Chapter 284 - Mapping a Way to You (1/2)
”Oww I'll drive!” Chary said as she rushed over and looped her arm in Russ's.
Russ arched a brow. ”You don't even have pants on...”
She stuck out her bottom lip. ”But I haven't gotten to see the baby yet! Only pictures... and her hubby's back! I gotta meet him too!” She tugged Russ toward a door before stopping and looking around in confusion. ”Oh right... um, which why out?”
Poseidon popped back in, dusting his clothes off. ”Well, that's about as much work as I'm doing for the next millennia or so...”
Ry shook his head as he clamped his father on the back. ”Hate to break it to ya, dad... but we still have some work to do...”
Poseidon shifted his attention to Arei who also nodded. ”Well hell... Can't you guys deal with it on your own from here?”
Ry laughed. ”Probably but having you here would make it a shit ton easier. Can't you just bippity boppity boop the little shits into the room or something?”
Poseidon sent him an irritated glare. ”You know good and well my powers don't work like that. I have to know where something is to be able to materialize it.”
Russ rolled his eyes. ”Better yet, boop us over to the hospital. Rin has agreed to help and even if he couldn't track them, I'm guessing at this point we could use all the powerful creatures we can if we're going to find two vampires and go up against every crooked guard working here...”
Arei shrugged. ”I mean the guards aren't going to be an issue... I'm more worried about what condition we're going to find those vampires in... If your uncle killed them and used it as a setup, we could be looking at a whole other issue entirely.”
Russ let out a heavy sigh. ”Well, fuċk... I hadn't even thought about that...”
”You're welcome as always.” Arei sent him a wide grin.
”Alright, let's get going then.” Poseidon said as he placed a hand on Chary and Russ. In less than a second, they were in the hospital. Poseidon smiled wide as he stepped forward toward Shelly who was rocking a sleeping baby. ”And how are you tonight, my dear?” He said in a whisper as he pulled her into a hug.
She smiled sweetly up at him. ”Good, just got this little guy back to sleep.” A squeal from behind Poseidon caused her ears to perk up. She didn't have to ask as a wave of long red hair filled her vision.
Chary threw her arms around Shelly and the baby in a tight hug before releasing them and examining them both. ”Alright, firstly, damn girl you a hottie! And secondly... look at this little guy, he's so perfect!” She used the tip of one finger to brush the blankets away from his face for a better look. She frowned when one tiny ear came into view. ”Why doesn't he have your cute ears?” She pouted as she stroked the soft, downy hairs covering the baby's head.
Rin chuckled. ”Because Gin genes are more dominant.”
Chary's gaze followed the soft masculine voice, and her mouth dropped slightly. ”Oh my... You are a looker as well...” She turned back to Shelly and nudged her elbow playfully. ”You go, girl!”
Poseidon arched a brow at his daughter. ”If you're done? We need to be getting back.”
Chary frowned, ”Can't you boys do it yourselves? I want to stay here... besides someone needs to guard these two while you're all busy.”
Poseidon nodded, ”Far point, but don't be too much of a bother. It's late after all.”
Chary rolled her eyes. ”You still speak to me as if I'm not a bajillion years old!”
Poseidon narrowed his eyes. ”Sometimes I do wonder.” Shelly and Chary both laughed, bringing a smile to his lips as well. ”You girls take care then. We'll be back as soon as we can.” As the dingy walls of the basement came into focus, he held his hands up to his sons and Jos. ”Miss us?”
Rin looked around the dank room. ”Well, if this isn't a torture dungeon...”
Russ laughed awkwardly. ”Well, if it wasn't before... it was tonight...”
”I see...” Rin's eyes made their way around the familiar faces in the room. ”So... do you guys have anything that belonged to guys you're looking for?”
Russ thought hard. ”No... but I know the room they used... We might be able to find something there.”
Rin nodded. ”Good... if they haven't changed the sheets yet, I may be able to use those...”
”We're going to stay down here and look around.” Arei said as the rest of the group turned toward him.
Ry nodded. ”Yeah, me too... There might be some useful clues down here. Too many of us upstairs will rouse attention anyways.”
Poseidon nodded in agreement as they disappeared from the room. Arei's attention moved to Ry as soon as the others were gone. ”I think this is the first time since you were ȧssigned to the kid, you've let him out of your sight...”
Ry shrugged. ”Not the first time... It's no big deal...” He shuffled around the room. ”So what are you looking for? We've already searched most of this area.”
Arei nodded to Jos who knowingly stepped away and began thumbing through the wreckage of a cellar. ”What's bothering ya man?”
Ry shrugged again. ”It's nothing... Stop worrying about me and start looking. This place has been torn apart even more since the last time we were down here. Something must have happened.”
Rin frowned. ”There's nothing in here I can use... I'm sorry...”
Russ let out a sigh as he scrolled through his contacts list. ”Ah, here it is.” He hit the number saved as Shady ȧss Vamp kid. A muffled ring sounded in the room.
Rin's brows went up. ”Well, he definitely didn't take off and leave his phone behind...” Rin followed the ringing to the bed. He tilted his head. ”I think it's either in the sheets or... between the mattresses...”
Poseidon lifted the mattress and sure enough, a phone continued to ring. He grabbed the phone and a scrap of paper beneath it. ”Can you use this?” He asked handing the phone to Rin.
”Yeah, I believe so.” Rin said as he took the phone and began studying it. ”It's got a lock code so I can't access anything but since it's a personal belonging, I should still be able to use it.”
A smile curved Poseidon's lips. ”Those sly fools.” He held the letter up to the other two men. ”Drake suspected Fern was up to no good. He left the code for his phone as well as a message outlining how to find all the files we need to bring Fern down. Too bad it looks like we'll have to bring down half the council just to get some damn justice on this front...” He called out the number combo to Rin.