Chapter 283 - Interrogation to Die for (1/2)
Fern swallowed hard, fear settling in the pit of his stomach for the first time ever as he backed farther into his dark hiding place.
He hadn't thought much of it when he happened into the basement, in fact, he'd thought it had been his lucky break. He'd quietly hid, retrieving his phone from his pocket with the hopes of catching something he could use against the trio as they moved furniture around and talked unaware of his presence. He'd even laughed silently to himself at the obvious tension between his nephew and the giant of a man who was his constant companion.
”Don't get me wrong, I'm always willing to help... you know that... but I don't understand why you'd need me here.” Giorgos mumbled as he raked his hand over his hair.
”Don't worry about it and bring that chain over here.” Russ said sending Ry a glare as he slid a chair into the center of the room. He scratched his head as he arched a brow. ”What else did he say we needed?”
Ry was just about to answer when two other people popped into the room. His lips curved into a smile as Giorgos's mouth all but hit the ground in awe. With a chuckle, he clamped the man's back. ”Trust me, man, that's one fiery red-head you'll be glad you hadn't met til now.” His eyes moved to the man in his father's arms, recognizing him instantly. ”Well, there's a shocker... wouldn't have guessed it but also not surprised...” He shrugged. ”Will that work? It's all we could find.”
Poseidon flopped the man into the seat, holding him into place with one hand as he extended his other hand for the chain. ”In all honesty, I'm surprised your brother left him alive. I had my doubts for a second.”
”As was I.” Chary chuckled as she sauntered over to the still gape-mouthed wolf and pressed his mouth shut with the push of her finger under his chin. ”Russy, you didn't tell me you'd made such a delectable friend.”
Giorgos was just about to reply when Ry yanked her away from him. ”Yes, FRIEND, no eating him!”
Giorgos's mouth dropped open again. ”Wait! Eat?! What?!”
Ry shrugged. ”Yeah, sometimes it takes her a while to come down after a...” He sent Chary a questioning look.
She smiled widely up at her brother. ”Nice meal out.” She filled in with a wink.
This had not disarmed Fern. He'd continued digging in his pocket for his phone as they continued with their cryptic banter. Surely a few pictures and videos of this bunch torturing a member of the council could have many uses. It wasn't until the stranger they'd introduced as Don released his hold on Marcus and summonsed water out of thin air that the puzzle picture he'd thought he knew began to shift.
Marcus sputtered as the water brought him back to consciousness. He glared at Poseidon. ”God or not you won't get by with this!” He began sputtering again as Poseidon sent another gush of saltwater into the man's face.
Poseidon forged surprise as he pressed a hand to his bȧrė ċhėst. ”I won't get by with this?” He twirled his finger into the air indicating the surrounding setting before pointing to Marcus. ”You, my friend, is the one who'll not be getting by with your bullshit, but before I let my beautiful daughter here have her way with you... I'll need some answers.” He wiggled one finger in Ry's direction, and the giant man stepped forward.
Ry tugged his shirt up over his head and tossed it to the side, flexing his muscles for good measure as more color drained from the vampire's face. Ry sent Marcus a charming smile. ”I hope you don't take this personally; I still like you... for now...” He nodded toward Russ. ”Though I figure by the end of this night you'll have more enemies than just my brother.” He sent Russ a smile. ”What do you say, kid? Want to try out some of those interrogation tricks I taught you at the Embassy?”
Marcus snarled as he pulled against the chains. ”I knew that was the two of you!”
Ry turned a serious glare back to him. ”Pity you'll not live to tell it.” His fist came down hard against Marcus's cheek. ”Why don't we start with why you and your crew attacked Jos tonight?”
Russ's attention peeked. ”What?!”
Ry nodded as the vampire spat out a mouthful of blood onto the floor. ”Yeah, he brought a heavily manned, heavily weaponed ship to the shores of Ogygia tonight.”
Marcus glared up at Ry. ”That bitch deserves what we did! She deserves so much worse!”
Ry punched the man's face even harder this time. ”Not what I asked... Why did you attack her? You're not telling me you waited until now to carry out a 520-plus-years grievance all of a sudden. Why now?”
This time a tooth hit the ground with the spray of blood as the vampire glared at him. ”I didn't realize revenge had a timeline.”
Ry slammed his fist into the vampire's face again, this time breaking his nose with a nasty-sounding crunch. ”One more time, ȧsshole. Why did you attack her?”
Marcus gasped against the pain but glared at Ry. ”Why should I tell you anything? You've already said you plan to kill me regardless.”
Ry's lips turned up into a smile as he slammed his fist into the vampire's face again. The man was almost unrecognizable with all the blood and swelling. Poseidon flicked his wrist and produced a towel. Handing it to Ry he stepped forward. ”Here son, you've got vampire all over your...” His eyes moved over the spray of blood covering Ry's hand, arm, face, and ċhėst. He lifted his finger and flicked it in a circle indicating all the areas. ”There...” He turned his attention back to the vampire as he held his hand out to Chary. ”You will answer our questions because you and I both know there are many much worse fates than death.” He tilted his head. ”Ever wonder why there are no stories of individuals going up against my beautiful daughter and surviving? Because there isn't any... A face-off with Charybdis... well will cause any man to lose his head...” He crossed his eyes as he spun his head mockingly.
Chary laughed at the vampire's obvious fear. She let her head fall back with guttural laughter, shifting her mouth as she had on the boat as she raised her head back to meet his terrified gaze.
Fern covered his mouth, all thoughts of the cell phone in his pocket forgotten as he tried to work out his best way of escape without being detected. The puzzle pieces quickly fell into place and as the one last piece turned to answer his own phone before instantly vanishing and reappearing with the other massive twin and the silver-haired girl of his nightmares. The other hulking twin rested a massive hand against her back protectively, but it didn't stop his nephew from running to her and throwing his arms around her in a tight hug. Fern could see the love and concern reflected in the young wolf's eyes as he searched her for injuries.
”Are you alright?” Russ asked holding Jos out at arm's length.
Jos nodded, ”I'm good now...” Her eyes shifted to Marcus. ”Has he said anything?”