your body.” His eyes moved back to hers as he lowed his mouth to the swell of her brėȧst and placed a lingering kiss there.

The sensation of his mouth on her body sent delightful shivers throughout her body. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut and bit into her bottom lip as she arched against him. She could feel the moisture gather between her legs... and her nɨppŀės... Her eyes popped open in wide-eyed horror as she realized what that other sensation was. ”Shit!” She cursed, her cheeks blazing with embarrassment as her eyes moved from her leaking brėȧst to Rin. To her surprise, he was just staring at her brėȧst in fascination. ”Sorry...”

”For what?” He arched a brow as his gaze moved from her brėȧst to her then back again.