Chapter 238 - Breaking and Entering (1/2)
CHAPTER 23: Breaking and Entering
Ry hit Russ upside the head, the second the bar doors had closed behind them. ”What the f.u.c.k was that! The whole point is not to be recognized tonight!” Before Ry could say anything else, Poseidon came out the door, a wide, amused smile across his lips.
Poseidon smacked Russ's back. ”Never a dull moment with you, kid.” He watched as a black car pulled up in front of them. Pulling open the front door, he got inside sending Russ and Ry a teasing grin. ”You boys don't do anything naughty back there, you hear.”
Russ narrowed his eyes in irritation as he got into the back. ”Remind me why you came along again?” He murmured as he slid in.
Poseidon sent him a wide, toothy smile in the rearview mirror. ”I was bored, and you need my help.” He pulled the hat off his head and flung it back to Russ. ”Put this back on before you cause any more drama tonight.”
Ry glared at Russ as he got in the tiny car and closed the door. ”I don't even see why we bother. This kid can't keep his mouth shut if his life depended on it.”
The driver didn't say anything as he put the car into gear, sending them curious glances as the trio argued and bickered all the way to the logged-in destination. ”Alright, we're here. That will be ten Euros, or I can bill the card on the account.”
Ry handed the driver a hundred and said as he pushed open the door. ”Stay here, we'll be coming back in a few minutes.” He didn't wait on the driver's response as he forced his large frame out of the small back door. Russ and his father caught up quickly as he neared the side entrance to the building. He looked around for a few seconds before turning to his father. ”There are no security cameras as far as I can tell.” He stepped to the side and pointed toward the door. ”If you'll work your magic.”
Poseidon grinned as he placed his hand over the deadbolt. Within a matter of seconds, the door was opening with ease. ”No alarms are going off. So, obviously, they have no security of any kind.”
Ry shrugged as he followed Poseidon inside. ”Not surprising, if the town is really as broke as they seem.” He turned the flashlight on his cell phone on as they neared a directory board. He looked over it briefly before pointing. ”Here it is room 123.” He shot Russ an amused grin. ”Bet you're glad to hear you won't have to walk up any more stairs tonight... well until we are back in the palace at least.”
Russ snorted as he turned down the hallway leading to the office suites. ”Forgive me if I don't feel like exerting all my energy on f.u.c.k.i.n.g stairs and walking...” He read the numbers as he walked past each door. ”What number did you say?”
”123, does memory exert too much of your energy as well or just using your brain period?” Ry retorted as he followed behind him. ”That's the one. Move aside.”
Russ stepped aside as Poseidon moved forward and pressed his hand to the lock on the door causing the door to unlock instantly. He arched his brows as both men walked past him into the room. ”Well, if I ever have to turn to burglary to support this damn island, I know who I'll call for an accomplice... How's that magic touch of yours do on bank vaults?”
Poseidon chuckled as he pressed his hand to the locks running across the tops of the filing cabinets. ”These hands can open anything they touch.” He sent Russ a wink.
”Yeah, how you think he got some many f.u.c.k.i.n.g kids... Them t.h.i.g.hs just fall right open for him...” Ry mumbled as he began pulling drawers open and scanning through the file tabs.
Poseidon's wide smile curved over his bright white teeth. ”I've heard my talent for finding willing partners didn't fall far from the tree. What do you say to a friendly bet while we work?”
Ry shook his head as he pulled a few files from one of the drawers. ”By the looks of it we're going to be too busy scouting the entirety of the palace for any fun... hell, we'll be lucky if we don't end up lost...” He handed over the folder he had been going through. ”This shows several subterranean tunnel systems running under the palace, linking to various businesses here in town along with a few different caves leading to ocean access. If I had to guess, I'd say they were used in times of war and during some of the days of illegal trade embargo.”
”Rumrunner tunnels?” Poseidon said as he rubbed his now smooth chin. ”Interesting... Well, these would be perfect for human trafficking and whatever else dear 'king' Fern is into.” He continued flipping through doc.u.ments Ry handed him. ”Hum... This is odd. Are there any more files on blueprints of the palace?” He asked setting the stack of files down as he moved his attention over to the ones Ry was going through. ”What do you have?”
Ry scrunched his brows as he read over the doc.u.ments. ”This would be the finance records.” He flipped through the top three folders. ”Each folder is a year's worth of taxes and revenues... well it would be revenues if there were any not in the red... This entire kingdom is bleeding money.” He shook his head. ”You wouldn't think things are anywhere near this bad inside the palace itself. Fern doesn't skim too much off his lifestyle.” His attention lifted, moving over to his father. ”What is it you are looking for?”
Poseidon tapped a finger on the files he'd been going through. ”There are no obvious connections between the tunnel system and the palace. There are a few straight cut escape routes that any palace would have if under attack, but none linking these two.” He said as he spread the blueprint of the palace out beside the tunnel maps.”
Ry studied them for several seconds before searching through others in the stack. Just as Poseidon had said, there was no sign whatsoever of the two systems linking. He rubbed his chin. ”I suppose they could have been blocked off at some point.” He pointed to a date at the bottom of the blueprint. ”This is fairly recent. One of the past kings could have had them blocked off for fear it would open the palace up to attacks instead of helping them escape them.” He began gathering up the doc.u.ments. ”We won't know until we search Fern's personal records.” With the mountain of papers in his hand, Ry looked around. ”Damn, I should have brought a bag or something in with us... You couldn't pop in a briefcase, could ya?” He asked Poseidon just as Russ pushed up from the desk he'd been perched against.
Russ reached out and took the doc.u.ments as he pulled his phone from his pocket. ”Here, let the 'dumbass kid' show you how it's done.” He quickly scanned all the doc.u.ments onto his phone before neatly placing the forms back into their designated folders and handing them back to Ry. ”There, we have copies, and they have no solid proof we've tampered with them.”
Poseidon nodded his head with an impressed smile spread across his lips. ”Not bad kid.” He walked around the desk leaving the files for Ry to refile. Nodding down toward the phone, he added. ”Save space on that. We're only getting started.”
They emerged minutes later, relocking all the doors as they went. Ry froze at the edge of the building, noticing two men standing by the Uber car that was still waiting. They were bent down talking to the driver, but the driver didn't seem to be answering their questions to their liking. He held his hand out stopping Russ from walking past. ”Looks like palace guards.” He whispered.
They watched as the irritated guards finally lifted from the black car and cast a suspicious glance around the area before finally retreating to their own personal vehicle. Ry stepped out first, pushing Russ behind him. ”Stay behind me in case they are still close by. It would be easy enough for them to take you out and claim they didn't recognize you and thought you were nothing more than a thief or something. It would be an easy assassination without even raising an eyebrow.”
Russ swallowed hard as he nodded, giving a slight jerk when Poseidon clasped him on the shoulder. ”Don't worry kid, I protect my investments. You'll not be dying here tonight.”
”That's reassuring...” Russ bit out sarcastically.
Ry pulled the car door open and nodded in the direction the guards had driven off in. ”What was that all about?” He asked the driver who seem more interested in the video he was watching on his phone.